Thursday, July 20, 2006

Before getting there...

Hey everyone,
So I'm not there yet. I may be once you read this because I'm not sure when I'm sending the address out, however, that seems unimportant. I really am scared about leaving Weyburn. I know that all the teenagers talk about leaving Weyburn, getting out and never turning back, but I think I may have taken that a little too literally. Being scared doesn't stop me from being excited though. It's weird, how can I be so excited to walk through security at the airport but dread the ramp up to the plane. I'm a paradox, I know it but. But to everyone I know right now (and therefore are reading this blog) I love you guys. You've made my life great and I'll miss you guys so much you can't even imagine, not even I can imagine it right now. And remember, no matter how anti-social you guys become because of studying e-mailing takes 2 minutes tops so there's no excuse to not e-mail me. Trust me, I'll need you guys, especially in the first month.
Love you all
See you in person in a year...
but talk to you much sooner

Love, E(Liz)abeth (see mom, my entire name is there)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Considering I am awake at 3 in the morning every day of the week, I'll talk to you and keep you from being homesick. 3 in the morning our time is 6 in the afternoon your time right?

And mom gave me the American birthday gift you got me (the brother sign). She hasn't given me my Canadian birthday present from you yet and obviously you have not sent me my Australian birthday present yet.

Only 149 days till I see you!!!

11:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We love you and know you will do well wherever life takes you. We know there may be lonely times, but hopefully you will be so busy you won't have much time to think about it. Wishing you every success and happiness!
Love Aunt Myrna & Uncle Cam

4:46 PM  

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