Thursday, July 27, 2006

School and such....

Hey everybody
I'm trying to upload pictures of the Sydney Opera house and my school uniform but this computer isn't cooperating very much so I shall still work on it.
school is great. my teacher didn't show up for legal studies today and i get to wear civies on thursdays because apparently it's not worth it for me to buy a school uniform for sports days. So normal clothes for me on Thursdays!
i'm with a really good group of people right now, though i'm still trodding through names. The list right now: 2 rebeccas, 2 ellies, simon , ben, brayden, ellen, mel(issa), erin, nick, leisel, mat, veronica, anthony, julia, lochland and leo and that's as far as i am right now.
The sydeny opera house is beautiful and there's a good gelato stand near it (just in case anyone is coming over)
I'm going to be taking a bus and a train to school eventually.
I'll keep working on the pictures


Anonymous Anonymous said...

seriously? legal studies. now that my dear lady does not sound like a lax class. rather it sounds quite the opposite.

anywho, i'm glad that things are going well over there for you. haha, i find it funny that you have more of a friends circle there than you do here. like basically twice as much. see that's a little frightening. then again, you are the exchange student, and we all know how popular exchange students tend to get witht he locals.

anywho, you should continue on with trying to get hose pictures, since i would be ever so glad to see where my elizabeth is staying.

10:35 PM  
Blogger Rob said...

Elizbaeth's blog continued...

And today my amazing brother called me for 15 minutes. It must have cost him hundreds of dollars in phone charges but he was still sweet enough to call. I have the most amazing brother in the world.

11:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually Elizabeth's brother didn't spend hundreds of dollars on the phone call. He got it for 6 cents a minute with his Sasktel Max plan.

7:50 AM  

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