Monday, July 31, 2006

Just random stuff....

Hey guys! Bascially completed an entire week on exchange and haven't wanted to come home yet. It's not that I don't miss everyone but more I'm feeling pretty comfortable here. Legal studies is a nightmare but ancient history is awesome and drama was a lot of fun today (think begging a queen to not be killed, yeah all improv, something JT would appreciate)
Anyways this weekend I'm going to (big build up) RENT!!!! That's right. My life long dream has come true! (OK that's an exageration but my dream of at least 4 months) My amazing host mom is taking me.
Anyways more later
PS I can't believe no one has commented on the uniform yet...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elizabeth's blog continuted...

wow my amazing brother called me again today. he loves me more than my mom cause he has phoned twice and my mom hasn't called once.

1:30 AM  

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