Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The pictures I promised...

First of all, when I published the last post I did say I would post pictures tomorrow. Now let me explain. When I posted that it was the 20th in Australia. Now it is VERY early in the morning in Weyburn on the 22nd. So really, when you think about it, I'm only a couple hours late on my promise.

This is my first kangaroo encounter (obviously in the wild)

These are my counsellors Helen and Chris. Chris is Canadian. (And although you can't see it, his tie had mounties on it)
(I'm in the middle in my awesome Canada bunnyhug)

This is my first koala encounter, again obviously in the wild (please ignore the fencing, the hand holding the koala, and the kid in the red hat)

This is president Trish. Dad, that necklace dealy is what our Rotary club needs. It has all of the president's names on the sash and at the bottom in the Rotary wheel. It's really cool.

This is a koala in quite possibly the most uncomfortable position ever. He is sitting on a tiny twig. Yeah, uncomfortable.

Other new stuff. I finally got my bus pass. It only took a month. So now I get to take the train and bus for free. (Because I got my train pass a while ago you see) Luckily this bus pass gets to last me a while because my next host family I think I take a bus from NorthRyde to Epping and then from Epping to school. The Epping to school leg I already do so I get to keep the pass for that.
Also I've picked up extension English. God help me, it's at 745 in the morning twice a week which means catching a 655 train which means leaving the house at 635. Mondays and Thursdays are gonna be real happy days for me.
I would now like to quote my cousin John. He gave me the best advice about school "Beware of boys with highly polished shoes" I really hope people from King family find that funny since he's in the army and people from Carlingford home find it funny because... well if you don't get that I must wonder about you people.
Well, gotta go watch CSI.


Blogger Rob said...

"Also I've picked up extension English"

Umm Elizabeth, I think I need to tell you that Australian English and Canadian English is basically the same. You don't need to take a class to learn how to speak english over.

and your certainly picking up Aussie stuff. 655...What's the about??? In Canada we use a colon, 6:55, when we tell time.

10:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, it's great to see you! I'm sending Grandma copies of you with the kangaroo and you with the koala.

Is there a third English class you can pick up? One never can take too many English classes at once

1:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow Elizabeth, I am so jealous. I have always wanted to meet a Koala in person. Your next mission is to meet a wombat. I bought Sela these little books all about a little wombat in Australia and all of his adventures. Wait a minute......maybe that book is about you...you are little wombat! Anywhoo our crabapple tree in that back is gone. It split in two with the weight of the apples. Adele and I had a "Pretend you are a Hutterite day" day last week and we made crabapple jelly. Lets just say we would not make good Hutterites. The jelly didn't jell and the tree croaked. So next year we will try something else. I think I disagree with Rob about the english thing being the same. I had a friend from Brisbane and I could not understand a thing he said for the first 3 months he was in Canada. My reponse was always "uh huh" or "oh yeah". I think he thought I was slow. He always looked at me funny, like I was agreeing with him that salt water croc's are actually warm and friendly creatures.
But take care, love the blog. Need your email so I can mail you a photo of Sela chewing on a dill pickle.

9:12 PM  
Blogger jerky said...

Rob, it's ok that's not an aussie thing. We use colons here too :P

6:05 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

So my sister is just weird then in not using colons?

10:10 AM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

I can answer questions you know. I've never used colons in time. It's wasteful and bowing down to the man and I refuse

1:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Liz, I agree with you on the colon thing, if rob can't figure out that 655 is 6:55 then something is wrong with him...wait a minute what am I saying, we all know something's wrong with him lol.
You look very snazzy in your Canada bunnyhug with your straight hair

3:49 PM  

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