Monday, August 28, 2006


Today was a day with some up and some downs. (Thanks T and Sam :) ). However let me just put this piece of advice into blogsphere. No matter how many times Ed tries to dive into your shirt, no matter how much of your stuff goes missing (cell phone, iPod, bus pass, credit card, train pass ,medibank card, plus all the Australian money your wallet), never reliquish S'toons wallet. It's highly entertaining to watch because he won't go there! (Sure it's harrassment, but come on, I had his wallet)... and it's not like he didn't get anything out of it. A driver's license, a modern history question, and a loonie! I mean seriously...
Oh and I'm totally aware to how weird this probably sounds to anyone from Weyburn home. Trust me, understanding would just be too hard.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude- its a privilege having ed dive down your shirt in search of wallets and other goods
ahaha i sound like a creepy old man
like the one who stands on the corner in his dressing gown holding the paper, watching you as you come outside to check the letter box, waves and smiles creepily at you when you mistakenly catch his eye, then watches you as you go back into the safety of your house
thats what im reminding myself of right now and im not at all happy about it

4:25 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

yeah, don't try to understand that, and please remember that ed is a girl. No need to worry... but next time, liz, there will be hell to pay. Simon goes no-where without his wallet...
...and so what if I like to get the paper in my dressing gown! Ok, so we don't get the paper and I don't own a dressing gown... but it still works....?

5:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't write entries like this in your blog. I was already writing you a cheque for $1000 because I thought you really lost this stuff!

8:35 PM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

That's alright mom, you can continue writing that cheque if you really want to!

11:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


hhaha, mom instead of mum, the humour NEVER stops

1:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

English lesson from Canada:

mum = quiet; not making a noise

mom = person who had you, loves you, spoils you, lets you get away with too much, and misses you when you move to Australia for a year

Next thing I know, you'll probably say "real words" are gaol and tyre.

7:21 PM  
Blogger Rob said...

more Canadian language for you Aussies.

eh - an interjunction or prompt spoken by Canadians "Hey Fred, she sure is hot, eh?"

maple syrup - a syrup produced by partially boiling down the sap of the sugar maple or of any of several other maple leafs

Mr. King, Sir, The Greatest, The One and Only, El Guapo, Amazing, etc etc - ways in which you can address Lize's brother.

Chicken Burger - what I expect in my hand the second I get off the plane in Sydney

(and for the record, I think it's total bs mom was going to send lize 1000 and she wasn't going to send me any)

9:25 PM  
Blogger jerky said...

Eh, Mr. King, What does 'El Guapo' mean?! And don't worry- I got the 'eh' down pat. Seriously. I gotta get me some maple syrup...

6:17 AM  

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