Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Apparently I haven't posted in a while, though really Sunday isn't that long ago.

This is a picture of me to prove to mom that I haven't changed at all in the last month. No piercings, no tattoos, no differently dyed hair. That's all in good time...

And now a virtual tour of my route home from school.

This is the Epping Bus stop. That guy in the picture I do not know, but he sure has a spiffy hat on. This is the first stop after school (well sometimes Coles is the first stop for Curly Wurlies and Kinder, but you know, essentially the first stop)

This is the Normanhurst train station. The second stop.

There is also a park I have to walk through. However I just deleted that picture accidentally. Basically the walk to the train station is up hill both ways (though also technically down hill both ways) however I don't have to do it in 3 feet of snow.
I also have to cross Pennant Hills Road. Picture six lanes of traffic, 6 very angry drivers at any given time, and 20 seconds to dash across.

And this is my driveway. The house you see is not my house. There are two houses on the property and mine is down this steep driveway and then down a steeper sidewalk... like I said, Sydney is one giant hill.

And that is my route from school. Please read the post in reverse to see my route to school.

And one last thing. I would like to post a warning to all Aussies (that my cousin John sent me, he's seriously an awesome guy)
"Just remind any of the boys down there that might harass you, that yes I’m in the military and have contacts with Serbian rebels that have questionable morals and a willingness to hurt people for money. Heck, some of them would do it just for fun."
Heh heh, love you John


Blogger jerky said...

hmm, i'll keep that in mind, John.
And mom, when liz says that that there's no piercings, What she means to say is that there are no piercings or tattoos THAT YOU CAN SEE. Now Liz is gonna beat me up for making her look like a delinquent. hehe it was worth it...

3:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You look great, Elizabeth! Don't think of me as too demanding, but now I was a picture of you and Joy's dog and of you and these Aussies who keep putting comments on your blog.

10:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why the heck is that guy in the hat weraing a suit?? I thought it was hot dwn there...

5:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lize, just remember that a tattoo must still look cool when your 64 and wrinkled. Once you have something that you will like when you are older I say go for it. Ensure the artist pulls out a fresh needle from a sterile package right in front of your face. If not get up and leave. For Aunt Brenda this was a paid announcement and does not neccessarily relfect the opinions of the author :-) Simon, his name is Sergeai and he likes to use a wood chipper ;-)

8:44 PM  
Blogger Rob said...

after close examination of that photo, it appears there was a little photoshop editing done on the left forearm. Covering up a tattoo perhaps???

And Lize, how come you don't have a or a page yet??? All you Aussies should do pages at those sites. So you can keep in contact better.

10:32 PM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

Well as you know Sode (I hope that Sarah is Sode)it is spring down here. Now spring means plus 25 degrees but that is cold for these people... don't ask me, they're crazy but I love them (well not the guy in the picture, i don't know him, I mean I'm sure he's a good person it's just that I'd have to get to know him first... :) )

12:13 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

Sergeai... that's a pretty damn cool name...
Also, some people are crazy enough to wear suits... I mean, right now it's not too hot for one, but seriously, they just look stupid!

8:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

boo yah (just for you liz, i know how much you love it) this is officially my first comment!! HOORAH FOR SAM (tallulah)! It may be like.. 3 blogs late (my bad) but i'm so proud to be a kindred spirit, it's only truly special people who can quote from the fotr appendices :)
And hello to all of the canadadians! especially liz's mum, who's apparently now our adopted Mom (hi Mom!)
And don't worry liz i won't tell anyone about us being secret drinking buddies, that one's safe with me...

12:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i want liz to get a tattoo of like, a naked chick, covered in all the right places by a snake, that dances when she moves or something

and has a sailors hat

that'd be awesome

8:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what happened to all the awesome tattoos i suggested! and liz i'm mad if you are drinking with the aussies and not with us! :P you should reconsider those sayings i gave you...or celtic libra...because then we'd have cool ones together...only 6 more days for me! bah!

also, did you guys get the day off school when steve irwin died? and do you think it will become a national steve irwin day now?

4:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stampwise, I am happy to be the adopted mom of all of you as long as it doesn't mean I have to fund your university educations! If it means I room and board you when you come to Canada to visit Elizabeth, then, yes, I am your adopted mom. If it means sending you maple syrup, then, yes, I am your adopted mom. If it means giving you the same advice I give Elizabeth about no tattoos, no piercings, no drinking, no drugs, no dating, then, yes, I am your adopted mom. Welcome to the family.

10:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

woah i missed out on commenting and BAM there is a new blog gosh.... yes mom id liek to second simons comment ..there are no tattoes or piercings that u can see!..does tattoo have an e if it is plural???? well i jsut dont know ..and eliza ur "house" looks quite the pretty!!!!

2:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

:D Yay, thanks mom!

Don't worry I'll keep Liz away from all these bad influences, in worst case scenario she'll come back home with only 2 tattoos and a nose and eyebrow piercing, so no biggy, I'll take her to the place I got my nose done, good people, very professional! :P

And about Steve Irwin, no we didn't get the day off, it happened while we were at school so most of us only found out when we got home, it was incredibly sad, he seemed almost invincible. I still can't believe he's gone :(

2:58 AM  

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