Thursday, September 21, 2006

Chalking it up to exams....

It would appear I haven't posted in a while.
This post is dedicated to pictures of me, me, ME!!!! It's because I'm so vain... heh heh, I'm just kidding. In the words of Anne Shirley "How can I be vain when I know I'm homely." I'm just kidding, Sam (because I know she'll be appalled that I said that) And a curly wurly goes to the first Australian who can tell me who Anne Shirley is.

First picture is me in my awesome Rotary blazer. Did we know that every other countries blazer is a nice understated blue or black? The messy side is all my exchange student pins. The neat side is my Australian bought (and pilfered) side. Thanks Sam for the Carlo Ties (without toothpaste)

This is my first Ken Done shirt. It's a really awesome shirt, however I was wearing two tank tops under it so it looks a little funny in the picture. I do believe someone else has this same shirt in a brownish colour and red...

With no more pictures I shall turn my attention to other things. Exams... well exams sucked! There is a reason that I never took any maths finals at home. However considering I didn't study for, oh let's see, any of them I think I actually did fairly well. I big thank you to my dear mom for teaching me about Shakespeare being relevant to society today and Mr. Abel for teaching me about Canadian History so I could make up an answer worth 25 marks in modern. But now they are over and I am ecstatic! (no really...)

Turning 18 in two weeks. Is it strange that I always felt like I was so young compared to everyone in Weyburn group but I am suddenly the oldest in Carlo group by a solid couple of months? Nah... because I have the same maturity level as the rest of them... I'll leave it up to you to decide whether I'm actually mature or not.

Quote of the day comes from "Thank God You're Here" (and mom please remember that it's a direct quote so I can swear)
"I recongnize this car! It's the one that nearly hit me at the supermarket last weekend." "You were that bitch with the kid!"

Heh heh, good times



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go, Swans, go! I'm assuming the Swans are the home team.

Thanks for pictures of you, Elizabeth. Apparently my hints (nagging) worked.

Of course, all your Australian friends will know who Anne Shirley is. After all, we Canadians know all the Australian literary icons. Let's see, there's ... well, there's ... hmmm ... the only one that's coming to me right now is a cute, little wombat in my nine month old neighbor's cardboard book.

8:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no idea who anne shirley is, but it reminds me of the name david shriggley, which may or may not be a real person, who knows?
what, what was that liz? i have finished year 11?
WHY YES I HAVE, THANKS FOR NOTICING!>insert the hair flip/stroke y'all love so much<
ahhhh sweet relief

y'all (thats my word for the day) look hawt in your red rotary blazer...totally stealing it later on,and the addition of sam donated ties on the shoulder brings out your canadian

also, arent you more than a couple montsh older than people? arent you like about a year older than people....possibly two in my case?

ima gonna go now

11:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

None of my Albertan roomates know who W.O. Mitchell is. I was appalled, then I realized that they didn't grow up in his home town, so they never got spponfed his life story every other day. I was less shocked but still...
Gah...I hae to go to class now
Love you

8:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry for the typos and missed letters...nobody's perfect...

12:20 PM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

Heh heh don't worry Sode. You know I still love you.
And Ed, FYI Ellie was born in like May or June which is only like ...8...months younger then me. And you will not die sooner then me if I can help it, not that that's a threat or anything. Nope, not a threat indeed.
Oh and I guess we can celebreate for Ed no longer having Extension math and me escaping the death cluthes of Legal Studies

5:41 PM  
Blogger Rob said...

I'm assuming mom told you this all ready but, I GOT MY PLANE TICKETS!!!! Leaving S'toon at 10:15 on December 16. And I got the same connection you had, S'toon, Vancouver, Honolulu, Sydney. And with the lay over in Honolulu that means I will have been to 46 states so that means I will be beating you!!!!!

7:04 PM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

OK Raeanne, that's just sad. Our school did the play Anne of Green Gables.
Mel is technically correct. Really I was just going for the fact that Anne Shirley was the girl in Anne of Green Gables, but alas, Mel earns the Curly Wurly. That's why Mel is so awesome (see Mel, I told you I could work that in)
And Rob you do realize that you are getting to Vancouver ten minutes after you leave Saskatoon right? And have fun with your layover in Vancouver.

2:31 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

Dr. Phil is my hero.

And yes Elizabeth, I do realize I am on a ten minute flight from Saskatoon to Vancouver. And I will have fun in Vancouver cause I am a big enough boy to go exploring the city on my own during my layover.

And I won't exist on December 17, that's kind of cool. And I'll get two January 2nd's.

8:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i feel ashamed that i got told off for using ya'll wrong

i fail canadian school
and possibly dr phil cause i hate him........adn the chubby two year old kids he always picks on

4:57 PM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

Raeanne, is y'all really ya'll. Because it's a contraction of "you all" and I've always spelled it "y'all". But I guess you're the one who's morphing into a Southerners, I'm the one who's morphing into an Aussie. Not that that's a bad thing of course, though I was told that people would be super bogan around me so I could actually pick up the accent, and so far no one's followed through.

6:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man i love that like 10 (possibly an exaggeration) comments can be made from the discussion of a colloquial word. Dude i just used like 2 big words in one sentence YAY...and with that last statement i just brought the academic tone down to about 1...

And Mel, you totally looked up who Anne Shirley is on the net, you soooo didn't know that before. Love you mel :D

And woah is it me or is it like a freaking gail today, to all those in Australia this is, i can smell smoke from bushfires, it's crazy :S

AND I'm sorry Liz I have failed in being a super bogan like I promised, although I think I may be naturally bogan enough for you to pick up a bad Australian accent, however i will try harder. It is my mission to send you home with at least some sort of Aussie twang!

And you know what, i'm going to overlook your vain comment because you looked bee-yoo-tiful in your pictures and i shall just let that be all i say.

10:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I think of Dr. Phil, I always think of his "give your head a shake." Elizabeth, if none of your friends in either hemisphere know about Anne Shirley, does that mean you don't have any "kindred spirits"?

Off topic, do any of the Australian quilt shops (assuming that you have been to many already), have quilt designs that incorporate the Southern Cross?

10:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


get catherine (fromt eh bus stop) to tell you her kindred spirits story liz, its a grade

and thankyou for your support in the "y'all" vs "ya'll" debate

12:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i like ur canadian jacket liz!! ..AND i saw u at the movies today ..twas a gooden eh ...sorry i didnt get to talk ...BUT ILL C U y'all ...just felt like getting in there ..exams are oh vee ee are ..(over) which is sweet as and liz ...i think u have 11 sleeps to go!!! WOOT

5:28 AM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

hey leave my aussies alone! you may be in texas but i could totally hire someone to take you out... like Ed. I'm only threatening to take you out because I always thought it was y'all. I want to talk to a bonafide texan and get their opinion!

11:13 PM  
Blogger jerky said...

OK, it's been a while since I commented, but here goes:

Reanne, it's y'all, because the apostrophe always takes the place of the missing letter (or letters) (unless it is indicating ownership, which it is not in the case of "y'all". The missing letters are the "ou" from "you all" and the apotrophe therefore goes in between the "y" and the "all"

In other news, we're all pretty excited that:
1. Yr. 11 is pretty much over
2. Rob is coming soon and bringing MAPLE SYRUP!

Rob, it's pretty cool that you are missing that day, but spare a thought for my sister who, when she first came back from the US, lost September 6th which is her birthday!! so technically, she's only just caught up to 19...

Peace out.

11:55 PM  
Blogger jerky said...

I really do apologise for the grammar mistakes in my last comment... like leaving out a close bracket and the mispelling of 'apostrophe' (missing out the s... i think it was the s....)

11:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

>starts crying< i'd just like to thank all my fans, and supporters,and i just want y'all to know how much it all means to me!
oh i thought this day will never come

its all so overwhelming

but raeanne, you may be right, in the modern day west, it may have changed to ya'll, to fit with the whole sms text lingo thing going on
you know how kids are these days

3:13 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

however 'cool' it may be to say ya'll these days, the fact is that it is WRONG.
It is spelt "y'all"
I rest my case.

5:43 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

wow... it's early in canada right now...

5:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elizabeth, it's time for you to make a new blog entry (with photos, of course)! When the comments for an entry start escalating into death threats, it's time to give us a new topic. Here I have been worried about the U.S. and Iraq and I should be worrying about Australia and Texas. Raeanne, perhaps the Aussies need to know that Texas has an unofficial slogan: "Don't mess with Texas!" That should scare them into agreeing with you.

And to all of Elizabeth's Aussies: thanks for being so literate and knowing your rules of English usage. You better hug your English teachers; they have taught you well.

10:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to read Anne of Green Gables for my English class...maybe that wasn't relavent, I just wanted to get in on the action

5:26 PM  
Blogger Rob said...

Geez mom, they don't speak English in Australia. They speak Australian. I apologize to all your Aussie for my mother. She didn't know that you guys speak Australian and not English. Her bads.

and for the record, my best bud Simon is correct in his assesment of why it is y'all and not ya'll.

7:11 PM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

There should be a new post tomorrow night encompassing a bush walk, the swans game, and the BBQ. Now Raeanne please realize that there are more of them then there are of you and ergo technically should be able to take you. Aussies, please recall that Raeanne is in texas and therefore has access to a pleathora of guns. Rae, fully aware that we are blood but I stand by the Aussies and my brother. I may even be bothered to Google this and put an end to it.
And Sode, you have to read Anne of Green Gables for uni English? Is it that hard of a book? U of S must be slipping... :)

11:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha thankgod your here is the best show *show up Learners plate* no, not learners...LEGEND

2:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

my mom read me anne of green gables back in the day and i played minnie stearn in the wcs version of the play! so i am a kindred spirit with you lize!

6:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Liz: Cool pics cuz. Good to see your smiling face as Alex, Bill, Ewan, Carrie and I miss you. The kids read all your e-mails and Alex loves your uniform. I'll weigh in on the y'all debate here as I have worked with members of the US military in Canada (our HQ includes NORAD which means a contingent of US personnel), the US and overseas. I too have seen it spelled both ways. The hardest thing to understand is that y'all (ya'll) is singular. If addressing a group it is all y'all :-). This is direct from the Republic of Texas dictionary (not kidding).

10:16 PM  

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