Thursday, September 14, 2006

Pictures 3 days later. How awesome am I...

This is the harbour bridge at night. The super-lit up thing in the corner is Luna Park. I know y'all are probably sick of Harbour Bridge pictures but I took this from outside the Playhouse theatre that is in Opera House where I saw the play "I am my own Wife" So really this harbour bridge picture is significant.

This is from the Carlingford Rotary Club/Macquarie Park Rotary Club sausage sizzle that was on Saturday. Far left is my host mom and next to her is my youth director Colin. The other two are from Macquarie Park Rotary. It was rainy, cold, gross, and heaps of fun (even though the rain wrecked my straight hair)

This is from the exchange student BBQ (2 BBQs in one weekend is excessive) Clockwise from top left is Leo (Brazil, and goes to Carlo high school as well), me looking very patriotic, Jade (Thailand), Lailla (Brazil), Stephan (Germany, and I really hope both of those facts are true), and Connie (Chile)

This is my awesome picture of Simon and Ed. Seriously how talented am I? They look all candid and stuff, well because they are, but seriously I am an awesome photographer, plus Ed didn't know I was taking the picture so she didn't have time to ruin it for me.

This is a picture of almost all of the exchange students (there's about 8 missing). Excellent time had by all at this BBQ. Exchange students are an insane group of people.

That's about all for now. I should be studying for Ancient but since I didn't study for English and did just fine I'm going with I am so smart that I will never need to study for anything ever again (This theory may work until 12:01 pm tomorrow when I actually read through the ancient test)
Love you all
E(Liz)abeth the Canadaussie


Blogger Rob said...

Don't worry about studying Elizabeth, it's not important. Hell, I haven't even shown up for school in over a week. School is overrated

Tomorrow our class leaves for fall camp. 8 days of camping up north of Prince Albert...and it's a class!!!

7:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh, Rob, your jokes aren't as funny as your mother's. Not going to school - ha, ha, ha.

Elizabeth, I love your bridge pictue. Jeff Moser was just telling me that he had been to Luna Park when he was over there. I was trying to find Kirk in your exchange student photo - I couldn't. And your photo of Ed and Simon looks so mystical. Are you sure they are real people and not sprites of elves?

Do Aussies celebrate Hallowe'en? Are you going to throw your friends a Hallowe'en party?

8:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


yeah, fine, >applause liz'zez photographing skills and my typing/spelling skills<

dammit ed

but its ok
cause i have no exams today, whilst you have TWO

9:01 PM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

First of all Ed, bravo on the use of whilst in your comment.
Second of all I may have had two exams today but you still have six left whilst I only have three.
Thirdly, Ed my dear, please tell me you know it's fulfilled and not furfilled. I mean come on man, you totally had an outstanding report last term (atleast according to the school intranet, and the school intranet wouldn't lie to me WOULD IT?????)

11:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha, i still suck

oh god im going to fail

12:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no no it's ok i'm pretty sure when they see that you spelt it forfilled they'll be like WELL IT MUST BE CORRECT because you're like english royaltly... plus you totally have connections at school with teachers... don't we all, it's sweet i can totally cut in on canteen lines now thanks to having connections with teachers (does that sound wrong.. totally didn't mean it that way)

Oh and Liz don't worry i literally slapped my head today when i read the ancient questions :S

And they are beautiful pictures, i agree with Mom, Simmy & Ed's one is pretty awesome, i'm impressed you got Ed. You totally didn't get me today even though you dropped the book on my head from upstairs.. haha good times :D

Man...that's like an epic comment...

5:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey liz, nice to see your photo taking sklls have improved...jj, they were always aussies are strange...liz...please come home normal lol!
Oh and Mrs King, if you read this, I used you as a reference for this volunteer position, so if you get a call, feel free to talk me up ;)

4:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sarah, of course I will brag you up big time. I hear you are hanging out with Tim and I also hear that both you and Tim won government scholarships. Congrats! Oh, I hope you already had official word on that; the school received the list.

Elizabeth, your friends seem more mystical all the time - you mean Ed is hardly ever photographed? Keep that photo; it may become as valuable as the elusive ones of the Loch Ness Monster.

10:47 AM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

it's not that Ed is hardly photographed. It's more that there's a million of her hand or the back of her head. So any of her looking as normal as Ed can be are like gold (and in case Ed is taking any offence to this LOVE YOU ED)

5:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no no, i like being compared top the loch ness monster- gives me a sense of mystery that will drive all the boys wild, like brittany spears perfume, or skunk musk...

i had no idea i was so sought after

>please let there be no spelling mistakes, these people think im mystical, not illiterate.....<

2:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


5:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elizabeth, we need new photos put up on your blog! Maybe you could put up all the photos you have of Ed's hands and back of her head and then we could collage them into a Picasso-like masterpiece. Be sure to take some AFL pictures on Friday.

9:26 PM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

Mother dearest I do believe you are becoming too dependant on this blog. I can't put up pictures faster then I take them. And the only things I've been doing in the past week is either "studying" for exams or taking exams, hardly exciting in either case.

12:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

forgot to mention how mom has started looking at me as a piece of art

totally liking it

totally crushing dude

12:36 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

Since you haven't posted a new blog entry yet I am forced to post this message here. I'm at camp right now and having a blast. Show you pics sometime.

3:49 PM  

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