Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Lisel's BBQ...

Lisel's End of Exams BBQ!!!!! Many a good conversations involving baseball, hair removal, and canoes.

Lachlan's beautiful scribblings on my shoulder.

That would be left to right (body wise, not head wise) Ellie, Mel, and Lisel

Picture of my bloggers minus Ed, because she wasn't there :(
First would be me, the author of said blog. Then it goes Sam (Stampwise), Firthy (real name Rebecca, but haven't called her that since the first day. She was the one who showed me around and we love her forever for this), Mel (aka The Wind, not really, but it's a good story), and Simon (we love him because he's given me countless rides to the station (well like 3) and he finds Saskatoon, Saskatchewan funnier than Regina)

Me, Sam, Erin, Lisel, Tharini, Ellie, and Alyssa all looking pretty awesome if I do say so myself.

Lisel, our amazing host and BBQ-ist. Not to mention it's a really awesome hat.

And guess what my Weyburn people, I surely got a tan today. Granted my tan is other people's pasty but there are lines! How much closer to skin cancer am I?

Continue on for other pictures...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

send me a pic so i can draw myself like, i dunno, dance pants and country & western tie top boob tube thing

3:12 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

i think we can all tell from the photos that simon is definately the most attractive person in our group...

5:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elizabeth, thanks for all the photos. Simon, I don't know if you are the most attractive, but you certainly are the most masculine.

10:15 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

Mom, did you just call my best bud Simon unattractive????

And when I come visit in 80 days, I will certainly be the most attractive person, male or female, in all the photos.

5:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no haha
Hey Liz I sent you a pressssseeeennnnttttt!! uhm...I don't know why I did that...heheh

7:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yah, sure, Rob, get all the Aussies' hopes up. They will be looking for a Josh Duhamel type at the airport and they will get you. Maybe you should send them that close-up photo from the camping trip so they have a more realistic view of who you are.

And, Rob, have you taken Sarah to McDonalds or Dairy Queen? Shouldn't you since you are an old-timer Saskatoonian (Saskatoonite?) and she's a newcomer?

9:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like a wild bunch cuz. Simon I'm still watching you ;-) Would love to be down there with you. Endless summers hmmmm, sigh... We are getting our first night of freezing temperatures and I was looking longingly at my Harley sitting in the garage and thinking, yet another winter comes and no riding. Damn socialist province and insane public insurance rates also kept me from riding for more than a few days this summer. Can't wait to get to Alberta, rampant capitalism, low taxes, cheap insurance (if your over 25) and a bunch of fun loving rednecks yeehaaah. Just have to find a house that I can afford. Sorry, lost on a rant there. I know it drives your mom nuts sometimes when I talk about King Ralph and that the greatest ever literary figure was Sir Winston Churchill. Sorry Aunt Brenda, you know I always behave when I visit. Sorry Liz, now you will have to explain who King Ralph is to all your new friends

10:33 PM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

OK, I've gotta make a list here.
First of all, mom way to go on calling Simon unattractive!
Second of all Sode, THANKS!!!!! LOVE YOU HEAPS!!!! Did you airmail or surface mail it? Just wondering :)
Third of all Rob, Ha ha, that was totally a mom joke.
Fourth of all John you shouldn't move to Alberta because then you will be a statistic! Do you really want that, man?
Fifth, Rae, you shouldn't hit on Simon. He's kind of an action-monger and now he'll brag how he has some Canadian chick totally in love with him (aside from me, obviously)
And finally, Simon, dude... hmmm, was gonna try and make you feel better but... you know...

1:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoa we are totally going to make Simon's head explode a) from it expanding because he's being hit on and thus will conclude his uber hotness and b) because he's being told he's.. unattractive, i mean his little head can only take so much and all these contradictions will just mess with him..resulting badly
Besides are we forgetting the most important thing that happened at Lisel's?! When Engio picked up Lachlan's boat made out of paper cups, plates and kebab sticks out of the pool and walked away with it (funniest image ever) oh yeah also when he "jumped in the pool"...Also when Erin pushed me into the pool and tharini got it on camera oh and when Liz and i swapped thongs (or flip flops :D) and were wearing one of each and..ok there were lots of good moments

2:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, yeah like that moment where i did stuff that was memorable

so raeannne, totally liking all the vowels in your name, and would happily come meet you
and mom, hi-5 on bagging both simon AND the fruit of you loins out, awesome man

simon, at least you were the most masculine one there?!? i mean, i could have outdone you if i were there, but you got lucky this time buddy
i think im done now

2:53 AM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

well i would say action whore, but mom probably won't appreciate it (mom, please blame the aussies for my language, they aren't pure of mouth)

10:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People, people, read what I say more carefully. When did I call Simon unattractive? Reread. Reread.

John, King Ralph is done; pretty soon Alberta will be synonymous with Saskatchewan and Manitoba. And do you really need to put his name in the same sentence with Churchill's? Churchill is a little large to be rolling around in his grave.

Rob can tell you all (y'all, ya'll) something coincidental. Two other people from his class will be on his flight from Vancouver to Honolulu. Actually Rob doesn't have to tell you it as I already have.

Aussie-ites, have Elizabeth cook you a full Canadian Thanksgiving dinner on October 9th: turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, turnips, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie. Yum. I hear you do something strange with pumpkin. Is it true you think it's a vegetable? Au contraire. It's a pie filling.

10:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

our bad mom......but can we still chuck pumpkins at people?
cause i mean apples are pie fillers, and we chuck them at people.......tinned berries too, they go well with below the knees

there is of course the classic children, they are good for the sprawl and throw
ya see ya chuck 'em, and their limbs just go flailing all around the place,taking eyes and groins out along the way

A+ grade pie filler too

2:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

im sure simons mum thinks he is beautiful ....OMG LIZ I SHOULD SO DO U A BIRTHDYA COUNTDOWN OMG ARE U READY..ARE U EXCITED?...8 more sleeps ....mine is in 3 tho :) ...go us octoberins....!!! peace out fellow commentors and bloggers :)

4:57 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

wow... i got hit on by a canadian! And thankyou, Liz: I am NOT an action mongerer- it's not my fault that i get so much action! (whether i actually do get any 'action' is really quite debatable)
PS thanks Rob (or maybe i should be referring to you as 'El Guapo'?)

4:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3 more sleeps!

3:33 AM  

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