Saturday, May 19, 2007

Battle Therapy and V's B-day...


Sorry, one must be dramatic, musn't one? Anywho, busy, busy week (how many commas were in that sentence?) I missed a day or two of school thanks to a wicked bad cold/flu (it wasn't my idea, my host mom really wouldn't let me out) Luckily one of those days was a career expo so I didn't actually miss anything.

Wednesday night was Julz' movie premier at Fox Studios. It was actually a very cool affair. We screamed when we say Julz' name on the movie poster and in the credits and got to see Julz plus Hannah, Jess, and G all on screen. Nick and Erin were there as well, I just didn't spot them.

These pictures are all from before the movie when we were standing beside the red carpet.
The Ellies and me. Think back to a picture from my birthday party where Ed is laughing. We did the same thing in this picture to get her to laugh as we did in the other picture.
Ben looking very suave.
The person we were all there for.
Simon looking very Hollywood indeed... especially since we were inside.

And onto V's birthday party which happened Saturday night. Good times had by all including posing, chocolate fights, and crazy balloon games.
V, Smitty, Lisel, Sam, and Firty being divas/entourages/birthday girls
T and Erin looking really attractive eating cake.
me, Sam, and Firthy
Nasha, me, and Selva
Julz... we will not mention what she was doing.

So this week should be equally busy to last week as far as I can figure. Today is a dinner. Wednesday is an Entertainment thing (that is bound to be better than the last one we did... crappy SRC organizational skills), Friday is Jess's birthday party, and Saturday is a Wallabies game. My host family is actually having to book time with me I have so much stuff going on. Next Tuesday is Bridge Climb!!

Today's quote ('cause I've been reading "Looking for Alibrandi"): 'Nonna says it was me that brought the curse to the family. That was at the same time I found out Jesus died for my sins so I was feeling pretty guilty that year.'
E(Liz)abeth :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! First comment. it was weird when I first read this I couldn't comment it! haha I like all the pictures... and yes eight weeks and you're home..

12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

after complaining to me on the movie premiere night
about not having a photo of us
we then took some later that night
at v's
you didnt post one of me
how depressing
our "jolly" wall is progressing
jolly rancher wrapper wall
its awesome

2:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you forgot to mention me coming back on thursday in your busy, busy week. j/k im not hurt a bit because today i get to see tasmanian devils. bahaha

5:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

where's all the aussies.. it's been like forever.. hello?

11:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it has been, like, forever- we've been in deep freeze...well..only today
man is was cold
not cold as in its snowing- but just generally cold
especially when you have to get up early and out from underneath two doonas into a room where you left your window open
that sucks\

2:37 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

Long time no comment!!

I think we could all be movie stars, easy....

I think this would be a good time to tell everyone that ed and I are going out. Not really, but it makes for exciting news.

How is everything in Canada?

peace out.

12:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

glad to say i made it home safely along with your picture frame and other stuff...miss ya and thanks for a great time in oz! *muah*

1:30 AM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

Hmmm Ed and Simon going out would cause a sensation
And yay for picture making it home!!!

7:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe i could cause one by parting my hair on the OTHER side of my head
that would turn everyones world upside down!
they wouldn't know what was going on
because if i cause a sensation, chances are that i could bring back parachute pants, which really, when you think about it, would benifit everyone...

8:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

liz even though you told me you cant upload more than 5 pics,there are like 9 on this blog alone, so you poorly lied to cover the fact that you dont wanna post any pics of us

1:44 AM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

Excuse me Nick, I did not lie, you can do sets of five but when I tried to do my second set of five it was like "Hey, let's not let Liz post five." And thus your resulting pain. My bad.

2:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have a jolly rancher wall
so its ok
it makes up for my pain

5:15 AM  
Blogger Anthony said...

so does nich have a soul at the moment, or whats happening with that?
Anthony :)

7:21 AM  

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