Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Rotary Club of Carlingford/SRC Dinner...

This will be my first post from my last host family and my last post before I leave for safari on Saturday. Safari's gonna be wicked, but it's also going to be a long time before I see any Carlo people again.

My fourth host family (minus Jaq, she'd already gone to work)

And now pictures from the Rotary Club of Carlingford/Carlingford High School masquarade dinner.

First one is of me and my principal, Mr. Clarke. Second is me and T. Third is my Rotary club all dressed up in our spiffy masks.

Yesterday was a busy day indeed. First was my Entertainment exam (that had far too much year 11 material on it) then I was at the school until 420 taking down the exam tables, walked home, was back at the school by 600 for the dinner and home at 10ish. I thought my powerpoint was heaps long, but I ended up talking for about 3 minutes longer than my powerpoint lasted. Though I have to admit, it was a pretty wicked powerpoint. T and I were looking at the last slide which was a group picture from my b-day party. We both agreed that that seems like it happened so long ago. Weird.

Today's quote comes from Frank Woodley of Lano and Woodley "You know, I reckon mandarins lose their peel too easily. I find it difficult to respect them."

Well, I'm off to the outback. I'll try updating if I can find an internet connection somewhere out there. But I wouldn't hold my breath.

'Cause then I'd die...

E(Liz)abeth :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

also a bit taller
and wearing a mask
i think more people should wear masks
rabbit masks
HAVE FUN ON SAFARI...although you've already left....ummm....crap...

11:50 PM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

Not gone yet Ed, not 'till Saturday.
I've realized the ONE downside to safari... no "Spicks and Specks" or "Chaser's War on Everything" for three weeks.

5:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey liz when do you get back!??!! is it before i leave for melb? (wed 18th) cos otherwise its gonna be SOOOO LONG!! but.... after melb... we shall need to revisit that conversation on our english desk...


7:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

btw liz... you no come for hair straightner??? your hair looked gorgeous anyways!

9:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops, I Emailed you and forgot to warn you of Australian snakes, scorpions, and other scarey outback creatures. Be careful and walk with a big stick!

10:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Raeanne, Mathew, Sarah, Rob, Candace, and any other Weyburnites reading this: doesn't Elizabeth's principal look just like Mr. Larson!

10:18 PM  
Blogger jerky said...

YES! He looks exactly the same as mr. Larson!!! OMG!
ok...i should stop trying to fit in... i have no idea who that is...

And Liz, I will tape spicks and specks for you while you're away, and possible chaser aswell.

Do you have my jacket still? (don't take that out of context, guys. It's not how it sounds.)

Peace out.


11:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i totally have an idea of whats going on, and the dates people are leaving, and so forth....
as well as totally studied for my maths test tomorrow...
HAHAHA its funny cause its all lies
mom- i hate to break this to you, but big sticks will do nothing to stop things from eating liz....alas, such is the australian outback- anything tastey is eaten, either by our deadly creature or hungry tour guides
no one is safe

11:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

omg simon n liz slept together!!!!!!!!!!!

...... inferring from the 'jacket post' lopl :) im just s__t stirring!

anyways what is a definition of a prism... and is a sphere a prism!?
- stupid math is annoying me!

12:47 AM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

this is why we drop maths people. it's just not a wise subject
OMG ELLIE!!!! The NYE CDs are totally gonna be useful on the bus :D
Simon I would totally love you forever should you tape those shows for me. I know TV seems petty but I only get so many of my aussie shows before I have to go back to crappy canadia TV.

2:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

speaking of NYW cd's... ed do you have any of them?? cos we r missing the best one!! that totally has electric avenue on it!!! we think it might have been left in ur cd player?

2:29 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

ELLIE! Mom's gonna be so mad now because of these viscious rumours you're starting! (hehe)

Peace out.

2:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

my discman was stolen at the end of year 10
it was liz's
last time man- next time you ask i hit you

3:17 AM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

Hey hey hey people, violence is not encouraged on this blog. Verbal thrashings yes, violence not so much. I need my Australians all intact you know.

4:35 AM  
Blogger jerky said...


Peace out.

7:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well...the voices are telling me to do it, simon is telling me to do it, my sense of rebellion is telling me to do it and my sense of 'do the exact opposite of what liz says' is saying 'HECK YEAH DO IT ELLIE!'
so i think i might just have to internet pimp slap birdss round little..not too much..but enough to let her know whose the man in this relationship...

1:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DAMMIT!!1 i forgot!! im sorry sped! argh... so frustrating being me!!! lopl luv you loong time ed.

and why does every want me to be hit :( - feelings of unloved here!

too bad cos i luv all you guys!

3:56 AM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

Dude, I discouraged the violence. I still need you intact when I get back 'cause we have to go to Oporto dammit!!!

OK guys, now I really am leaving (well in like 7 hours, but I plan on sleeping for those 7 hours) Check sporadically 'cause I'll try and post if I find an internet connection... or you could take Rae's advice and rack up as many comments as you can... possibly detailing some evil plan to knock me off (Rob and Ed's dream)

See ya in three weeks :D

6:40 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

HA! Like we're gonna tell her the details of the plot to bump her off for inheritence!! Bah!

(Seriously ed... hit her... it'll be awesome!!)

Love you Birdss!!! ;-)

Have fun Liz!

...So what's goin' down in Canadia?

Peace out.

8:02 PM  
Blogger Rob said...

I think we should get as many people as possible in on the kill Elizabeth plot.

Here's my idea. Why don't Ed and Ellie take Lize for a wlk downtown. Then I can call her mobile from Canada which distracts her and then Ed and Ellie push her into the traffic when she's talking on the cell phone to me...right when Simon goes by on his bike and hits Elizabeth with an Oporto burger. think that should do the job nicely.

10:25 PM  
Blogger Rob said...

oh by the way, if you guys do use that plan, make sure you save the burger for me.

10:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i like how well planned out that murder is
i mean, not only do we kill liz, but we make the city of syndey cleaner by getting rid of one of those people who takes calls on their mobile while out with their friends, and proceedingly gets distracted by the conversation on the phone, ignoring the friends right in front of them who are kicking the person in question in the shins repeatedly, or like, playing charades and making rude gestures in the background as the phone whore goes on and on and on and.........i think my bitter feelings about this are leeking into my profession of killing liz...
but also while downtown, i can pimpslap birdss, then tell her how much i love her and how it hurts me to have to do that to her, and totally get away with it, cause i mean,to Violence against women, Australia may say no, but downtown syndey says 'YOU CAN TAKE HER MAN!'
......and simon can make friends while riding her bike
and then we'll all be happy!
except liz...cause she'll be dead...but she'll be a happy dead cause she died by oporto's...which i think she would be grateful for

8:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i dunno cars are messy.... trains i think are much cleaner....

then she can appear in one of those adds 'i crossed the tracks - it cost me an arm and a leg literrally' only liz's will read 'i crossed the tracks it cost me an oporto burger, oh and my life... BUT THE BURGER!'

and if ed pimp slaps me.... whats stopping me thumping her back?? aside from my nice-ness of 'i dont hit people' but there can be exceptions!

6:22 PM  
Blogger jerky said...

Why do I strike the fatal blow? That kind of makes me the main culprit, should there be an investigation. I s'pose I could wear a balaclava.....

Peace out.

8:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

... simon in a balaclava... could be hot.... you dont really need a balaclava simon, just ride really really fast so no1 sees you!

but then we have to plan liz's assassination perfectly to the second. i say we synchronize watches!
(ive always wanted to say that!)

10:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh thats right ellie, talk yourself up here and make ME out to be the pimp....which im totally ok iwth by the way
you wont slap me back 'cause you my hoe! haha, i love pimp talk
but yeah, thats to the pimp'n'hoes verabal contract of '87, hoes are not allowed to slap their pimps AT ANY TIME, nor kick them, nor cause them bodily harm, just like a pimpisnt allowed to be involved with their hoes, and is allowed to pimp slap to show authority
its all there man- i dont know why you dont know this- it should have been mailed to you back in the day when unions still existed!

12:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

its them damn unions i tell ya!! good for nothings!! take my hard earned $$'s and i never got nothing back!! DAMN UNIONS!!

hehehehe unicorns

- lize is gonna have WAY too many posts when she gets back!!

4:05 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

As a long-term member of the union, I would have to say that the union is supporting us all, and it's that kind of defeatist attitude that caused the "collapse" of the union back in '92, but we've come a long way since then. It's all about equality. Hoes have the right to equality between themselves and pimps.

Having said this, ellie should still be pimp-slapped. Sorry ellie, but yeah...

Peace out.

P.S. Notice the lack of canadians taking part in this conversation? JOIN IN, GUYS!!

5:30 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

oh, i just realised... it's coz all this is happeneing in the wee hours of the mornin'

Sleep tight Canada!

Peace out.

5:32 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

That's the best part of the plan Simon for Ed, Ellie, and me though Simon. Since your the one who actually hits her with the burger, your the one who will go to prison. The rest of can't be convicted of anything.

And is Ed talking about unicorns again? Last time me and her talked about unicorns she made fun of me having an imaginary unicorn when I was little.

10:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it was other ellie takling about unicorns.......so she gets a hi-five'd pimp slap
imaginary unicorn for a boy
thats abotu as crazy as giving a girl "DIY" books as presents and beign surprised when she tells you she is a lesbian
.......also as funny
george- im glad SOMEONE here understands the rules pimps'n'hoes
it beings joy to my heart
and CMON RAEANNE!- you can do it!
you start by mentioning somehting already talked about in this discuss, then skillyfully manipulate the conversation into somehting YOU want to talk about, e.g. pimp slaps
so next comment, i better see you manipulating the conversation, OR ELSE!

6:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elizabeth will want to read on this how much all the Canadians and all the Australians are missing her since none of us are in close proximity to her. Then she reads all your entries about eliminating her after she has been in the hot, hostile outback. She's been wrestling crocs, chasing ten types of deadly snakes out of her tent, smacking funnel web spiders with her running shoes, yanking box jellyfish out of her bathing suit top, and you are talking mean things.

Here's a new start to posts:
I like Elizabeth because ... (fill in a minimum of three things)

For example, I like Elizabeth because
(1) of my birth children she is one of my favorite two
(2) she's only phoned at 1:30 a.m. once
(3) she's buying lots of cool souvenirs for me on her safari

8:50 PM  
Blogger Rob said...

I like Elizabeth because

1) I got to use her as a reason to go to Australia (I knew mom and dad got me a little sister for some reason)
2) She will make me very wealthy when Simon knocks her off
3) Because of her, I am mom and dad's favorite child.

10:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rob, Dad and I talked it over. You are one of our two favorite children.

1:53 PM  
Blogger Rob said...

That's what he may have told you, but he told me privately that I am your guys favorite child and that I am not ever suppose to tell Elizabeth that....whoops.....

2:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Lize is going to buy me oporto when she gets back :)
2. lize (and teeni) make engrish liveable
3. lize is my favourite birth child...... (sorry rob)

11:21 PM  
Blogger jerky said...

I am so not striking the final blow! You guys can do it, coz I'm still in the will anyways coz of the postcard hahahaha!

1. she writes me german phrases to translate
2. she, through her connections (Rob), secured me a Joel Plaskett CD
3. she totally came to mardi gras

Peace out.

6:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just had a revelation, and much to my delight, we talked about dopplegangers in English on Friday. That may be one of my favorite things about Lize. Let's see if the doppleganger makes the list.
1. I like laying in the snow looking at the stars with her because we're too lazy to walk back up the snow hill.
2. I like that she locks her dog up for hours on end so we can get deathly sunburned reading on our stomachs all day long and I don't get bit.
3. I like that when we were little we always got to go on a treasure hunt for our treat bags at her birthday. One time they were in the shower downstairs.

too bad doppleganger, you just didn't make the top 3.
ps. I capitalized all the proper nouns just for the English teacher in the group...you know who you are!

11:06 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

I do have to agree with Candace on the treasure hunts during King Family member's birthdays. Those were always good times. In fact, I think I'm going to get mom to make one up for me on my 22nd birthday in August!

2:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Candace, too bad you didn't get to Rob's b'day parties too. One of those treasure hunts took the boys to a huge manure pile that was on Peggs' driveway!

4:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

its my birthday in 11 days, maybe your mom will make me a scavenger hunt and you can come down rob!! (please??)

4:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like Elizabeth in far more ways than three.
But I suppose I can think of three.
Though, I must say, they aren't in any order of preference. Instead they are the first three that I could remember.

1) She is a fantastic dart thrower, and we've had a lot of fun doing so. Like the time we all got roofies.

2) Period 5 spare in grade 12 (yes, not year 12). Donkey Kong 2 and Super Mario Brothers. Bliss.

3) The fact that she wishes she could "whistle". Trust me people, you don't know the meaning. Unless she told you. If that is the fact then, well, you see the humor.

10:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

poor lize, missing out on soo much holiday fun! no easter show for her!! and def no saturday night jukebox party!!! thats right elizabeth.... missing best coolest party eva (hahaha im talking myself up!)

btw all canadians r invited.... if you can get here by sat......

*whistle trogdor tune* ..... just to annoy simone

1:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

raeanne cheated...she had four things
i like liz 'cause
1)she is always telling me how awesome i am and how much she loves me...biggest ego boost in the world! HI FIVE LIZ
2)she knows romie and michelles highschool reunion AND cory hearts 'i wear my sunglasses at night'- this makes me very happy also
3) she lent/ds me trashy teenage girl books and is easily coersed into buying cds i want, trusting my musical taste unquestioningly
is unquestioningly even a word?
ahem 'but most of all, i hate the way i dont hate you, not one bit, not even at all'
TEARFUL MOMENT EVERYONE (i hope i quoted that right)

2:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i remember when lize wished she could 'do that'. man that was real funny. also, i think that quote is right ed. :) ps. i want a jukebox party when i get there!

9:11 AM  
Blogger jerky said...


Peace out.

8:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.

8:58 AM  

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