Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Pre-Candace Post...

Well it's an appropriate title, since there was a nearly identical one when Rob was coming, but the week leading up to Rob's visit was very lax. My week leading up to Candace's visit is kind of wicked busy, as is the week when she's here.

Sunday Sam and I went to a play. God, I love Irish accents.

Yesterday Kirk came to school. I know Firthy really loved him being there. OPORTO!!! (That requires a sudden outburst) And also Go Fish, plus stories that Simon and Ed didn't understand... can I help it? Exchangies know too much.

This morning I was in a bad mood mainly because I'm not going to get to see Vadim again. Maybe ever. He goes home Wednesday but I have to be in Hornsby on the day of his good-bye dinner, so yeah, no seeing Vadim again. But by the afternoon I was slightly really hyper again, so that's good. Still sad about Vadim, but a slightly less depressed Liz is more pleasant for the Carlo people, I'm sure.

I get to be the follow spot operator for "Cabaret" at Hornsby RSL. Basically I haven't screwed up yet and I haven't even been robbed/bashed/mugged (the perfect combo of the former two) on the way home from the station at 1230 am. Shows are Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

Quote: "Well Jesus slash Christ..." (Oh, "Milo's Wake"... the line is funnier if you put it in an Irish accent)

E(Liz)abeth :)


Blogger ~Wei~ said...

So... i'm totally guessing that Candace is coming on saturday... and i'm also guessing that you like Candace... and that... she is wicked?

Now... is Candace the one who asked for the personal ad? because... then... i might have to meet her...

Yeah i did alot of thinking in this comment...

2:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha no, Wei, I ask for the personal ad.. unfortunately you won't meet me(but ask Liz for a picture cause she's got a good one of me..Liz you know which one's my favorite) because I'm living in Texas.. and am a student not working with no money.. haha.
Liz, you better reply to my email.. cause I guess I have more to tell you.. but I'll probably write it..maybe monday seeing i have two exams tomorrow, and then we leave and won't be back until sunday.. but i have two exams after the weekend.. and then it's home sweet home..
Have fun with candace!
Hi aussies!!

9:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Write my last final in 2 hours and then I am done school FOREVER!!!!

By the way Elizabeth, we need you to come home soon. Me and Crystal need more Mario Kart players.

11:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I play too? I like Mario Kart.. 64 or game cube?

11:50 PM  
Blogger jerky said...


hey raeanne :)

peace out.

1:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mario cart is pretty awesome- not as awesome as like, the original mario party on nintendo 64 though
my sister and i played that for like, 6 hours straight on night....while binging
it was so awesome

5:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I liked the original mario party except for the games where you had to spin the joystick really fast. I ripped a lot of skin off the bottom of my hand attempting to win those games.
Also, Candace and Liz, why do you want to leave me all the time?...I'll shower if it'll help...I promise

8:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Candace now should be in the air somewhere.

Sarah, I still love you; let's do pie together sometime soon.

Raeanne, I love our global village. Gossip you heard in Texas about Weyburn went to Elizabeth and she passed it on to me. I hadn't heard it yet!

10:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm really the gossip queen.. that and I like to snoop on things like myspace and facebook. haha
Hi Simon!
email on wednesday :D miss ya!
P.S. rob i'm serious about the mario kart..

11:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rae, any time your up in Saskatoon let me know and we'll invite you over to play Mario Kart. I got every Mario Kart up at my place in Saskatoon now. Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64, and GameCube.
-Rob K.-

2:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha be careful.. lol I'm up in saskatoon more than you think.. haha

9:44 PM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

I must say I loved Super Mario Kart for Super NES, 'cause they didn't ahve a joystick, it was just the control pad and it was so hard... basically I think Super NES is just superior in every way.

12:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

supernintendo baseball was the best :D

1:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mario cart is like...god

3:20 AM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

Sorry, not coming to school until Tuesday Nick :P

5:34 PM  
Blogger jerky said...

HAHAHAHAAHA nick you addict.

Candace is here now! I think she should do atleast one post from ol' sydney town.

peace out.

7:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

disappointed liz

2:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

but you can have some more respect :P

2:34 AM  
Blogger jerky said...


peace out.

5:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So any aussies.. i sent liz a message that needs to be answered asap.. and so I was wondering if one of you guys could let her know it's in her email and if she can just email me back with her response? pretty please with a cherry on top :D

3:38 PM  

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