Saturday, April 28, 2007

International Night...

Man yesterday was a good day. I got 25/30 on the English half yearly (ranked 26th) and I am definitely doing something for "Cabaret" at Hornsby RSL (Which has a very wicked lighting set up). After school Ed, Julz, Wei, Anthony, Stephan and I went for coffee. We discussed the merits of getting a "lah-tey" and I got even more back story on this lovely group of people I call my friends. Then I was late for getting to Hornsby (because I drinking my coffee you see), but it didn't really matter. International night went really well. We had to freeze in some awkward positions on stage but it was still hilarious. And thus my pictures (but they don't show the awkward positions)...

Front of Blazer
Back of Blazer
Vadim. This kid is a mad dog, but I may never see him again since he leaves May 9th (Stupid Russia)
OK, this is from the ANZAC day parade and is off topic. However, people in Weyburn THIS IS A SCHOOL UNIFORM!!! This is the King's School and they seriously have to wear these everyday. So bloody funny (to me anyways)

Then after international night a couple of us just hung out for a couple of hours discussing the meaning of our exchanges (and various other deep conversations)

And here I am today. Candace gets here in a week! Yay!!! I totally have plans.

WEI!!!! If you're having a Rent party I am inviting myself. Rent is the most awesome movie ever (notice the seriousness in my lack of good grammar)

Quote: "Say sushi." "Make me!!!" (angry Finish people are cute)

E(Liz)abeth :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

First comment means I love you the most! You'll be happy to know I am done exams so expect a big update from me in the next few days

10:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'd like to note that i did not drink lah-tey OR coffee- for i am not that much of an artfag yet
i drank my hot chocolate whilst stroking my tie with pride
wei failed gay school cause he didnt know what rent was pretty funny...almost as funny as when i found out he didnt know who jack the ripper was...hahahaha

7:01 PM  
Blogger jerky said...

I wouldn't say rent is the BEST film. It's good, great even... but not the best... i find it a little forced.

There's my art-fagging out of the way!

But yeah, we will definitely have a rent party ;-)

ed, you are an embarassment to the art fag community. You must start appreciating coffee.

Peace out.

P.S. I am loving the blazer... coming along nicely...

7:51 PM  
Blogger ~Wei~ said...

Thats not fair, i was leaving the first comment to the "mom" character, but i guess that isnt much of a tradition anymore.

and for me failing gay school, i blame my asianness. ><.


8:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey cuz' it's been a while. I've just spent a few minutes catching up on your blog. looks like you are having a wonderful time. I haven't had the time to go through all the comments yet, but from your blogs it looks like you have been a busy beaver. (There's a Canadian phrase you may have to explain.) We have been horendously (did I spell that right?) busy. The biggest news fro me is that I got accepted for a full year of sponsored studies to complete my degree. It will be an undergad Bachelor of Military Arts and Science (BMASc). I will start in September. Don't know if I'll be any smarter but I'll be edumicated :-). And if Simon tries calling me an art fag I'll have Sergey finish the job with a woodchipper ;-) Be bad but stay safe. Out.

8:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey liz... i'm the opposite of sarah. I'm going into exams so I won't be around for the next 10 days.. well unless i become very bored.. so expect an email the 10th or 11th that will involved pictures.. and me being back in Canada (finally) I'll talk to you soon Love ya..
P.S. Wei, thanks for the introduction. See Elizabeth for my intro.. cause she can show you a pretty cool picture haha

9:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i may fai art faggery- but i pass school girl preppy
so take THAT

10:16 PM  
Blogger jerky said...

Thanks John!

Peace out.

10:55 PM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

Yeah mom, that really is their school uniform.
And I'm glad John is back to threatening Simon. All is right with the world again.

11:38 PM  
Blogger ~Wei~ said...

I think i may need some backstory on John threatening Simon, as great blogging is, using ctrl-f to find any conversation between john and simon is about as appealing as writing a 1000 word on why my life sucks

2:21 AM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

Basically something about a Serbian rebel who will hurt someone for cheap..."hell, some of them would even do it for fun" and one other thing, but I can't remember.
I love John. He's such an immature army man :P

12:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why... would you be crying on the inside?

OH HEY, how was kirk being at carlo like? i would totally have come but uni decided to be a bitch

1:41 AM  
Blogger jerky said...


peace out.

5:40 AM  

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