The last one...
But before I go, what have I been up to lately? Art Gallery, days in the city, lunches, train rides, shopping, etc etc. These first pics are from my "Roaming Gnome in the City day" with Ellie, Seb, and Rebekka.
We kept going into toy shops and turned on everything that would turn on. The creepiest was the Winnie the Poohs... trust me, when 8 said good-bye in succession it was terrifying.
Sam, T, Julz, and I went to Harry Potter 5 (AMAZING!!!!) Two pics were taken before we were told that you weren't allowed to take pictures. This was one of them.
Oh, and I went to "Dead Caesar" last night at the Wharf theatre. It's the one written by Chris Taylor of the Chaser and Andrew Hansen is in it. It. Was. Amazing. Definitely the best performance I've seen in the past year and it's probably one of the best I've seen in my life.
And now to the sentimental note. I'm going to miss Australia. Like really miss it. To all of my friends you are awesome and I swear I'll be back, I just can't say when. And if you ever come to Canada my mom will bake you a pie. A whole pie that you can hoard to yourself (that's right. I'm reducing myself to bribing... tempted yet?)
Love you all.
And one final quote from "Dead Caesar": 'They wanted to build an eternal city. Like Canberra only less shitty.'
And for the last time E(Liz)abeth :)