Saturday, June 30, 2007

Last day of school...

And it's the end of an era. I am finally done high school. Funnily enough I finished high school exactly one year after I graduated high school. Cool, eh? So let's take a look back.
Here's me on the first day of Carlo...
(not the best of pictures)
And on my last day...

(much more attractive)

My friends are awesome, amazing wonderful people and so they made me a cake for my last day and tried to sing "So Long, Farewell" from Sound of Music.

Trust me, it was a very delicious cake. Tharini's mom is awesome.

Really didn't do much on the last day (as could be expected) Basically it was one very long card game. Saying good-bye to teachers and some of the kids was weird just because I'll never see them again. Ever. Like with the Comp I'm going to run into everyone at the Co-op and Macca's. I won't be able to escape my teachers in Weyburn. But yeah, weird feeling. And then I left my folder on the bus which really made me mad since it was the folder Sam, G, and Hannah gave to me. But some sort of god was smiling on me as a hour and a half a left Gloria Jeans and my bus was sitting there with folder still in it. I was SO happy!

I just feel this picture of Ed needs to be distributed to the world.

And now I am done school. So what do I do know you ask? Um, have two weeks of holidays in Australia then six weeks of considerably warmer holidays in Canadia.

Went to "Othello" at the Opera House last night. It. Was. Fantastic.

Quote: "Please excuse this interruption across the school but this is a very important announcement..."

And now I must go buy some lollies for tonight.

E(Liz)abeth :)

PS. Only one more blog left!... Maybe two...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1ST POST!!! woot.... aww i missed lize's last day at school how sad :( and liz wen u get back to canada do u have a first day of kindy piccy you can post??

9:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a thought since you are on holidays ... how about a new blog entry with photos each day?

And, yes, you were a beautiful kid when you got there, but you look more beautiful now.

10:12 PM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

Some people don't have unlimited internet access mom. I would be happy to do that if you promise to pay Morgan's internet bill.

10:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


btw i stole some pictures from ur blogs ..MWAHAHAHAHAHAH


aw and i caught up on ur time in australia cos i ahvent been here in ages

man im gunna miss you
and...ur before and after pictures ...u look wonderful in both :)..see one is a nature shot and one is indoors...fabulous!
last night was fun WEE
cath ya later

9:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i drop by every once in a while
i luv looking at your pics and reading your blogs
i don't want them to ennnnnnnnnd
luv julzy

5:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so uh...that right there...nice and close with the camera...though i think it was erin rather than you who took it..and i think it was revenge for taking extremely attractive ACTION photos of her..and a couple others...they were awesome shots
and side note- your ipod has not been dethrowned- it is my portable one- the one that travels with me as it isnt bulky and is a whole lot easier to put music on- fear not

8:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I vote that you keep the blog going but via saskatoon? yes? haha I'm sure the aussies and your dearest third cousin would love that! haha
I can't wait to see you in like.. 2 weeks! holy like 13 days! I'm trying really hard to come see you! I shall find you!

2:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, since the news has hit home, i suggest we talk about last month's secret topic more out in the open. I'll start. I was with you at Fred's and I held your hand throughout the entire process.


10:01 PM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

Yep yep, mom knows and she was surprising calm. Maybe she's just waiting until I get home so she came emotionally abuse me or something
Just kidding mom, I know you love me and would never hurt me

11:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

p.s so totally hott now liz!!!

we discussed this today with how much weight you have lost and your even more prettifulness now


5:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

tattoo's give you street cred

2:17 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

Wow... Is it just me, or is there an amazing amount of weight loss between those two photos??

Australia is a wondrous place, obviously...

peace out.

6:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Surprisingly calm! SURPRISING CALM!!!

ARGH! Criminy! Surprising calm? I don't think so! I'd write more but instead I better see if a doctor will give me a prescription for valium.

11:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

moms funny

12:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never said it but yes I agree with everybody else to who said it. You look beautiful in your second picture. But you've always been beautiful liz! haha I ate a tim tams?.. I think that's what they're called but wow. so good. I love them...
P.S.. You dad asked me the other day in the office if I had known about your tattoo.. haha I said no but he knew I did.

10:58 AM  
Blogger Tharini =) said...

YOU spelled mUm wrong liz...geez you've been here for a year

6:32 AM  

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