Thursday, October 05, 2006

My 18th B-day Party....

So yesterday and today I turned 18 (We're accounting for both of my home time zones)
I did buy lottery tickets. I can tell you on Tuesday if I won the Oz lotto.

Joy let me have a birthday party (and we love her forever for this!) And obviously since I turned 18 everyone just got trashed... there are still some people sleeping it off in the living room *just kidding mom* There was actually a lot of non-alcoholic fun.

S'toon and me. He got me an excellent CD to further my education... and he still can't draw a proper maple leaf.

Other excellent gifts include (but is not limited to, I just can't remember all of them now, but let me assue you they are all awesome) an Aussie teddy bear, an Aussie shirt, an Aussie flag (unofficial), and Aussie homesick pack (including gum leaves), an Aussie shot glass, an Aussie inflatable finger, an Aussie boomerang, an Aussie hat (complete with corks mom, t'would make you happy), an Aussie pencil case, and brazilian bracelets (Leo kinda deviated). Erin drew a REALLY good picture of me. Must find frame!

Bottom around clockwise: V, G, Leo's hand and Smitty
Notice the excellent use of red and white in their clothing.

Mel and Firthy with teddy bears made (that's right, they have Build-a-Bear in Australia) for me and Leo by V and Betsy. Leo's has the hat, mine has the bows. That's Julz in the background.

Me and the Ellies. I actually got Ed laughing for this one. We shall never speak of how again. (Except I can probably guarantee Ed will speak of it in comments)

A group shot of everyone! (OK, not everyone because actually getting everyone in this group together is next to impossible but y'know, everyone at my birthday party. I'll give names because I have nothing else to do today. I'm going approximately on rows but that's hard so I'll just trust you Canadian people to infer judging my people you've already seen. Alrighty: Ellie, Nick, Firthy, Leo, Betsy, Selva, Tharini, Simon (in my glasses), Mel, V, G, Julz, Sam, Lisel, Ed, Smitty, and me!

So now I shall create a picture. Think all of these guys screaming (they might consider it singing I guess) "Happy birthday" under a closed roof. It was loud and awesome. Carlo High is an outdoor school for a reason, these people don't belong indoors.

Now for my happy birthdays:
Happy birthday Erin!!!!!!! (today)
Happy birthday Sam!!!!!!!! (October 10th)
Happy birthday Anna!!!! (October 12th)

And finally my quote of the day comes from The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) because I realized last night when I couldn't sleep that I actually have this memorized- " the context of a prenichian society to the totality of a jejeune circular relationship of form contrasted with the complete otherness of metaphysical cosmologies and ethical mores entrenched in the collective subconscious of an agrarian race." Didn't know I had it in me :)


Please read on for excellent pictures of some people.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a happy, happy, happy mom. I love seeing pictures. Hopefully the next ones won't be of you lobster red after two days at the beach.

9:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wanna know how liz got me to laugh?!?!?


yeah- little action on the side never hurt anyone on their birthdays

2:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ed.. you let everyone feel you up, don't pretend like you're the innocent one here :P Nah i think it's an awesome picture of you 3 (liz & the ellie's), you're all looking so happy and pretty, it's even better cause i took it but i gotta say the picture that takes the cake is mel's extreme close up, i went the hardy cack after i took that one, *tear* the hilarities!

I'm happy you had a good time at the party Liz! i think you're all aussied up for..ever from the presents you got! hehehe

Wear that giant no.1 aussie blow up hand with pride my friend!!

6:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Liz, now that you're 18 I suggest you make the song "I'm 18" by Alice Cooper your theme's only true for a year, so you have to milk it while you can, I know I will be for the next four months lol

8:06 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

Happy birthday sis!!!!

I know this is a day late but you can't really blame me. I just got phone at my new place late last night and I still don't have internet.

4:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Carlo High is an outdoor school for a reason, these people don't belong indoors."

that is gold and oh so true :D

7:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

for insinuating that i was the whore... can pass photography class

7:25 PM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

OK people. I'm going away for four or five days. When I come back I expect many a comments surrounding some useless topic (if you need an example please see the y'all vs ya'll debate)

2:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you all need a topic to discuss while Elizabeth is away, you could analyze her statement, "I'm an adult." True? False? Comments anyone?

8:52 PM  
Blogger Rob said...

Let's talk about how unbelivabley cool Lize's brother is. (and a comment once in a while on my blog wouldn't kill anyone)

Only 69 more days till I leave for Australia. where is teh best place to get cheap hookers in Australia?

9:51 PM  
Blogger Rob said...

I'm 21 Raeanne. I can do what I want in Australia. And besides, everyone knows I was joking.


Simon, I was just joking about not being serious earlier. I need you to tell me where the cheap hookers are in Sydney.

1:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey rob- i can tell you
kings cross man! its where ALL the hookers go now-a-days!
reaenne- was that a question? cause you ended it with a question mark..
i dont know how to respond..
but feeling me up like liz was then, usually does result in my laughing- cause she just was not smooth at all! you gotta understand where im comming from on this one

1:14 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

Yeah rob, ed got it right- Kings Cross is the way to go. (Sorry i haven't commented in a while- i've been away for like 4 days)
However Rob, if you want CHEAP cheap hookers, you could probably find a heroin junkie somewhere in Cabramatta willing for a few bucks (But seriously- don't go to Cabramatta. Ever.)

Peace out.

5:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Raeanne has it right, Rob. Don't put comments like that on Elizabeth's bog. People who read this don't know you are a clean-cut kid with a weird sense of humor. Those of us who know you, know you wrote that to get some comments rolling.

Hey, Raeanne, I hope someone cooked you turkey for Canadian Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving!

8:53 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

HEHE... mom called the blog a bog!!

8:19 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

If you guys need something to do, you can come post at my blog. show me some love.

1:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

does it matter if rob was kidding or not?- fact remains, simon adn i know where the hookers are- whether we choose to use that information to hire them, or to throw rocks at them, is really neither here nor there
and yes did make me laugh- im not use to getting felt up- and by a strapping young canadian lass too!

9:18 PM  
Blogger jerky said...

Ed and I are sooo in the loop with the Sydney Nightlife!!
Plus Rob, I tried to go to your blog and it was "access denied" blah blah blah...
Fix it!!
I really have nothing better to do at 11.42PM on a wednesday night so I need to be able to comment on as many blogs as possible. Mainly this one, and hopefully Rob's...
I need to update my blog sometime soon....

Peace out.

7:49 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

I love the scissor sisters!!
Their album is soooo good!
I really don't feel like dancing

7:51 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

Hmmmm, couldn't find any restrictions for my blog. If it says you have to log in to MSM Live spaces, just do that and it's merely your hotmail address and password.

8:44 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

uh Rob, it's still not working
This is not cool.

6:48 PM  
Blogger Rob said...

Okay, I changed some of the settings. Let me know if you can get in now.

8:54 PM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

Nice guys, Rob find your own commentors! Acutally I'm just kidding, I love my Aussies and my brother bonding because then the Aussies are less likely to thrown garbage at him when he comes.
SIMON let me borrow that CD then assuming you weren't being sarcastic. It's hard to tell without emoticons. And even those guys screw you over sometimes.
And Ed, is strapping a compliment or an insult?

12:57 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

It still doesn't work, my canadian friend!
Liz, Strapping is good, and I really do love the scissor sisters

My shoes are better than yours.

1:58 AM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

I do beg to differ on that last point Simon.

Oh and mom, new blog on Saturday (aussie sat, not Canadadian) It shall feature Jindabyne, S and S's party, and Hamish Blake because he's just awesome

4:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hell yeah strapping is a compliment- only the strapping get to feel ed up...adn be strapping
and i know simon- we could totally set up a "know-it-all night(or knight- i ahve decided yet)life" business where we whore tourists thinking we do a trial run on rob...or at least robs luggage
scissor sisters are pretty awesome, i do agree

5:19 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

K Simon, I changed some more settings. try to get on my blog again. If you still can't, then I don't know what the hell to do. Or just hack lize's computer cause she can view it.

And what will this trial run on me involve? I hope it's not pushing me out of a plane in the middle of the outback and making me find my own way back to Sydney.

5:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

as fun as that would be, and that would be ultra fun, unfortunatly for us, adn fortunatly for you- we cant be screwed getting a plane cause australian customs are a bugger- and plus, like, mom adn liz might get mad at us
we will however find other ways to.......initiate you

8:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're right; Rob's mom would be a little (a lot) upset as she thinks Rob's a pretty good guy even though he once put something inappropriate in his comments. Yes, the same person who typed "bog" for "blog" just submitted a run-on sentence.

1:01 PM  
Blogger Rob said...

Which one was my inappropriate comment? The one about where to find cheap hookers or the other one?

3:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude thats totally NOT COOL!!! you cant abbreivate ellie and ellie into just one ellie!!!! (if u look at your last pic you'll see you only mention ellie once.... but there are clrealy two of us!!!!)

luv u long time liz ;) (hahaha i foundy our blog an posted on it!!)

12:23 AM  

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