Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Ice Skating, Exchangies, and Rotary...

Hey y'all everybody. This might be a long one so please be prepared (And by might I mean pretty damn sure it will be)

Yesterday morning I did the unthinkable, the unfathomable, the (find a thesaurus and keep going) I cut my own hair, layers and all! Here was my thought process "Man, I have split ends... Hmmmm, I wonder if I can do it myself. You know I have curly hair so it wouldn't show if it was uneven. Simon can do it. Ed can do it. Sarah and Rob have been known to trim their bangs (aka fringe, that wasn't a part of the process, but I'm translating for aussies) Screw it. I'm not spending $30 on a professional job. I'll do it myself!" And I did and it doesn't look bad! Go me!

Last night I went ice skating. Now I know what most of you are thinking "Who comes to Australia to go ice skating?" Well the answer would be me and I actually had a really good time. It was Firthy and Leo's brithday party and even though I haven't skated in 5 years, I did not bad. Atleast I didn't fall like Mel did (I can say that because she fell twice and only one was my fault)

Now today was an interesting day indeed. First I went out to Circular Quay to meet several exchange students. One was from the next district over. It was quite possibly the most unorganized exchange student outing ever and apparently that was my fault (because somehow I became organizer. I used $6 of credit and all they can do is whinge... MAN), but let's be honest, exchange students have fun no matter where they are.

This is a picture of (left to right) Signe (Denmark, she's from next district over) Leo (Brazil), Lailla (Brazil), Maggie (America), yours truly (Canada, obviously), Vadium (Russia), Celine (France), and Doriane (Belgium). Kirk from Regina is taking the picture. That pretty building in the back is the Opera house (just in case you live in a cardboard box)

Then Leo and I had a very interesting time on city rail with no help from S'toon. Basically we went through Wynyard station three times in a half hour. For those of you not familiar with Sydney rail lines, that's not good.
Then I came home to three, count 'em three, letters. One was from grammie, one from Mom (Thanksgiving card :) ) and one was from Sode. She sent me an awesome necklace. It is so pretty. Sode, you are an excellent person. Love you heaps!

Then tonight was Rotary. How much do I love that organization? First they gave me a REALLY excellent chocolate cake. Seriously, it almost beats out DQ cakes. Then at the end I was called up and President Trish presented me with *dramatic pause* a bridge climb!!!!!!! I'm so happy. I seriously jumped up and down and possibly crushed Trish with my hug. I'm going on a bridge climb!!!!!! Rotary rules!!! Seriously, I love every single Rotarian just ever. Right now we're thanking great-grandpa King for first getting involved because that subsequently ended in me being here. The exchange program is the best thing to ever happen to this planet earth. I mean c'mon, all these Aussies get to meet me (naturally) and I get cake.

Quote of the day comes from the depths of my quote book, back to Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy "I'd much rather be happy than be right"

Haha, that's all for now. Expect another on Friday. I think I'm blogging too much.
Oh well, it makes mom happy


Anonymous Anonymous said...

totally offended that i was placed SECOND after simon in the cutting of hair list
i was doing it way before him- its just that he;s more braggy bout it

hahaha, mrs owens- you jsut told me cause im slow


6:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup, I'm happy; I love your blog entries. You went through Wynyard station three times! Tell Grandma; she'll be excited. Aussies, you may not know but Elizabeth's grandma lives in Wynyard, Saskatchewan. The only other Wynyard in the world is Wynyard, Tasmania so there's your new knowledge for the day. Elizabeth did you take a photo of the sign for the station?

Elizabeth, I hope you and all of your friends on both sides of the pond plus your brother go on to higher education. Then you can get well paying jobs and consequently be able to afford professional haircuts.

7:36 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

OK firstly, ed, it's not that I'm more braggy, it's just that I'm better at it.
Secondly, we totally know what 'bangs' are... but thanks for saying the word, as it is quite humorous.
Thirdly, it's not my fault that I didn't help you out and that you exchange students suck at Sydney public transport. One day, I'll be an exchange student and show y'all how it's done.
Fourthly, Seriously, you international students aren't half bad... it makes for fun sms message reading.
Fifthly, Peace out.

8:23 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

Sixthly, (if that's a word) I think we need photographic proof that this haircut of yours looks good. Then and only then will I respect you as a person.
Wow... it's kinda late...12.19AM (not Saskatchewanian time)
Nobody's online.
Keep up the good bloggin'!!!


8:27 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

I just realised that my display name looks super girly. I should really change it some time.
I'm-a gonna stop spamming your site now.

Peace out.

8:28 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

I noticed that too simon but I wasn't going to say anything.

Damn it Elizabeth, bridge climb was on our list of things to do when I was there. Now if we do it then you will be bored.

And I penciled out our whole schedule. Our bridge climb was scheduled for 1:35 in the afternoon on Dec 23. (Although I was thinking of maybe switching that with the 2:40 pee break)

2:11 PM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

Rob, you are aware that the bridge climb is a four hour affair right? Seriously, the bridge climb is about an hour but then they have to train you and give you a breathalyzer (you can see why. Going up on the bridge trashed? not cool.) Just so when your penciling things in with pen you know how much time to allot.
Also, Simon do you doubt my skills at being an awesome hairdresser? I mean we can't all be as professional as you, but that doesn't mean you should scoff :)

5:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

simon- as if your better at cutting hair then me

like for real- your not
i would cut my hair to prove this to you, but i cant cause im growing my fringe out- yeah, the one i cut myself that looked awesome
and all the fringes before
and we all know i suck at cutting other peoples hair- but i rock at cutting my own
so shuttup

and liz im sure your hair looks lvoely adn better than simons

1:35 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

ed, you're wrong.
exhibit A: Catherine's fringe.
I rest my case.

I still need to change my display name...

Peace out.

7:57 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

And don't worry rob, I'm sure liz would love to climb the bridge twice.

8:04 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

Do you think they would let me jump off the top of the bridge? Not suicide jump, but jump as in a 4 1/2 flips in pike position with 2 1/2 twists. And land safely. I'm sure I could do that.

And when I said 2:40 pee break, I was well aware that the bridge climb is 3 1/2 hours. I figured we would pee off the side of the bridge.

8:44 AM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

OK, Simon, way to go on the display name. Although now it looks stark and manly, but I guess if you want to project a false image it's your perogative.
Also Rob, ew, just ew. And I hope you know that you are paying for the Bridge Climb. Just 'cause I get one for free doesn't mean you do.
Oh right, I was gonna jump all over Simon for WHEN you are an exchange student? Hmmmm, bravo my friend, bravo.

5:21 PM  
Blogger Tharini =) said...

AHEM what has gotten in to you liz?
may i remind you that mrs Owens is a rotarian.
so if you wouldn't mind revoking the comment
"I love every single Rotarian just ever".
just for me.
luv teeni =)

10:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If anyone on here ever catches Rob making comments, could you encourage him to Email or phone his dear parents. He's been neglecting us.

10:37 PM  
Blogger jerky said...

Rob, you are so busted by mom, but i'm sure it's fine to both pee off and jump off the bridge... 134 metres isn's that high...
And thanks liz for being the ONE PERSON to notice my new display name!!!!!
Yeah, i don't blame you guys for not caring...
Peace out.

11:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elizabeth! You can buy BEER! uh...i mean..refreshing non-alcoholic beverages that people of all ages can enjoy...Happy birthday!

4:58 PM  

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