Monday, October 16, 2006

Um... yeah, back at Carlo...

Out of the last nine posts, eight of them have had pictures so this one can be short and wordy (and no, that's not an oxymoron)

Second day into year 12. So far I'm finding it quite excellent. I miss modern history but the past two days of entertainment have been great because they mainly revolved around Blue Man Group. So, a big thanks goes out to Rob for asking if we could go see them in Vegas last Christmas. You can never forget rockstar movement #237 "taking the audience on a jungian journey..." and that's as far as I can go.
Earth and Enviro looks like it will be HEAPS better than Maths 2U. Nothing against my old maths buddies. I still love you guys. And now Mel can set her pace against Ed instead of me so *phew* the pressure's off.
And on Monday I can officially stop going to legal. I would just stop going now but I've never been truant before and dammit I will not start now!
I do love extension English but it is a sad realization when you look at your watch at 830 in the morning and realize you've already been awake 3 and 1/2 hours.
Oh and I shall now list the excellent bands I have been introduced to (and therefore am going broke buying CDs, so really thanks a lot guys... mainly Simon... and kinda Ed) The Whitlams, Bob Evans, Hunters and Collectors, MGF, Scissor Sisters, and Garbage. If any Canadadians are going to look into any of these I seriously recommend the Whitlams, but all of them are great.
Because I just opened my quote book in the thick of the CSI: section, the quote of the day comes from my favourite show: 'What's the most important component in poisoning?' '...Poison?'
Man I want season seven.
Pictures up after the weekend from the Basin.
Whaddaya know? This was so short after all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

awww maths buddy :( now who will laugh at my jokes :(

12:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ohh the joys of earth enviro...welcome to our wonderful...? bad david zhang is leaving us :( funny funny man

1:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no-one will be doing anythign to ed
no feelig up
no comparing
no seeting pace
im in math retirement

1:31 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

Simon, what the hell? I make it so you can post on my blog but I can't post on your blog? I'm kind of hurt.

8:13 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

Rob, yeah, apparently the link doesn't work... so just go to it this way:

Peace out.

10:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DUDE I TOALLY BEAT LIZ IN AN ENGLISH EXAM!!! liz!!! i beat LIZ!!!! booyeah!!!..... she did have an unfair disadvantage.... in never actually having read Othello.... but ya know! booyeah!!!

12:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooooo, if you beat liz, i beat liz, cause i got the same as you!
we beat the student we had an unfair advantage over!

1:56 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

I'm pretty sad coz liz got only one less mark than me in the Othello essay, and she didn't even study the text!

Peace out.

5:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yay ur becoming a hippy with us HOW EXCITING and earth and enviro hippy ...AND WE GET A CAMP FOR IT TOO even betterer ....and now no matsh u shall no longer have to be scared by mr morely cos A MEMORY COMIGN UP that time wen i was signing u in and mr morely totally frreaked u ot
i think he has that effect
ne how smile :)

4:36 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

yeah, it's true- we hippies are a proud race and we are happy to include a canadian (aswell as the new brazilian) into our ranks.
Let's go and hug a tree.

8:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're reading Othello now, will one of you take my midterm for me?
Elizabeth I would like you to know that I am going to see Rise Against in January and, oh yes, I have floor seats...Tim McIlrath *sigh*
Oh please, I know you find him attractive

10:48 PM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

Haha thanks Mel. I do love the head teacher duties. Ellie was showing me her work today. You guys aren't being distracted enough if Ellie is doing her work (Haha, nth term)
Tree hugging? Crazy greenies.
Sode, I'd recommend getting not Simon or myself to write the Othello essay. Anyone else would be a good choice (no offence S'toon... well maybe I mean a little offence :P )

1:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I TOTALLY PASSED MY OTHELLO ESSAY by 4 marks......but thats cause our class hated "o", much like teh other englihs classes hate us, and therefore didnt study it properly, and therefore our class sucked at it
we did, however, kick ass in poetry, and just generally kick as in general

2:11 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

O kicked BBC's B-hind to the max!!
although it was also rather average. Thanks Liz

5:20 AM  

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