Tuesday, December 26, 2006

The Gath...

So it was my five month anniversary on Christmas Eve. I celebrated by ticking another Aussie state off my list: Victoria. (Now to put this into numbers I've been to 4 countries [beating Rob], 45 American States [one less than Rob], 6 Canadian provinces [tied with Rob], and 3 Aussie states/territories [beating Rob] so obviously I am coming out ahead)

Anywho, Rob and I went down to Leongatha to visit Sarah for a couple of days (you Canadadians remember Sarah, don't you?) I was promised a nice, toasty Aussie Christmas. Instead it was 14 degrees and raining. I don't know why Aussies are whinging about water shortage. It was pissing down rain all day yesterday. I lived in my Carlo trackies and grad bunnyhug for three days as those were the only warm clothes I'd brought along.

We went to the pub on Christmas Eve but didn't stay very long. Christmas day we were invaded with Sarah's relatives who were all very nice. We had BBQed Christmas turkey and pavlova. The train ride back was twelve hours of uninteresting-ness. All of the aussie bush looks kinda the same. However, both Rob and I did get a couple of giggles out of "Wagga Wagga" (pronounced "Wogga Wogga" but you can just say "Wogga" and everyone will know what you mean... according to my slang book)

Now I'm back home and looking forward to sleeping. Beach on Thursday and Ellie has plans for the fireworks so YAY!!!!

Today's quote is from Sarah's brother because we had an awesome time making fun of Sarah and Jeff Moser "Jeff Moser? I thought he was delightful!" (Guess you had to be there...)

Elizabeth :)


Blogger Rob said...

hehe, Wagga Wagga.

BTW Rae, I think it's time you updated your blog. Surely something has happened in your life in the two months since you last updated your blog.

4:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hiya my kids ! I just sent you an Email. Elizabeth, Email me your next address. I have a number of interesting things to mail you when we get back to Weyburn. Rob, I have some good things for you to read too and we will bring them to S'toon.

By the way, Elizabeth, your cuz Rae has the greatest haircut. She should send you pics.

9:28 PM  

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