Saturday, December 09, 2006

Third Pictures...

I have been seriously hurt at the lack of comments recently. Maybe my blog has become redunant and boring. Maybe the Aussies and the Canadians alike have stopped loving me. Yet I still must plough (plow?) on for mama's sake. Here are the last of the pictures I promised. These are from Naamaroo which happened two weeks ago.

Myself and Rasmus doing the nutbush with heaps of the outbounds.

The outbounds with their pretty green blazers.

Rasmus (or MC Razz-ma-tazz) trying to look gansta in Maggie's bunnyhug and my Carlo pants.

Team GermCan: clockwise starting with me, Moritz, Rebekka, Niklas, Kirk, and Julie. We do make one hell of an attractive team.

Kirk and I with Jodie who is outbound to the Rotary Club of Winnipeg (that's uncle Cam's club!!!)

And just the quick typed update to appease the readers. I had a very good weekend. I saw "Borat" on Friday again. It is still hilarious. Then on Saturday Maggie had about fifteen of us out to her house in Berowra for a sleepover. We just hung out, ate some puppy chow, watched "Finding Nemo" and "Castaway" (which had a very unsatisfying ending), and didn't get nearly enough sleep. I'd say one of the highlights would've been at 330 in the morning when leo and maggie started jumping on everyone and I kicked Leo in the neck (by accident of course...)
Rob gets here in one week. I guess that's kind of exciting.

*NOTE: Nick's quote has been removed because I thought it was his, but it is in fact, from Anchorman*
Hence new quote from White Ninja "Excuse me, stealth is always in fashion."

ok ok ok, I'll reput this up "I'm in a glass cage of emotion" 'cause it's still funny, and now it's even correct. (I may have caved too easily on this one)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

dang, looks like im even faster than the aussies now...and im on the other side of the world...guess that means i love her mostest!

7:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn! Canderz! I thought i might be first!
And liz, it's "I'm IN a glass CAGE of emotion" and it's from anchorman. Clearly the best movie ever produced.
I think i'm going to have to buy borat as soon as it comes out. Seeing it twice was not enough.

Peace out.

7:44 PM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

Fixed the quote and added my stealth one. Is there a more perfect word than the one "stealth"? I think not.

9:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HA! Study!

That's all i have to say.

2:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

borat is the funniest movie its sooo goood... and liz how dare you remove my quote which i clearly stole from anchorman but do admit to it cause i told you after where it came from...i waited all weeek for you to put it up and then you clearly state nicks comment was removed..yet displayed it later...geez..way to build up nothing.. BORAT

3:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"My name-a Borat! I like you!"

Man that has got to be the best movie since anchorman!!

3:21 AM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

Agreed on the "Borat" So awesome, and what's better is for the next two days just having Leo start laughing out of nowhere and you know he's thinking "What kind of dog is this?"
And Nick, you totally didn't tell me where it was from. I have a fabulous memory, remember?

4:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i told you within 5 minutes of actually saying it..geez

4:40 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

Rae, you should try the Rob kind study method which is not studying at all. Then you have plently of time to comment on Elizabeth's blog.

And the "I'm in a glass cage of emotion" just isn't the same in written text. You need to watch the movie and see Will Farrell say it with emotion to get the true effects of it.

BTW Elizabeth, what do you want for Christmas? I have no idea what to get you. (If anyone knows what Elizabeth wants, let me know)

9:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing against Borat, I don't want to risk offending any of you diehard fans, but I thought the naked scene was a liiiiiittttttllle drawn out

6:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You will all have to stop referring to Borat on this blog. Elizabeth won't let me see it since it isn't appropriate "mom material." But since the trade-off is I won't see it if she and Rob stay away from King's Cross, it sounds like a fair exchange.

8:35 PM  
Blogger Rob said...

I think I may go see Borat on the tuesday matinee. I think I may have a final at that time, but going to this movie sounds like better use of my time.

And only 131 hours, 22 minutes till I board the plane...but who's counting really.

9:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

rob im going to make a list of what to bring and what not to bring to aus for you cos packing can be soo confusing!

Do Bring:
thongs (i dunno what candians call them but if your like americans NOT THOSE KINDS OF THONGS!) but i dunno if your into wearing womens underwear you might want to pack them...
sunnies and sunscreen
alcohol (cos your legal in aus!)

Do not bring:
drugs (just for any customs ppl)
jumpers (elizabeth is dying of the heat here and its gonna get HEAPS hotter!!)

yeah and thats really the priority list..... anything else im sure is just a last minute chuck-in.....

btw i think liz is getting uber excited your coming... and simon too.... weird boy...

i wanna come to canada!!!

11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oooh rob, mom is gonna KILL you!! But it'll be totally worth it coz the movie ROCKS! Agreed that the naked scene is a little drawn out, but it truly is a funny scene. The fact that it goes for so long kinda makes it funnier :P

And Rob, liz wants hookers for her birthday. It's true.

11:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

~raises hand again
yeah, rasmus is kinda hawt--plus he already has brownie points for the jokes he told leo, who told us
rob- you should get liz peanutbutter m&m's and those coffee chocolate bars, annnnnd possibly all your money- and i mean, if she happens to not be there when you are giving them to her im totally happy to accept them on her behalf- more than happy infact!

12:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*raises hand* WOO i wan jamaroo camp ..!!! looks fun! ....LIZE LOO we didnt talk much today ..we shoudl change thsi me if u are interested 1800-BEC-ROX :) hehe

2:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

moritz is also quite a-ok-----> i should totally start picking up at my local rotarian hangout

2:33 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

120 hours, 3 minutes....but who's counting.

And I've only worn women's underwear once in my life, and that was for a very good cause. And we are never ever going to speak of that again.

9:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

was it for cancer? cause those star sign charity things are a rip off- i swear, dont do them- they only spend the money on crappy inscence and enya cds

12:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol enya cd's ......tho ive never seen rob im having mentla images of some guy with undies on his head swaying with burning candles to enya

1:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha- you have him down to a 't'!

i imagine

12:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


PS. Stick it to the man!

Peace out.

4:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Liz... Oldest Cuz here; don't have much to add but it is great seeing all the pictures. I hope you have fun on Christmas. I sent a family present to your parents (hand made by Ewan, Bill, and myself). Aunt Brenda, I hope it you like it. I'll e-mail all the contents if you want later. You'll know what I mean when you see it. BTW liz, Ed is a hotty...WAIT A MINUTE, that comment would make me a dirty old man.... Dang I hate getting old.
Hope you like the last e-mail I sent you. I hope it wasn't too sappy. Joyeux Noel. A propos, j'ai reussi a mon cour de francais, je suis encore bilingue :-)
Simon.....Ohhh Simon... Sergai e-mailed me and he made it to Australia...

10:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sweet! Does he need someone to show him around?
I make an excellent tour guide. Just ask Leo...
"so yeah.. here's that place.. um... you don't really need to... um... so like this is where we sit... that's a chair..."
I would make an excellent tour guide.

Peace out.

5:52 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

67 hours from now I'll be in Sydney. Pretty pumped! Just about done my packing.

10:49 PM  

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