Thursday, November 30, 2006

First pictures...

How happy am I making mom right now? Over the next week and a half to two weeks I will be doing three separate picture posts. This one is of some year 11 camp photos and the school spec. Next will be Earth Enviro camp and finally will be some Naamaroo pictures. Then no one can bug me for the picture posts for a while, though my new computer surely goes a lot faster than my old one. This also serves a double purpose as I am not sure when my mom saw a picture of me last. She can rest easy at my lack of visible tattoos and piercings.

Me and Ed on camp. I really like this picture as we both look equally attractive to the other (as that's what our friendship is based on, isn't it ed?)

This is from the school spec during the Aussie section. If anyone in Australia has a DVD recorder and is willing to record it for me (the ABC on December 10th) my mom would be forever grateful.

Erin and myself on camp. This is the girl that I definitely want to go clubbing with. Alas she doesn't turn 18 before I go.

Finale to the school spec. Everyone comes on stage. That's over 3000 performers.

Simon doing Ed's hair at camp. I love this picture, he looks like he's concentrating so hard.

Just a quick update for all those verbal learners. Rob gets here in about two and a half weeks. This past week has been quite eventful. We had a movie night at school last night. It was quite a bit of fun. Then today was the best extension we've had in a while. We just watched "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang" I do however have a problem with the fact that the teachers went on strike for the one day we didn't have English this week. Tonight I went to my counsellor's house for supper. His brother from Canada is visiting and he brought over "Corner Gas" We watched 4 epidsodes. Oh how I missed that show.

Therefore today's quote comes from "Corner Gas" and it's main purpose is to confuse the Aussies. "I'm going to skip my own rink in this year's bonspiel."... Figure that one out. (No help from the Canadians please)

More pictures coming eventually.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope that's not a tattoo of "Australia Forever!" hidden near your hairline!

7:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and i hope that you remember the last time you played in a bonspiel! woohoo grade 10 gym! the year i overcame playing with my left hand! (jokes hunny)

10:07 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

good old bonspiels. Coming out of the hack drawing the port with a button job. Good times. (HAHA, I love confusing the aussies)

16 more days till I leave.

1:36 PM  
Blogger Rob said...

9:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

total score
i have to say, as much as our relationship is based on our mutual attractivenesss, i feel that the fact that im not that photogenic shuld come into the equation- also that after you caught your bus today, i managed to drool icecream down my top- as in between my top and my skin-- it was a pretty good effort on my part..also delicous

2:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes it was i that burnt the cd for liz..forgot to mention that part i think..but thats ok cause i mentioned it for you :P haha..yeah tahts all i have to say cause the photos are so good :P

5:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's very intimidating to leave comments on here since I have nothing witty to say, but...I just want to feel like I belong...Also in response to Rae, you are lucky, we got something like 4 feet of snow in one night and it just keeps coming...I still have to go to school >:(

7:05 PM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

Is it sad that one's first snow day takes place in Texas? I surely think it is. And Sode, you may have 4 feet of snow but I might almost prefer that to this weather. 39 degrees on Friday to hailing, pouring rain on Saturday to coldness on Sunday. It's no wonder I feel a cold coming on.

7:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

welcome to australia....well, i mean i seem tosay that everytime something bad happens to you...but still, the welcome stands! though i am still disapointed you didnt get your first ever highschool detention- it would have made your highschool life, and australian trip COMPLETE! you would have had the joy of sitting in a room for half of lunch, having stare offs with other people, and trying not to laugh- plus once they get the roll marked, its only like, 10-15 mins anyhoo

1:07 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

Rae, just e-mail me with whatever you need. I'm not on MSN too often these days.

13 more days.

10:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

honestly elizabeth, you are from saskatchewan.
you should be used to sudden and horrific weather changes.

7:05 PM  

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