Tuesday, November 14, 2006

There is seriously nothing going on...

There is really nothing happening here. I mean sure, there are things going down, but not one of them is exciting. I have 2 English assessment tasks coming up (Lear is a slow death), we're running around for Entertainment stuff, the dance and drama night is coming up on the 5th (in "Away" thank you very much), and the Earth Enviro camp and Namaroo are coming up, but none of this is noteworthy (aside from the fact that I just noted it)
There is a depressing air hovering around Carlo right now because we keep thinking of the fact that Leo only has 2 more months to go. I don't know what I'll do without my brazilian. Not to mention I'm OK until Leo leaves, but once he leaves I'll just be thinking "I'm next"
I was rather ecstatic to get my yearbook, though it did remind me of some people that I would've rather forgotten about (possibly with the initials BL)
I did have an excellent time at Ellie's on the weekend. C'mon, when there's chocolate mousse involved how could the day go wrong? Not to mention I got to watch our year's year 10 grad video. It was rather hilarious!
So to sum up nothing exciting is going on but I'm still happy. Monday was a good day for example, mainly because I couldn't stop laughing (you know, between beaver musk and feeling up Ed after an innocent hug) So yes, Australia isn't a constant party, but I'm constantly happy (my God, I took a corny route on that one)
Today's quote is from a video at Ellie's house: "Need help? Get an STD!" (Super tall dude, you gutter minds)
I shall post after Namaroo since I don't forsee anything noteworthy taking place between now and then.

E(Liz)abeth :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

woot i totally feel popular, for being involved in the quote!!!

oh what a feeling TOYOTA!

12:43 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

This post was boring. You need to do some more stuff. Maybe we will take you somewhere dangerous and exciting so that you have plenty of things to talk about.
OK, so i don't know man dangerous and exciting places... Maybe we should go to Parramatta Dam and climb the dam wall. That's pretty fun. Plus, I don't THINK it's illegal, so you could totally do it and not break your streak of always being well-behaved.
Unless you want to brak that streak.
Then we could all take you somewhere and do illegal stuff.
This probably isn't what I should be saying on a blog that your mom reads...

Meanwhile, Rob comes in like 1 month and 2 days... awesome...

4:42 PM  
Blogger jerky said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

4:42 PM  
Blogger jerky said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

4:42 PM  
Blogger jerky said...

oops. i pressed the button twice. Liz, be a pal and delete that second blog? Thanks man

Peace out, all you fabulous Canadians

4:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Simon, you seem like a mature young man so I am assuming you are keeping my kid from doing illegal or even semi-illegal stuff. After all, they send home Rotary kids when they are bad, and it really would be awful if Elizabeth was no longer in Australia when Rob gets there.

Elizabeth, you and your gang have to take an optimistic look at life. Instead of saying "Leo goes home in two months" say "Leo still has 1/6th of his stay left."

7:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that was the only person that i could come up with.

i sold your mom some things that she plans on sending you via Rob.
i just thought i would put that in there for no reason.

well, i did have to bulk up the post. maybe that's why.

still missing you lots.

10:31 PM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

Oh dear mother, how little you know Simon. I guess he does have his mature moments, but let's recall who started the calf slapping? Could it be one Simon Anthony? I think it could be.
I also like that it now looks like I censor my blog. WOOT FOR CENSORSHIP!!!
And I can't believe I just used "woot"
And go me for being featured at career day (in the hallway)
And I'm intrigued my Nutters products... very intrigued indeed.

11:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BL....bacon lagoon..
Beefy Land-man
Barely Legal?
help me out here liz

and i am glad that you are annoucing to the world how you feel me up- and they no longer think i am insane for constantly mentioning it----its good to know im not crazy....yet not good to realise that im felt up by my female friend, than i am by any guy
and neither of us are lesbians
liz, we need to find us some male-guys!
also- i think we should have word games now- or like, riddles that you dont suck at telling
to make this blog more family friendly, family friendly like "berts family feud"
..in retrospect, that doesnt sound so family friendly....let move on now

12:25 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

Simon, you should take Elizabeth to King's Cross at like 2 in the morning and drop her off there and then take off and she if she gets back home alive. I think that would be a good blog entry (assuming she did get back home alive. And if she doesn't make it out alive...well, she had a good life)

12:55 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

Your mom is gonna be so mad, rob.

Also, Liz, I'm pretty sure everyone enjoyed my game ;)
Even better than that time we played strip polk... never mind.

Oh your mom is gonna ge so mad at you.

2:13 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

and me

2:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm add sum alcohol into that kings cross drop off and im there!!! sounds like an awesome night too me!!!

ahahaha random wanderings and bus trips :D

3:22 AM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

YAY!!! I got carded today!!!! I was totally buying something for a minor and I got carded. First time! I'm so happy. I'm officially an adult now. I didn't even get carded when I bought my lottery tickets.

11:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ill cry when leo leaves and as we discussed today liz..well you know...
you need to write a post before we go on earth enviro camp to let everyone know what a good time they are missing out on and to let them know they are stupid for not taking earth enviro..
soo looking forward to wednesday...anyway simon is sortve mature..he does have his moments :P
take it easy yall

11:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehe, i was there when liz was morally breaking the laws of australia- it was awesome, and totally simons fault, and not at all encouraged by me...who was buying m&m's with leo
we shared our m&m's...and were vengeful--it was sweet in like, a whole TWO ways
also- everyone goes to kings cross nowadays, i say we dump the canadians at like, parramatta with a "i hate lebs" shirt, or in newtown with a "pro george bush" shirt....or in blacktown with a "cops are tops" shirt- whatever we do to them, i see us buying shirts with slogans

1:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Simon, I thought you sounded like a mature young man, but recently I heard that you led my daughter to buy you something that wasn't age appropriate. Tsk! Tsk! I may need your mom's Email address so I can alert her.

Elizabeth and I were chatting tonight and we were talking about her good, old Australian buddy Tyler. Has she ever told you about him? The Weyburnites on here will remember him only too well.

9:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wasnt tyler the one who called everyone bogans, then laughed cause he was a jockhead?
also the one who couldn't ski- or win at life?

4:48 AM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

Ed, that is totally who mom's talking about. But no worries, Tyler's in Adelaide and apparently people couldn't pay me to go there (I've be told it's kind of a whole)
And Rae, you still are a minor in the States... and Saskatchewan

4:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha- rae got TOLD
adelaide isnt that bad...i dont think...although i think you have to boil or buy drinking water....somethings wrong witht eh water...i forget which

5:43 PM  
Blogger Rob said...

But Rae is old enough in Alberta. You haven't heard the legendary stories of Rae going over the border to Alberta?

6:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

in defence on Adelaide - IT IS NOT A HOLE!!! id say the two nicest people i know come from there so don't bag Adelaide!!!

btw aussie's is it defence or defense?

12:50 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

Don't worry- it wasn't that illegal, mom. It was just the movie 'Kill Bill' coz you gotta be 18, and I'm 17. So really, you should just be commending Liz for being such a great friend. Plus, I'm only partially immature.

Peace out.

6:20 PM  
Blogger jerky said...

Don't worry- it wasn't that illegal, mom. It was just the movie 'Kill Bill' coz you gotta be 18, and I'm 17. So really, you should just be commending Liz for being such a great friend. Plus, I'm only partially immature.

Peace out.

6:20 PM  
Blogger jerky said...

ed kept pressing the enter button so it posted twice. ed is therefore less mature than simon.

6:21 PM  
Blogger Rob said...

did Raeanne just admit that she buys tobacco and porn? haha. just kidding Rae, I know you would never do that....or maybe you would...

6:50 PM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

You guys are fully aware that my ma reads this blog and comments right? So if we could keep the dicussion of porn to a minimum (for ma's sake) that would be preferable. Thank you in advance.
Oh and rolling out to camp on Wednesday morning so I won't be around for a while. Feel free to make witty and hilarious comments (possibly hilariously witty) that I can read when i get back home on Sunday.

11:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



(yep q)

9:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am more mature than simon, for many reason, one of which being, im more mature than him
rae- totally come to australia man, by 18, you can do all the important hings- faternise with members of the preffered gender, drink, buy ghastly, unmoral items, plus your still too young to vote, so you sont have to pay attension to politics for like, 3 years, more if you choose to be illegal!
and birdss- i'm pretty sure its defence

1:21 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

PROOF that ed is less mature than me. I quote: "faternise with members of the preffered gender".
ed is clearly making fat jokes on liz's blog. This is neither the time or the place for that kind of schmutt, ed. Shame on your immaturity.

Also ed, i'm not sure what you're talking about when you say 18 is too young to vote. The voting age here is 18. You clearly did not get a band 6 in yr. 10 australian history (as I did).

Also, woot for Earth Enviro camp!!!! I can't wait till tomorrow!!!!
See y'all on friday night!

Peace out.

2:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

high fives simon for band 6 is hist.

...then punches him in stomach

4:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

btw by anonymous i mean birdss

4:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think i got like, band 5 in history...i got band 5 for either geo or history, and band 6 for the other---really dont remember which
and simon, SHUTTUP- just cause i make typing error that are really funny...like 'feminine games'.....
and the fact that you brought it up, trying to make me look bad cause you know on the inside that i am more mature than you, shame on you simon, you should be a bigger man than that!but its ok, cuase my gingerbread house i made, is awesome- like to the extreme awesome

5:00 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

Liz, I just wanted to say that I am so mad you didn't give us new material to work with before you went to Namaroo (i don't know how to spell it).

11:17 PM  
Blogger Rob said...

It's been 11 days. You guys didn't really take her to King's Cross at 2 in the morning and leave her there did you?

8:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you want other material to work with, how about this: Elizabeth's dear brother and her dear dad are going to a football game today and the predicted temperature with wind chill is -31C! I suggested they tear up their tickets and watch it on t.v.

9:59 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

Rob, I honestly can't remember- we were too drunk! on Earth Enviro camp we did pass through the red light district of Newcastle (about 2 hours north of Sydney).....

And Rob, I think that footy in the snow is something that would be very difficult to pass up!... I would probably be too busy making snow angels to watch the game...

Did you realise that it's only like 20 something days until you come to australia? You are soooo getting taken to kings cross... Ok so I've never been there, but there's a first time for everything!

P.S. Hi Mom!!

7:09 PM  
Blogger Rob said...

Bah, I will survive. I live on the west side of Saskatoon (and for those that don't know, that's the bad part of Saskatoon. I'm betting it's way worse than King's Cross)

And the football game wasn't bad. It only was like -28 with wind chill.

7:24 PM  

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