Friday, November 10, 2006

Two Camp Pictures...

OK I tried to tell you people, I just didn't take pictures on camp. These two are from the school intranet. I tried to upload the one more that Braydon sent to me, but it didn't work. So here they are people. Please enjoy and remember, when I say I don't have pictures I really don't.

Group 9, a rather attractive group if I do say so myself.

Me on the vertical cluster. They really are attractive helmets.

Since it's a post (though really one in protest) today's quote is from Frank Woodley "Behind this thin veneer of a happy, smiling face is a man who is shitting himself." Gotta love Thank God You're Hear



Anonymous Anonymous said...

did ya make it too the top??

3:44 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

'Here' liz. 'Hear' indeed....
I'm sure your mother didn't raise you to use incorrect spelling.

10:48 PM  
Blogger Rob said...

Woah. I thought the team building activites we did at our camp were pretty cool but judging by the look of that picture, yours were way more extreme.

12:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG- the mispelling of "here" was all i was thinking about too simon!
and rob- everything in australia is to the extreme:-
EXTREME sunburn
EXTREME hog tied and thrown into the desert
EXTREME crappy quality

we rocck

2:22 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

I know Aussies love the word extreme. I'm trying to brush up on my Aussie vocabulary.

G'day. Yesterday I threw a shrimp on the barbie with my mates. It gave me a bad case of the trots. I almost carked it. Man, did I ever look like a galoot. I should stick to eating at Macca's.

12:05 PM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

Do you know what's sad? I understood everything about that sentence.
And really "hear" was a test to keep you aussies sharp. I felt as though you were slipping and I was just trying to get you back into the game... or really I screwed up

3:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

liz- we know you missplet here just because you were slipping- no need to bring us down with you
and rob- A grade! thats true aussie lingo right there
you would have gotton brownie points for mentioning bluey and his shelia shazza, but your a first timer so, its ok....i spose

5:50 PM  
Blogger jerky said...

Yeah rob, you're doing very well! The force is strong in that one. I think there could have been more references to Sheila's (as ed said) and maybe some pies, beer and prawns. We don't say 'shrimp'. Ever.
ANd seriously Liz, you know it's you who's slipping. Definitely not us aussies with our "like good edumucations and that."

Peace out.

10:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

not true simon, we do say shrimp on the barbie
and raeanee, with too many vowels in her name, guess what...
I SAW THE YEAR BOOK TODAY, AND LAUGHED AT >firstname< MEEK and some other people
it was fun
but i should be nice, cause you're all probably goign to attack me if i accidently laughed at you
excpet i did laugh at canderz, cause she was in there so many times, and so totally NOT on teh year book committee---not at all...

12:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and there was a scary picture in their of rob as a blue man.....

blue men scare me!!!

3:00 AM  
Blogger Stampy said...

hahaha... ok mentioning the year book just makes memories of "hortness" come flooding back... oh my god i was fighting back tears when i saw that, it's too perfect!! And it's so sad that it was us Aussies who cacked themselves stupid over that..good times, good times

Best year book ever :D

And can i ask, what kind of Australian says shrimp on the Barbie?! that term has ALWAYS annoyed me, it's not truly ocker

liz, since you're mastering our ways, i think we need to start an australian language school.. we could go global! Simon could be our grammar man, we could teach terms and pronunciation, Ed could be the drah-ma teacher with diction lessons and as a bonus awesome Australian style dance choregraphy classes


10:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

samantha, though you do get bonus points for suggesting my role as australian choerography, you get minus points for not recognising "shrimp on the barbie" as occa- you fail occa school
its occa man
as occa as sheila and wife beaters

1:29 AM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

First lesson: teaching Elizabeth what occa is

3:33 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

I know what an ocker is, but not sure what an occa is.

11:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

rob how can you not know what occa is!? its aussie for ocker!!!

and ed... im sorry BUT PRAWNS!!! not damned shrimp!

sam, I'm also deeply disappointed i was not invited to teach at your school!! who else is better for pronunciation! no1 pronounces searah or sa-Am like i do!!!

p.s. i just discovered this thing can totally fix up all your typing mistakes.... or what it thinks is spelling mistakes....

12:42 AM  

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