Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Sorry mom, no photos with this one. I wasn't very camera happy at camp. So basically Carlo people, you should send mom photos from camp. She'd love you forever.
It was really fun! It was cold nearly the entire time, but we still had a good time. We discovered the echo-y room very early on which acted as a good room for Take two, 500, and *cough* Avacado. We even got Nesbitt and Miss Reynolds in on *cough* Avacado. Our score board for 500 is probably still up on the whiteboard in that room, along with many fine scribblings and drawings.
The disco had really crap music but it was heaps of fun, especially after almost everyone left. Let me just say Carlo teachers are so much more willing to dance than Weyburn teachers... and they dressed up.
Trivia night wasn't bad, but it really did not meet my high hopes. Mel and I rocked at Wordles. Then with the speed stacking, let's just say it wasn't speed stacking so much as physical exertion with some cups getting in the way. Luckily Sam and I dodged that bullet.
The activities were lots of fun, but I'm mad that I didn't get to do the giant swing. Still, I did do the Leap of Faith. I have some bruises from Vertical Cluster. Survivor was quite cool, plus we totally had the best tribe name, though I don't know the English equivalent of it. Mission Impossible was the best one. We totally defused the bomb with only 2 seconds left.
All in all it was an excellent camp. Memories include listening to Ed ("Baby cow or chicken?!"), beating Simon on several occasions (we all know I came out ahead in our fights), Erin's dancing (I so want to go clubbing with her), doing the lawn mower and the football dance, impromptu quizzes, Ed's "Best hair of the century", Ellie's mP3 player, and so many mobiles going off (at ungodly hours)
And today's quote comes from camp Sam. Two words: "Trublic pantsport"

Next camp is in two weeks!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah- our cabin was awesome and girl filled, and all co-communal

11:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

show us the pictures!!
haha Is that Public Transport??


11:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and to LIz's candian friend who likes matchbox 20 YOUR AWESOME!!! and liz totally like them now :).

ahh liz what are you gonna do now without morning me! "bugger off!!" mrs liz, you never seem to have taught your daughter the art of whispering... ecspecially early in the morning! liz appears only to have one volume LOUD!!!

and liz you forgot to mention DID YOU WIN YOUR TRIFECTA!??

3:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


*yes i know i double posted call me un-cool but it concerned my stomache!!!*

off to watch E.R. I WONDER WHO DIES!?! liz....

3:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mrs king may have taught lize how to whisper, but my mad whispering skills may have rubbed off on her...

9:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Truly I did teach Elizabeth about "indoor" and "outdoor" voices. Surely she isn't using her outdoor voice indoors!

10:03 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

Matchbox 20!?!?! They were decent in the late 90's.

And remember the good old days when this blog was tailored to us Canadians? Now It's tailored to the Aussies. *sigh* Maybe I'll better understand these entries after I go to Australia.

10:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, Aussie correspondents! We got your postcard today - we couldn't make heads or tails of it but we are sure we will figure out the hidden meanings eventually. Now you can switch to Emailing me incriminating photos of Elizabeth at camp. Send all photos to king.enterprises@sasktel.net

8:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOOHOO- im an aussie who was on the postcard!- was it you guys who got the bear, or was that someone else? i forget what i did to whose postcard- but what i DO know i did something to them all- you should gather and compare the works of ed on various postcards, funtimes for all
and rob- comming to australia will make you understand nothing better, it will only strip you of your morals, your clothes if you are in the kings cross area, and damage your self confidence as we WILL laugh at you, for whatever reason...
and Mrs Liz/canderz:- liz has no whispering skills, thanks to, it seems, canderz(im now referring to you on nickname status)
its awesome- we make use of it when we can, which is all the time

10:29 PM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

OK apparently my canadians can't make head or tails of this post so we'll clarify
Nesbitt and Ms. Reynolds- Two teachers... Nesbitt may also be referred to as scruffy phil or disheveled
Wordles are those puzzles where it's like the word "feet" written six times underneath a line so the answer is "Six feet under"
Speed stacking is that really cool cup stacking thing... you know what I'm talking about
Leap of Faith is climbing a nine metre pole and jumping to catch a hoop
Yeah, that should be clearer, but I can't always translate for y'all. You might need to invest in an aussie slang book. I suggest Lonely Planet.
Oh and nice work on getting the post card mom. You now know why you should never take a postcard to school.

10:58 PM  
Blogger Rob said...

K, for all you people who were whining and bitchin', I posted a pic of my Halloween costume as a Blue Man on my blog. Go to my blog and click oh photos and it's the last photo in the misc. folder.

By the way, can I say bitchin' if this is suppose to be a clean blog!?!? Well If I can't say bitchin' then replace the word bitchin' with another word. Oh great, now look how many time more I typed bitchin'. Oh well.

BTW, 37 more days!!!

11:12 PM  
Blogger jerky said...

Rob, that was a bitchin' comment! (That's a good thing, i think)

The hilights of MY camp were:
-Me and Ellie headbutting ed
-Me winning all fights against Liz (that's right! Including the one this afternoon. PS Vibram soles rock)
-Giant Swing
-Putting bark down Steve's underpants
-Me winning $12 for betting on the WINNING HORSE in the Melbourne cup (sweep at my mum's work... she put in $1 for me)

I will be sure to check out Rob's pictures... very shortly...

12:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ROB YOU ARE NO LONGER COOL! AND I HATE YOU FOREVER!!!! hate is such a strong word.... i extremely dislike you for saying matchbox aren't cool anymore.... *goes and cries*

and liz we want pictures!!!!

btw everyone the deaf/blind kid got cancer for christmas......

1:41 AM  
Blogger Stampy said...

hehehe, good times of not being able to talk properly at camp, trublic pantsport.. *tear*

And i'm so happy you got our beautiful postcard mom, we tried really hard :D

And hi 5 for us getting all the freakin awesome teachers to go on camp with us, i cacked soooo hard when i saw ms davidson in her cowgirl outfit and trench coat and then all the other 'lady teachers' in their western attire.. oh good times. And when Nesbitt bitch moved me in ... can i say the name of the card game? or will that lower the tone of the post.. hmm well anyways, he was so excited when he didn't lose. I think we got to see such an awesome side of the teachers at camp- nesbitt won't live down that décolletage comment..

Oh and Liz I think the english equivalent for our tribe name from survivor is "good-googley-moogley" but i think it's the 'pronunciation' (you totally used that word in a convo we had today) is what makes it so classic, sigh

Now i just have to kid nap you and take you to go on the giant swing, CURSE THEM for not letting us do that activity!!

9:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

tee hee, i got the giant swing
im uuber tired
no more camp for ed
but i am glad that liz and i worked out that she liked me at first becuase im less attractive than her, its good to know

12:18 AM  

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