Sunday, November 26, 2006

Earth Enviro Camp, School Spec, and Naamaroo...

Hey y'all everbody. This will be long. I'm sorry but I've had an exciting past five days. I will try to turn it into short paragraphs for easier reading. Pictures will follow soon (I hope)

On Wednesday Carlo's Earth Envrio class, geography class, and Northholm Grammar School's geography class left for our excersion to Newcastle (2 hours North of Sydney) We visited a winery, climbed Tomaroo Head (on a really hot day), played on some sand dunes, and visited the wetlands. Some educational stuff took place during these activities, and they were spaced over the three days. However, that's the boring stuff.

This excersion was better than year 11 camp because there was only about 25 of us. The teachers were way more lax. We also got heaps more free time, whereas year 11 camp was activities all the time. Wednesday night we had free time from 500 on. Seventeen of us sprawled out in Nick, Braydon, and Leo's room and watched "Dodgeball". Then we all migrated to mine and Smitty's room and watched "Spicks and Specks" Then we just played cards until curfew. Then Mel, Firthy, Smitty and I were passing notes back and forth with Ross, Simon, and Knoxie's room after curfew. Guess who was the one to get caught doing the passing? I gotta say, it's terrifiying to turn around and just have Nesbitt standing at the end of the hall. The guys were just killing themselves laughing when they heard Nesbitt catch me.

Thursday night we went 10 pin bowling. Let's just say my skills at 10 pin aren't nearly as good as my skills at 5 pin. However I did manage to pull out a win in the first game and Leo won the second one so we exchangies did alright for ourselves. The best (and funniest) thing was in the first game. Leo's all lined up, he starts going and Nick screamed "WAIT!!!!" so Leo tried to stop himself and basically just dropped the ball. People were actually crying with laughter at that one. Then when we got back to the hotel we played more cards. Miss Davidson (Davo) played Cheat with us until 1130 even though curfew was 1030. Good ol' teachers breaking curfew.

Friday we actually made contact with the Northholm kids. Adam and Rory joined Firthy, Mel, and I. And you know what, they weren't bad guys. Oh and a special mention goes out to Nick for taking pictures. I have over 200 pictures from this camp. Not bad considering I only have 7 from year 11 camp. (That sentence had nothing to do with the other but the paragraph was too short)

Then Friday night the Booth's took me to the school spectacular at the Sydney Entertainment Centre. It's a concert open to all kids in any NSW public school, but you have to audition for it and then they put you into a performance. It was SO amazing!! In the Aussie section the national anthem was played (obviously) and I seriously felt proud, like I was a real Aussie or something! Then the Booth's dropped me of at Naamaroo.

Naamaroo is outbound orientationin district 9680. Saturday evening was the best. After supper me, Morritz and Rebekka (germany) and Mike and Penny (outbound to Germany and Finland) sat around coming up with random English phrases that they would then translate into German. Then we did a concert for the counsellors. We Canadians did our "traditional" dances (like the lawn mower, the sprinkler, and of course the football) Johnny and Ermo (two inbounds) got up there with a snare drum and a french horn and said they were going to play a traditional funeral march... then they started playing "Advance Australia Fair" (that's the national anthem) It was hilarious.

After the concert we went swimming... and by that I mean some peope had their swimmers on. I, however, was just sitting by the pool, fully clothed, talking to Rebekka (who was also fully clothed) and we got pulled in. Luckily they gave me enough time to pull my mobile out of my pocket.

Today I finally got back home.

It was such a good week but I am so tired! I definitely won't be doing my King Lear speech tomorrow.

Today's quote comes from a guy named who's Simon outbound to Sweden "If you're not willing to take off your clothes then you're not ready to go on an exchange." Oh, that was a gooder.

Sorry for any typing errors, I didn't proofread this one.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i liek simons quote ...and ur spellign was ..fine way betterer than mine ..loli dont look at the screen ..YOU CAN TELL ...yes eartha nd enviro camp was TEH BOMB!!! woo ...lolwhen we got to the top of teh mountain i spose the reward besides coming down was all those loverly fotos! ...HAHAHAHAH and speeches ..and english shoudl be buried in a hole ...i may join them ! hehe ..well ..may i add ur a loverly neighbour form bunking down ...HEHE ..i didnt c u bowl ...but im sure ur a ripper lol did u beat bray taht case u can say ur good ....GO ASUSTALIA ..:0 couldnt help my self ..much luv ...FIRTHY!!!!!!!

1:52 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

"Tomaroo" headland? I believe that it was Tomaree... you've been spending too much time at Namaroo!!
And I'd have to agree that the best part of bowling was leo dropping the ball (exer so gracefully) and second was Miss D falling over, dropping the ball and still getting a strike!!

We should definitely go on EES camp again...

Does anyone else find it hillarious that Firthy can't spell 'Australia'even through her immense patriotism?

Peace out.

P.S. Hi Canada!!

2:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i find firthys spelling funny in general anyway..and liz dont forget to bring the camera so i can burn the cd for you..MUST WRITE SPEECH BYE BYE

2:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't be sorry for the typing errors. Be sorry you didn't add photos.

6:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah pick on the stupid kid why dont you!!!!!!!!

10:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Lize
we all had a good weekend YEAH!!!

love u,, xX

c you later

12:22 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

I like weekends.

4:25 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

19 more days Rae

2:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

19 more days till utter destruction? 19 days till all of canada willingly give me all of their possession and money? and liz, you never answered who 'BL' was- i mean, i think i was pretty close with beefy landman, but others disagree with me
and i didnt go on this so called "BETTER THAN YEAR 11 CAMP" because i was busy not going to school, and not being in geography or earth and environment- but i can tell you right now one reason why year 11 camp was better than earth and environment:-i bet you guys had no singing what yuor are doing/looking like time- year 11 camp had sing what you are doing/look like time- it was infact named one of the best things of the camp, and of the year- so TAKE THAT EARTH AND ENVIRO CAMP

HI RAE!- have fun in the desert?

9:39 PM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

sorry Ed, can't help you out on BL because i don't wanna name names, though this guy totally deserves it
And I totally learned the second verse to "advance australia fair" tonight... GO ME!!!
(oh and saw some 8 year olds skank dance... that was just weird)

3:49 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

I'm not going home again before I leave Rae but I think mom and dad are putting a package on the bus for me on the 14th.

6:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elizabeth, do you realize that when you post pictures, you get way more responses in comments? Just a hint ...

Raeanne, hopefully you read these comments. We won't have time to get anything to Rob from you if you are getting home on the 14th. We have to send on the 13th. Your best bets would be to
(A) mail directly to him and he can take it
(B) not give Elizabeth anything!

8:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cacti huh? i hvae only really seen pictures of them- well, ones bigger than the palm of my hand anyhoo-
and liz- is BL really going to read this blog? surely the canaidian people must know who BL is, and its just the aussies who dont know, hence, you are just being jerky on this one- im sorry, well, no, we both know i mean all my namecalllings, i mean, it happens so rarely!

1:21 AM  

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