Sunday, December 31, 2006

New Year's Eve...

It was so amazing!!! I know that the fireworks will end up being one of my highlights of the year.

Ellie, Ed, Firthy, Anthony, Rob, and I got to Blue's Point at around 1030 in the morning. Blue's Point has a really amazing view of the harbour bridge. We got an excellent spot (because we were there so early you see) and then just played cards, listened to music, had two picnics, and wandered around until the fireworks. There were some at 9pm and then the ones at midnight. It was so awesome because we could see the ones at Darling Harbour, and then there were some off the buildings in the city, then there were three going off at various points in the harbour and then there was the harbour bridge itself. It was a really, really good day.

I didn't get home until 3 am between leaving the park, finding a train station, finding out that train station was closed, going to another train station, switching trains at Strathfield, then Ellie driving me home. So I got to sleep at around 330. But then I had two very badly timed phone calls at 615 and 845 so basically I have no sleep in me which equals a very unhappy me.

Rob goes home tomorrow.

I think I can start posting pictures on Friday/Saturday when I move to Baulkham Hills.

I have no quote today because I don't have the energy to find one.

E(Liz)abeth :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad the fireworks were so magnificent; Dad and I will put it on our "to do someday" list. Were they actually better than our fireworks for SK's centennial?

5:57 PM  
Blogger Rob said...

The fireworks were awesome. I'm going home tomorrow. I'm going to miss Curly Wurly's.

Simon - I've been thinking about it, and I just don't think it would work, me getting married to you. It's not's me. It's just not in our best interest. Besides, the two Ellie's are fighting it out for my affection.

Ed - Little disapointed about the whole Chicken burger fiasco but oh well (I would give it a 2). And I totally know your middle and last names. Keep thinking of ways we can knock off Elizabeth.

Ellie - Always a bathtub with your name on it at my place to crash in when you come visit. And unfortunetly I don't think I have the baby shark song down yet.

John, Stephen, Laughlin - Beautiful beach scenery. We need to go again some time.

6:34 PM  
Blogger Anthony said...

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6:51 PM  
Blogger Anthony said...

WOO! First Aussie comment! The fireworks were great and we all had a great time playing cards and generally bonding. we all learned things about each other (like rob sleeps alot!!).. WOO! i'm so tired so im going back to bed coz im tired!! HAPPY 2007


6:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yay ...fireworlks were awesommmmmmmeeeeeeee!....AND BYEBYE ROB! ...noone is a betterer arm pillow than uu ...and when u come back next time we shall have a wedding for u and ed:) loverly just loverly:) ....liz ur quote ..GUNG HO FAT CHOI ..REMEMEBER ?????

3:07 AM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

crap, sorry firthy! I forgot, I suck. Yes, that is my quote. What firthy said!

4:02 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

Yeah, I am a great standing pillow. And Firthy, next time I come visit I will give you that piggy back ride I owe you.

Hehe, Gung Ho Fat Choi. Good times on the trek home from the fireworks. Kind of wish we hadn't given that chicken away though, it would have tasted good at 3:30 in the morning.

4:15 AM  
Blogger Anthony said...

what do u mean u gave that chicken away - i thought it would have been thrown out / over-board before we left. why on earth did we cary it home in the esky then?

[for any unknowing canadians an esky is also what you know as a 'cooler' - just clearing that one up!!]

4:28 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

We gave the chicken to four guys at Epping station.

6:05 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

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8:21 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

my last post on Australian soil :(

Anyways, for a more detailed description of the fireworks and my final goodbyes to everyone (Simon, Ed, Ellie, Firthy, Anthony, the beach Boys) just go to my blog.

8:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and way behind on the blog reading and comments- my bad
but yeah, new years eve was fun
rob- the chicken burger was not my fault- i gave you a 9 drawing of it, yet that wasnt good enough for you
and birdss and i arent fighting for you, you are fighting for me seeing as i have given up all hopes of our relationship cause you suck, and im marrying liz instead- i say you get used to it...though i will still think of ways to knock her off, cause as whacky as canada is, you still cant marry your sister

12:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HEY LIZ!! you totally have to qoute for your next post who the BEST aussie is ;)

btw candace and sarah, just wanted to let you know i saw the video you made liz! it was absoloutly classic!!! and you guys almost made me cry! you are so sweet and liz is so lucky to have friends like you! just to let you know she REALLY appreciated the video and loves you immensly for it!!!

2:05 AM  

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