Saturday, January 13, 2007

New Year's Pictures (I'm almost caught up!)...

Here are pictures from New Year's Eve at Blue's Point. This means that I am almost caught up. I just need to post Central Coast ones and some from Olympic Park and then I am good! But these are the last from Rob's visit.

Ed, Firthy, Ellie, and me sitting at our spot at Blue's Point. That water is the harbour. Oh and the green does have a point, I swear!

Our view of the Harbour Bridge. See proximity to the Opera House and all that jazz.


The city. I just like all the lights on the water.

Firworks over the bridge.

Today was the BBQ in the park. Good times had by all, but my legs are so sore and I am never trying to take out Leo again as I scraped up my knees pretty bad.

I GOT INTO THE U OF S!!!!!! And not only that, I got a $1000 scholarship!!!!! Classes start September 5th. Now I just need to work out that whole living situation thing...

Today's quote is from "Happy Feet" which Sam, Firthy, and I went and saw On Wednesday: "I hear the people wanting something... ME!!!!"

Almost at my halfway point :(



Blogger Rob said...

it was a giant coat hanger. No one knows the meaning of it but that's what it was.

2:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am glad you got into U of S aside from the fact that we won't be living near each other again next year. Also, well done on the scholarship, was it from the university or some other donor?

3:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... bracelet broke...I am gonna try to fix it if I can in February when I go home

9:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it was a giant coathanger cause some dork thought that the harbour bridge looked like a coat hanger, and hence started the slang name for the bridge, "the coathanger"
i have a notion that sydney was just craving attention

12:39 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

Lize's, you can always stay with me and sleep in my bathtub. Although, if Ellie every came to visit then she would have no place to sleep.

2:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

firstly LIZ!!! what am i gonna do when i come to canada now!?!?! sure i can go visit rob but the purpose was to visit you!!!! ARGH NOT COOL!

but enough bout me CONGRATS on getting in U of S!! im really proud and im sure aside from the issue above you'll love it!! and im proud of you and hope you enjoy it!!!

secondly..... thanks for posting a picture with my arse crack hanging out!!!! im mean gosh! i'm sure there was a hotter pic of me in there sumewhere!! im still hanging onto my slight hope that candian boys r hot... or at least hot ones read your blog and might see that photo!!! agah! lopl but those photos are AWESOME!! you def gotta burn me a cd with them before you leave cos they r sooo cool!!!

rob - your bathtub is looking tempting!

2:00 AM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

Ellie, I could've posted the pic of you when you were taking a nap. It was WAY less flattering than that pic (Ed knows what I'm talking about... I think)
Sorry Rae, host mum was on the phone all day :(
Sode, I think I'll go to the Rocks and kick the guy who made that bracelet really hard in the shins for giving you inferior quality.

3:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what i'm wondering now is.
why the hell would someone think that the bridge looks like a coat hanger?
because it really does not.

9:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ed always knows what your tralking about liz- just like ed always talks in third person...until it pisses ed off and ed wants to shoot ed's head now
yeah--- no idea who started the coathanger thing- but australia is not proud of them- not at all
they fail life

1:43 AM  

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