Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Introducing a stress-free Elizabeth...

So basically Tuesday and Wednesday were pretty shithouse days (mom, I can say that because it's an Aussie phrase... I'm embracing the culture) Between Extension English, Presentation Night, and a couple Weyburn things I was pretty much stressed to the point of tears. However, last night and today made me a very happy person.

Presentation night went really well. There were only a few things like the gallery lights and a curtain issue that went wrong, but it was nothing major and I'm ecstatic. The principal's speech was 12 minutes, but the night was still kept to under 2 hours. Then Simon drove me home and didn't kill me, so yay for that. (On that note, congrats to Simon about the Ps...but I still miss driving) So basically with the conclusion of Presentation Night, Presentation night stress went away.

Then when I got home I had four excellently timed e-mails from Weyburn and thus all that stress was gone.

Then this morning in Extension Nesbitt told me that he actually liked what I had written (which is amazing, I thought it was crap) so now half of my extension stress in gone (still seminar stress, but I'm not worried about that yet)

So basically yeah, I am one extremely happy person at the moment.

And I could be getting even happier. In Entertainment people get to do work experience. At first I was told I couldn't because I'm not technically enrolled in the course. Now Ms. Mullen is my personal hero because there is a slight possibility that I will be able to. Basically Rotary has said yes, providing it's nothing too dangerous and we just have to check on some insurance things and then actually find a placement, but YAY!!! (I really shouldn't be this excited about work placement, should I?)

Quote of the day is from "Sin City" which was a good movie, but really, really gory: "And after I pull off that miracle I'll go punch out God."

E(Liz)abeth :)

My post script: No cockroaches in my house that I've seen for 2 days so that's also a great source of happiness!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey lize! what have i told you about worrying about assesments at school! THEY DONT COUNT!! you've finished school you needn't worry about them!! but we all know your an english nerd at heart so we understand!!

and you thought sincity was gory!? NO WAY MAN!! i loved it. (btw i advise you to never watch my now fav movie se7en.... it doesnt show MUCH goryness...... but it certainly vividily IMPLIES alot!!!) excellent movie though i reccomened you watch.... :):) hahahaha contradiction!

AND IM PARTLY FAMOUS NOW COS OF LIZ!!! sh totally wore MY brihgt yellow 'autumn hat' frisbee shirt during her dramam piece... ill make a frisbee girl out of her yet!!! (particularly if this PDHPE assign come off!!)

2:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i would also like to congratulate simon on his Ps although i don't really understand what that means except that you will be picking me up from the airport at 605am on may 5. i arrive at terminal 1, and i think a practice run is in order. just so you know simon, i'm precious cargo and that means that you are not allowed to drive like a maniac whilst im in the car. no sending me through the windshield or making me scream because i could be at risk of leg blood clots going on this plane and i don't want them going to my head to cause an aneurism. (thank god for travel insurance though, just in case)

8:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elizabeth, stress from a "couple Weyburn things"? Do tell. Dad and I haven't announced a divorce, the dog is her usual pleasant self, and your brother is off having fun in Edmonton. What stress could originate here?

Frisbees ... frisbees ... a store in the Mall of America had a whole wall of them. There had to be at least 60 different kinds. They all looked the same to me.

3:43 PM  
Blogger Rob said...

I have taken over the part of stressful King family member. Don't even get me started on how stressful Edmonton has been so far. I was doing great in S'toon and then I have to come to Edmonton and get stressed out. BTW, I'm assuming mom has told you about the new update in my life Lize. Don't tell Ed and Ellie about it though, they will be upset.

The only good thing, I spent a crap load of money at West Ed today and tomorrow me and Wes are hitting up the water park and going to a lacrosse game.

8:50 PM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

I am going to have to take Rob's take on life and say my parents don't tell me anything.
Atleast I'm assuming the dog hasn't died or we haven't moved to Oregon since I've been away, right?

11:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

im assuming rob has a girlfriend too!! HOW CUTE!!!

2:57 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

We were going to move to Oregon, but then we decided that we didn't want to become American citizens. Then we thought of moving to Alaska so I could have been to even more states than you but that would just be mean. As for the dog dying, I have no idea. The parents never tell me anything.

I'm dating Crystal now. I'll give you a call Saturday night my time. I haven't called you since before I came and visited!!!

10:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And you both thought your mother couldn't keep secrets.

2:52 PM  
Blogger jerky said...

Hahaha there is so much material here that I don't know what to comment on first!!!
Here we go:
1. Congratulations Rob. When's the wedding?

2. MARDI GRAS IS ON TONIGHT!!! (google it, Canadadians) ;)

3. I will try not to kill you, Canderz. I survived making my way back from Liz's house the other night, so we will see how i go...

4. I wanna play frisbee... :( I miss frisbee

...but mainly MARDI GRAS TONIGHT!!

Peace out.

3:46 PM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

Rae, you know I'm bringing Kirk home, right? Don't you pay any attention to this blog? He lives in Regina.

3:16 PM  
Blogger jerky said...

Simon would indeed. But Simon has not yet driven to the airport.. maybe I should practice.

Ergh... referring to myself in third person...

Peace out.

3:27 AM  

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