Sunday, March 11, 2007

District Conference- Mudgee 2007

Yay for Mudgee!!!! Basically Mudgee seemed like the most hick place in the history of mankind ever (keep in mind how my sense of hick has been skewed now that I'm a city girl... Mudgee is equal in size to Weyburn) This was the best exchange weekend so far.

First explanations, then pictures, 'cause I'm too lazy to make the pictures go in order.

Friday day I got to Mudgee. We just had practice for the dinner and then there was the actual dinner. It was a full blazer affair and I, Elizabeth King, wore high heels (because I've been judged on my wearing of thongs) So thanks Sam for the heels! They only killed my feet a little bit. We had a lamb BBQ and watch the Brazil GSE team presentation. For our presentation Ylva and Hilda danced and then we did the Gum Tree Song. Then there was a mini-bush dance that wasn't as good as our Umina one, but not bad. After the dinner we went back to the hotel. The exchangies were scattered. I had Julie and Doriane in my room and Kirk was also in our hotel. So we all hung out in our room until about 330.

Then Saturday morning I was on panel for general discussion. It was hypothetical situation and we had to figure out if we would bribe the officials so we could get tents waterproofed with religious pig fat to the islanders hurt by the cyclone (yeah!!!) Then in the afternoon they took us exchangies an hour out of Mudgee and we went canoeing. Rebekka and I went in the opposite direction of everyone else and eventually Johnny and Niklas floated our way too. We connected out canoes and just relaxed. Good thing we were on our side of the river 'cause up the other end Kirk, Rasa, and Stephan were tipping everyone's canoes. That would've particularly sucked for me as I had my camera in my pocket. But we didn't get tipped, just a bit of sunburn.

Saturday night was the big banquet. It was Internationally themed so each club had to pick a country. Carlingford was Ghana because one of our members is from there and has heaps of traditional costumes. Senni's club won best costumes, and rightfully so. Another good night of entertainment by some group called Pot-Pourri and another dance. Can I just say the best kind of Rotarian is a moderately drunk Rotarian? The bus ride back was wicked amusing. Then Saturday night we had Julie, Doriane, Kirk, Jade, Stephan, and I hanging out in our room until 230.

This morning was just some speakers. Kirk, Doriane and I walked into Mudgee (instead of listening to one speaker) and bought Mudgee badges. Then home time.


club as

Senni's club
went as
Antarctica! :)


Ermo was

we were

Our club

Julie, me,
and Karina




So basically my favourite memories are Moritz giving Kirk a "wet wedgie", Jade jumping onto me, then Stephan jumping onto Jade, then basically my ankle breaking, chocolate muffins, making friends with the Macca's chick, "Ole, ole, ole ,ole", the slippery floor, "We like the party", and hitchhiking into town (Rotarians are good people)

Quote of the day is from Julie. Keep in mind we were talking about "Seinfeld": 'I like ice tea.' *blank stares*

Next exchangie thing is the safari :D :D :D

E(Liz)abeth :)


Blogger jerky said...

OK, that took a little while to read!
2. I am so proud of the frequent re-occurance of the Akubra (australian farmer hat, for those canadians playing at home)
3. Care to elaborate on the 'wet wedgie'? Or shoudl you not infront of Mom?

Take care.
Peace out.

4:43 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

P.S. Where did Kirk get teh Lederhosen, and how can i obtain one (without leaving the country in HSC year)????

Peace out.

4:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

im not a big fan of the akubra personally, im more of a dryazabone girl myself- mainly cause they keep you warm when its freezing outside
my sister is having a bush dance for her birthday this year...she loves bush dances, i dont know why

i felt you all needed to know this
but we are happy that liz is embracing such tradtions as the gum tree song and such

12:47 AM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

My hat surely is a Driza-Bone
I'll explain the wet wedgie thing to you in person because that makes it so much better!
You can get a good pair of Lederhosen at the Gosford Costume Shop
Mom was wrong Raeanne, you didn't try to hit on Niklas :P

2:23 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

You guys really need to stop using big aussie words that I don't understand. Akubra, dryazabone, Driza-bone, wet-wedgie. Like what the hell, don't be confusing us Canadians. We are definitly going to have to de-Australianize you when you get back home Elizabeth.

10:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, all you Aussie-ites: be jealous. I got to visit with Raeanne today. And I must read Elizabeth's spams more carefully. When Raeanne said she would be home, I thought she meant home in Texas, not home in Weyburn. It was a great, pleasant surprise to turn down an aisle at the Co-op expecting to find baking supplies, and finding Raeanne instead!

Rob, do you have to wear Speedos for your beach volleyball competition?

9:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

rob in speedos for a beach volleyball competition- so many things to laugh at at once..
dryazabone and driza-bone are the same- i just fail australian culture is all
and i must say raeanne, if your not hitting on people you havent met- WHO IS?!? no-one! and thats bad!
get on it...girl!

10:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mrs King, how long have you lived in Weyburn? Don't you think you should know the aisles in Coop yet? If you meant to find the baking supplies, but found Raeanne instead, I think you must have been in the wrong aisle!

10:47 PM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

I'm trying to figure out who that last one is. I mean, all the Aussie just call mom mom now. Who still calls her Mrs. King?

12:34 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

Also, it wasn't a very creative comment. Sorry, just thought that needed adding.

1:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rob, don't worry about big Australian words.
I mean we have good old Saskatchewanisms that basically no other place knows.
We could always post comments talking about bunnyhugs, vico, spitz, so on and so forth.
It'd be like we're talking in code.

Also, as I was writing this, I happened to get a text.
Which led me to question myself if unlimited texting allows me to send texts to your mobile Elizabeth.
Because that would be pretty awesome.
I may just have to go downtown tomorrow and check that out.

Also, Niklas has some major Rotary bling happening.
Just thought I should note that.

And don't think I forgot about you Elizabeth, you're still looking as good as ever.
The hat suits you.
And seeing you in heels is, though not entirely unheard of, slightly weird.
I'm just so used to seeing you in flip flops.

5:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mathew and Rob, let's bombard this blog with Saskatchewanian words; one I can add is "slough" so now we have slough, bunnyhug, spitz, vico. What else is there?

9:48 PM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

What's a slough?

11:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha- liz doesnt know waht a slough is
i know what a bunny hug is
i can speak canadian- JUST WATCH!
crap---ok well i did have a canaidian dictionary, but i cant find it
so intead im just going to write a short play in australian;
'Oi Bazza, did you see that ace shelia at aerial pingpong this arvo? She was back of bourke, and was barraking for the banana benders, but deadset mate, she was grouse!'
'nah mate, i was too busy listening to the guy next to me yab on, as cross as a frog in a sock he was! i was gobsmacked, especially when the hoon knocked my middy. I reckon he had a gut full of piss. Bloody knocker. He covered me with liqiud laugh later on in the dunny. Anyone who thinks our team can't win is bonkers.'
'Pig's arse! But mate, stop being a ocka polly and 'ava mystery bag and a slice of pav.'
'Rightio, ya ridgie-digie mug. But only if we get stonkered tonight.'

1:23 AM  
Blogger jerky said...


I love that I can understand all that ed just wrote.

Take THAT, Canada.

and we sooo know what a bunnyhug is!!! not the other stuff... and it's weird that you guys call thongs flip flops. Coz seriously, it makes sense. They're like wearing a thong, but between your toes, hence 'thong'.

Peace out.

4:22 AM  

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