Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Happy Birthday mom!...

Hey all you Aussies, mom's birthday is today (well, yesterday in Australia, but today in Canadia) so we should all play a game of Scarbble, quilt something, and then go to Red Lobster or Club Cafe. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!!!

Also happy birthday Rae (March 12th... I really hope) Remember no one likes to be on alcohol watch so take it easy.

And can I just say that I understood nearly everything in Ed's play. Aerial Pingpong and middy threw me for a loop. I still don't know what a slough is, unless it's something like a coolee, in which case I do but didn't realize it was spelt like that. Anywho, I reckon that play could get to the Opera House.

Oh and I'm wicked happy 'cause Ellie and I figured out something to do for muck up photo!

Four parting notes:

Dopey and the penguin... he he!

"Why did the chicken cross the road?" "Why?" "Because he can." (Cartoon needed to understand but not supplied)

"It's a fact, Rae's a quack" (Oh year 8 Croak-eoke)

And mom's greatest joke ever "Santa was coming until he saw the cost of food." (I guarantee Rob is cacking himself so hard right now)

South Coast this weekend :D

Elizabeth :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope your mom made herself a cake, because I bet it would be delicious!!
And how dare you call grade 8 year 8...that's like stabbing Canada in the back and abandoning eveything you learned in your youth...except Quebec...they'd probably still like you...except that you speak english...never mind...they'll probably still roll their eyes and say mean things...

8:57 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

haha. Cost of food. Best joke mom has ever told. hehe.

8:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i would bake a cake- but im hungry, so i would eat it before it arrived in canada
hope you both had a wonderful day/night/whatever
and yes, i agree, my play has just the right amount of sophisication for the opera house, just the right amount

1:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes, Ed! I had a very good birthday but without cake. If I would have made one, Bob and I would have been tempted to eat it all by ourselves ... not a good idea. I did make a little saskatoon pie though. Yum! When are you coming to Canada so I can make a saskatoon pie for you? Trust me, it's tastier than Kraft dinner.

9:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

kraft dinner is not a dinner
it is not food
it is not pleasent

whats a saskatoon pie?
is it like an eskimo pie? cause if so, that would be pretty yummy
..yummy like eskimo's...or inuits as they now like to be called

i dont see how 'eaters of fat' is offensive....

3:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ed, these are saskatoons.

They are incredibly tasty.
In pie form, they're even more tasty.
And when Mrs. King makes a pie made out of them, well lets just say it's tasterific.
We all know that Mrs. King's pie are extremely good.

And yes, on that note, Happy Belated Birthday Mrs. King.

11:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of Croakeoke, does anyone remember in grade 9 when the cd skipped and Mr Butz freaked out a punched the wall?
Also, I agree with Mathew about the Mrs King's pies = terrific equation, like when she made me a fresh raspberry pie that one time...Let's hear it for Elizabeth's mom!

3:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i would 'hear it for liz's mom' but i have neve had her pie sorry
instead, i could write some poetry, or a song, or neither cause im lazy
but the thought is there liz's mom, the thought is there, just like mathew and sode, and othe people yet to comment, we all appreciate your pies

6:30 PM  
Blogger jerky said...

It must be birthday season, coz yesterday was my grandma's 80th!

unfortunately we don't have red lobster or club cafe here, but I had a coffee this morning before work... does that count for "club cafe"?

Argh! I need to think quick for muckup photo ideas!!!!

How you're all having a good weekend!

Peace out.

5:49 PM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

You could be an extreme footy fan like me and Ellie, but we'd need to find you a country. Canada and Australia are taken.

7:49 PM  
Blogger jerky said...

I could be a football.... show off my currrrrrrrves! Arghhh! Shiver me Timberrrrrs!

Peace out.

4:25 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

OMG I was just reading your profile and realised that you like Ben Folds! I am so proud of you and what your music tastes are becoming!!

I'm not a massive fan of Ben Folds Five though... but ben folds by himself is just ace ;)

Peace out.

4:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sarah- uh, yes I do remember that.
I do believe that i was the one stick doing the curtains and Mr. Butz was probably two feet away from me screaming and freaking out.
Not cool. Not cool in the least bit.

11:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mathew, Candace, and Sarah, get over here! There's some saskatoon pie left. Thanks for the birthday greetings, everyone!

12:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mrs King don't tease me about pie when I am all the way in saskatoon!

4:13 PM  

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