Sunday, March 18, 2007

Filler post...

Two more pics to add on. One from the Rotary dinner ages ago and one of me and Ellie for Muck up photo.

Ok this is just a filler post because I'm not uploading the few pictures I took down the South Coast until Saturday. But if I don't post until Saturday mom might have a minor heart attack, or else will just keep bugging me to post so I have created the perfect solution... a filler post!!! I'm pretty excited about it.

As you read we (Deb, Jaq, and I) went down the South Coast this past weekend to Sussex Inlet. It was cold and rainy so we didn't get to go to the beach, but we still had a pretty awesome time. I even saw wild kangaroos.

This Friday is Trivia Night, so that's pretty wicked.

Tomorrow's school pictures. Atleast I don't have to worry what I'm going to wear (though should it be jersey or no jersey? OK, maybe I do have a dilly of a pickle)

Now some random photos. These were from the day Simon, Ellie, and I went to the Aquarium during summer hols.

And now to give the Aussies a glimpse into my Canadadian life.... I asked mom to send me pictures of my room to make sure she hasn't done anything funky to it. She hasn't, though there was fabric on the floor which confirms my belief that she can't wait for me to truly move out so she can have ANOTHER sewing room.

Well now, wasn't that magical? I'll post new pictures on Saturday... but maybe not until Sunday because I move to my LAST *gulp* host family on Sunday (Yay for Epping!!!) so I might not bother uploading those last ones to this computer, but I know the internet connection at the Marriott's is heaps better than it will be at the Morgan's.

Today's quote is from "The Castle" which I watched again this weekend: "First one, then two, then eight. Who knows when they'll stop!?!?! Mum reckons eleven." It's totally my favourite line.

Elizabeth :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

booyeah i took those photos!! (well not the ones from canadia) and i have a feeling pics of me will feature in the next post :)hahahaha photos gonna be awesome tomoz :)

elizabeth enjoyed her english class thoroughly today too :)

12:39 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

Hahaha god times. I love the aquarium.

And well done with the nice big RENT poster on the wall. :P

So like, you know how i was talking about how my family sometimes goes to south coast where there are roos etc. well IT'S TOTALLY SUSSEX INLET THAT WE GO TO ASWELL!!!! We're like sisters or something!!!

Hi mom and dad! (and Rob)

Peace out.

5:09 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

I want all you Aussie people to be mad at Lize. Last week I called her during her lunch hour so I could talk to all of you but she was not at school that day, she was at some conference. So be mad at her because you didn't get to talk to me on the phone because of Elizabeth.

10:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tried desperately to look on the corkboard in the pictures of your room to see if I could make any out of me.
Alas, I couldn't.
My eyes kind of bugged out too.

Ah well.
I did notice the Black Eyed Peas post card.
Which I still find quite humourous.

11:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Post Script:
I just figured out today that I can infact text your mobile, as long as you're part of the the following networks.
Vodafone Australia; or
Hutchison Australia.

6:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elizabeth, I know you are "down under" but that first photo makes me really realize it. You are literally upsidedown from us. And you look like you have an honest-to-goodness sunburn in that photo.

Simon, I never knew where our other daughter ended up after we gave her up for adoption. I kept hoping Angelina Jolie would want her; now I know that she is you!

Mathew, I checked the cork board; you're on there at least four times ... a couple of times with very blonde hair.

9:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm its not upside down cos where 'down under'..... just cos im weird :)

and has ANY aussie ever heard of hutchinson mobile!?

4:30 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

Hahaha thanks Mom. I know there was something missin in my life. It must have been my real Mom!!

And no, Never ever heard of Hutchinson Mobile... weird....

Rob: call again.

Peace out.

5:12 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

P.S. I also wish angelina jolie would adopt me... not really... i'm not even sure who she is... someone from movies, right?

5:13 AM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

I surely am rocking Vodafone. I was with Telstra but basically they are shithouse. NEVER go with Telstra unless you want to die a firey mobile death.

5:13 AM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

It's ok, Nick understands ;)
And i hate that it cut off too. I was like "Curse you Raeanne's phone card" in a really dramatic voice.
Haha, Simon's sheltered.

11:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

only one bloody word for that photo of lize and me.... i hate to say it lize hates to hear it..... but YEAH-YA!

hahahaha check out our hotness :) luving the socks... :D (btw i just realised that my socks are wildcard coloured as well as dragons! sooo wearing them on the weekend at trial game - too bad, we decided that uniform for nats is black socks so i cant wear them at nats :(

but you can wear yours on safari!!

btw rob.... i saw easter bunny ears at hot dollar!! almost bought you a pair but it would cost heaps to post them to you cos they are quite large.... maybe you can con elizabeth into squishing them into her bag to take home... then wen i come to canadia we can have easter bunny/reindeer ear fights :)

2:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

im uncool - double posting

but LMAO nice mom you stuck the tim tam packet on lize's corkboard!! THATS GOLD!!

2:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it fills me with joy that simon has found a family willing to claim him as their own
joy and laughter
mainly laughter
and rob; surely mad at liz cause she wasnt at school when you called, and hten she said that raeanne was going to call when we were on the bus to epping, and im sure raeanne did call, but seeing as liz wasnt on the bus to epping we didnt get to talk to her either
i think she is trying to seperate the canadians from the australians

i should note that liz has some brownie points however for giving me a packet of peanutbutter m&m's today with firthy and i ate with most joyful smiles at recess today

2:51 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

I'm not sheltered, i just don't care about celebrities.

Plus, you're the one who thought that "hell" was a swear! (Sorry mom, but it was used in context)

But mainly your new name is Elizabeth Sebastian King
Pretty Rockin', huh?

Hi Canada!

Peace out.

5:34 AM  
Blogger RF said...

LIZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i haven't posted a comment in ages ..partly cos my computer is an idiot ..(sorry computer if u are reading this) tho the catch up read was good ..SO MANY PHOTOS ...AWESOME ....looks like u have so much fun YA! muck up photos were awesome ..u and Ellie were sure darn snazzy i must say SEE YOU TOMORROOOOOWWWWWWWW much love...this has dictionary it fixes my crappy spelling hooray for technology ..btw happy birthday mom and happy sewing ..OOO and Liz what does the Chinese writing on ur walls mean

9:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's ironic that my daughter Elizabeth June King knows everything about pop culture while my other daughter Elizabeth Sebastian King knows so little. E.S.K., Angelina Jolie is this actress who adopts an underprivileged kid from a third world country every week or so. I guess since you aren't underprivileged and Oz isn't third world-ish, she wouldn't be interested in you.

10:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

jerusalem artichokes are weird....
my dad went ccrazy and bought about 25 of them, well, more than that, and now we are eating them, and they are weird
weird like vitamin pie

1:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am NOT responsible for elizabeths swearing - Promise!!

2:28 AM  

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