Saturday, June 30, 2007

Last day of school...

And it's the end of an era. I am finally done high school. Funnily enough I finished high school exactly one year after I graduated high school. Cool, eh? So let's take a look back.
Here's me on the first day of Carlo...
(not the best of pictures)
And on my last day...

(much more attractive)

My friends are awesome, amazing wonderful people and so they made me a cake for my last day and tried to sing "So Long, Farewell" from Sound of Music.

Trust me, it was a very delicious cake. Tharini's mom is awesome.

Really didn't do much on the last day (as could be expected) Basically it was one very long card game. Saying good-bye to teachers and some of the kids was weird just because I'll never see them again. Ever. Like with the Comp I'm going to run into everyone at the Co-op and Macca's. I won't be able to escape my teachers in Weyburn. But yeah, weird feeling. And then I left my folder on the bus which really made me mad since it was the folder Sam, G, and Hannah gave to me. But some sort of god was smiling on me as a hour and a half a left Gloria Jeans and my bus was sitting there with folder still in it. I was SO happy!

I just feel this picture of Ed needs to be distributed to the world.

And now I am done school. So what do I do know you ask? Um, have two weeks of holidays in Australia then six weeks of considerably warmer holidays in Canadia.

Went to "Othello" at the Opera House last night. It. Was. Fantastic.

Quote: "Please excuse this interruption across the school but this is a very important announcement..."

And now I must go buy some lollies for tonight.

E(Liz)abeth :)

PS. Only one more blog left!... Maybe two...

Friday, June 22, 2007

So apparently I suck...

Well it certainly has been a while. This is nothing against anyone. It's more of a "I haven't even e-mailed mom in three days. let along had time to post on my blog." So let's go back all the way to last week.
Movie night at Ellie's house. This picture wasn't supposed to be like this. T covered up the flash, but I thought it looked kind of cool anyways. It was a Glenn Robbins fest with "Take Away" and "Boytown"
Simon, Paul, and Janush on Cabaret Night. It was my last Entertainment gig for the school. And they are totally all wearing suspenders.

Me, Ellie, and T at the Parramatta Eels v St. George Dragons game. Parra won... I really picked a crappy team to support.... stupid Dragons...

From my Rotary presentation on Tuesday. Wardrobe by Simon and Ed :)
Basically the most attractive picture to come out of the evening.

And now we'll just sum up my Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday:

-Bridge Pylon with Simon and then added on Lassie and Rasa and went to Lowenbraus for dinner.

-Play! A Video Game Symphony with Kirkland plus Oporto for dinner

-Lisel's 18th birthday party

And now I think I'll take a nap... so incredibly tired... or I could figure out my classes for uni which is slowly killing me on the inside. On the bright side I totally have a place to stay next year!

Quotes: "It's got oranges in it!" and "Go! Go! Go!"

Twenty-two days

E(Liz)abeth :)

Monday, June 11, 2007

A balmy 6.5 degrees Celsius...

First things first. On Friday I took the Roaming Gnome to school and let Simon loose with my camera and said gnome. This was my favourite picture that resulted from it, but there are a lot of quite amazing ones.

This weekend Mike and Carol took me to the Blue Mountains. I had only ever driven through them. In spite of no electricity and thus no heat, plus two seven degree days it was really nice. The Blue Mountains really are beautiful. I went a little camera happy and have so many scenery shots. Mom will be happy because she was complaining I was taking too many pictures of my friends.

Part of the Morgan's property at Mt. Wilson. They have 24 acres.

Chocolate cafe at Katoomba. You melt your own hot chocolate. It was basically just the bomb (I cannot believe I just used that phrase... damn you Ed!)

ICE!!!! Honest-to-God-formed-because-it's-just-too-cold ICE!!! I was so happy to see this stuff.

OK, so we took this railway down the mountain called the scenic railway. At it's steepest it has an incline of 52 degrees. It's the line the miner's used to take down, but they put a fancy new train/cart thingy on it. This is the old one they used to take down.

Gus and I walking at the Morgan's property.

And what was the greatest thing to come out of this weekend? My Ugg boots. Seriously, I don't care if US weekly says they are unstylish, I can now feel my toes and there is nothing better than that.

Quote from Amelie: "I'm nobody's little weasel." (Don't you love French pet names?)

Four weeks and six days (I never should've written the countdown in B-Jamin's book)


Thursday, June 07, 2007

Presidents and Parties (that's right, I went for the alliteration)...

So basically it's been over a week which means mom probably isn't too happy. But what can you do? I've become opposed to posting again unless I get over 10 comments and that seems to take a while nowadays.

This is Rotary International President William (Bill) Boyd. Went to a dinner last Friday and met him. $90 a plate, thank God I wasn't paying.

This is from the final district organized exchangie BBQ. These are my lovely and wonderful counsellors Maddie and Bobby plus Julie Julie, Nao, Kirk, and I. We're team Canapan (oh, hybrid words ;) )
Team Canada

Then Sunday night was Ed and Smitty's birthday party. Wei, Ellie, and I played the pokies and totally came out ahead (thus picture below)

The rest of my life isn't too interesting right now. I haven't been able to feel my toes in a very long time. It gets quite chilly down here in Aus. Today was Free Canadian Crap Day (Nesbitt declared it a national holiday) so I got rid of all my Canadian souvenirs. I reckon with the stuff I've been giving away and all the stuff Candace took home I shouldn't have to ship anything back home. Called Sarah today. Man I miss that kid! Well I miss all my Canadians...

I guess only slightly over five weeks until I see them again.

But then I'll miss my Aussies.

Quite the condundrum...

And MOM, shouldn't you be encouraging teenagers to be outside, taking in the fresh air and nature and such... not glueing them to youtube?

Anywho, quote of the day: "And of course trying to snort diet coke off a midget's head is nearly impossible." -Alan Brough

And now just general advice: When your host mom asks if you want an umbrella, you should really take it!

E(Liz)abeth :)