Sunday, October 22, 2006

Exchangie weekend at The Basin...

OK, time for pictures from my weekend camping at the Basin with the other exchangies. The weather was crap. It rained the entire time, except for the ferry ride home, and we were freezing but we couldn't've had a better time if it would've been sunny and warm. I'm pretty sure I bruised a bone playing volleyball. Next time we will inflate the vollyball better before we get there. It also turns out that I am a natural at bowling for cricket. I knew I had to have skills in some sports- aside from synchronized swimming and five pin bowling of course.

Left to right: Maggie (US), Connie (Chile), me, Lailla (Brazil), Rebecca (Germany), Senni (Finland), Anne (Denmark), and Jade (Thailand). This was taken at the top of the mountain we climbed. 2.6 km in rain. Luckily we couldn't tell if we were sweaty or just wet.

Picture of everyone except Stephen (Belgium) and Morritz (Germany) (because they didn't come up the mountain) and Celine (France) and Johnny (Austria) because they weren't at the weekend. Kirk (Canadia), Anne (Denmark, stuck behind Kirk) , me, Doriane (Belgium), Rebecca (Germany), Julie (Canadia), Vadium (Russia), Gabriel (Brazil), Connie (Chile), Ylva (Sweden), Rasmus (Denmark), Nikolas (Germany), Ermo (Finland), Theresa (Austria), Senni (Finland), Nao (Japan), Jade (Thailand), Maggie (US), Lailla (Brazil), Leo (Brazil)
This is officially the reference picture. I am never doing all of the countries for group pictures again.

Morritz (germany) and Rasmus (Denmark). I told them to look attractive for this picture and got this. You can judge if they followed through.

The Canadadian crew. Kirk who hails from Regina, Julie from Quebec who lives on a street called Croissant de Pins, and myself from good ol' Weyburn.

It was a really good weekend. Kirk's toenails are now a bright pink (it's why you never let girls into your tent when you're half asleep), I imparted the football dance on more people and my contacts lasted me the two days, which is good because I didn't take my glasses with me, nor solution or a contacts case. We got cake for mine, Leo's, Connie's, Senni's, and Doriane's birthdays and we played some really difficult mind games. Next official exchangie gathering isn't for another month. That's kind of sad, but most of us live close, and will see each other before.

And today's quote is from our darling German friends: "Try my hoe!!!"
Oh those Germans :)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

what an attractive bunch of drenched exchange students, if imay say so myself
and i can
cause im ed


3:26 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

I would have to agree on the whole... except for that brazilian, leo :P hehe Just kidding, leo is awesome.
I'ma gonna be so sad when you exchangies (leo and liz) leave school. What will we do?!

5:16 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

Peace out.
(almost forgot!!)

5:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

they are quite attractive, but i think i might need to go on exchange or at least to one of these exchangie events coz i've noticed a severe under-representation of my people (black ppl)...leo deosn't count, he just thinks he's black.:D

Luv teeni.

P.S. Mrs liz's Mom/english teacher, could you please write my king lear essay?
" What will continue to make King Lear worthy of critical study? analyize the structure, content and language of the text"
it's 1500 wrds.
THANK YOU in advance.

5:30 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

can you further explain the "try my hoe"? It sounds like an interesting story.

55 more days till I board the plane!!!

5:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tharini, I would love to write your Lear essay. There are just two problems:
1. I haven't read the play in about 20 years.
2. I have been marking very poor Hamlet essays and they are so embedded that I would probably start your essay with something like this: "The novvel Lear is so good and I am soo gld my techer wants me to say somethjing about it. As already mentioned as i just sayed it is very good. Theirs always a knew mesage in Shakesperes' writting."

With that said, I think Elizabeth's friend Sarah in Saskatoon is studying Lear now. Maybe the two of you could collaborate.

8:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha, those kids are awesome- and that sopund alot like my othello essay- except the phrase "o being for modern audiences" was repeated amongst other crap
like me not know what i wsa talking aout
but apparently i had structure, so i passed
like all awesome people did

1:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm, those 2 boys did a good job of looking attractive.... liz i think you should make attempts to hook up with one of them!!!

and MRS liz if your writing tharini's essay could you do mine too?? same question :) hahaha we are all so lazy.... stupid lear....

5:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh and another thing... rob counting down days till plane arrives IS A BAD THING!!! PLANES ARE HORRIBLE HORRIBLE PLACES!!! you should be counting down days/hours/minutes till you get off the bloody thing and land!!!!

*shudders at thought of planes*

5:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


how dare you call planes a terrible thing! well than again planes can't hover. Lize can explain after she smacks you twice for me ;-)

liz, sorry it's been a while. I've been busy with the kids work and just started my french refresher. So I'm back to school as well. Sorry I missed your birthday blog, but happy belated birthday anyways. I think the last time I was actually at one of your birthday parties you were still small enough to bounce on my knee :0. The cousins once removed miss you but hope you're having fun and Alex wants to know if you have seen a kangaroo in the wild.

9:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

screw the wild- us aussies RIDE kangaroos to work
and use platypus's bills as hammers, and koala's as pillow and kookaburra's as alarm clocks

man- we use alot of our antive iwldlife in the bedroom for our own comfort and convinience


11:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think i heart germans!

12:05 AM  

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