Tuesday, October 24, 2006

S'toon and Memories...

First off, Happy Birthday to Rob's good buddy Simon!! Ok I'll admit I can stand to be around him... and I guess he did look marginally more attractive today in spite of the pen up and down my arms.

Now I realize that I just posted two days ago but today is a momentous occasion... I HAVE BEEN IN AUSTRALIA THREE MONTHS!!!!! Honestly it feels like three days, but since three months would be a quarter of a year (and that's a big deal) I have decided to share with all my favourite people (I know you're my favourite people because you actually read this thing) my first memories of various people in Australia. Hopefully this will spawn comments on first memories of me from Aussies and Canadadians alike (oh, ulterior motives...)

Firthy: Second day in Australia. She came to the office with Worsley and I was told she'd be my tour guide. Honestly I thought she looked far too pretty and cool to ever want to be my friend (Boy, do I sound like a sad human being. I'm really not! I'd just never been the new girl before and was wicked self-conscious.)

Ed: First day of classes. Third day in Australia. She came to the office with Firthy. No idea why she came to the office, but I knew I'd like Ed right from the start. She just looked like a very cool person. Suspected that she and Simon were going out on the first day. Oh and another early memory of Ed. On my first Friday everyone was saying "See you on Monday" and Ed added "If you don't die before then." She's probably lucky I was in need of friends or boy would I have beat her up...and I could totally take her.

Simon: First day of classes. Explained the concept of a toque and a bunnyhug to him. Was proud of him the second day when he used "bunnyhug" in a sentence, ie "Hey, you're wearing a bunnyhug" (Because I was you see). Suspected that he and Ed were going out. Learned after a week that they, in fact, weren't... and I am going to get such slack for thinking that they were in the first place.

Sam: First day of classes. In the library. She, Hannah, and G were supposed to be doing "drah-ma" stuff. Thought she had cool hair and was a little insane (noted by the reaction when we told her that Nesbitt had given us the cupcakes we had)... but I really like insane. This you can be sure of by looking at Weyburn group of friends.

Mel: First day of classes. She came up to me and said "I'm Mel. I smell. That's an easy way to remember my name." And you know what? I do. Oh and she let me sit next to her in Maths effectively displacing Ellie.

Tharini: Second day of classes in Legal Studies. Mrs. Owens didn't show up and Tharini was acting as a moderator between me and Chris since Chris didn't seem to want to ask me questions to my face. I couldn't for the life of me remember for to pronounce her first name for the 1st week and a half.

Ellie: Third day of classes. Apparently I am the only one that thinks it's cool that she plays frisbee and that she was going to Boston. We sat together at my first year assembly.

The Group: Honestly first thought was "Holy Crap!" Firthy and I were walking from A block to B block and right before we turned the corner she said "We hang out in B block in the morning" Then we turned the corner and there were two dozen people there. Coming from a solid group of 8 I was wickedly overwhelmed. Also, in my experience, exchangies don't stay friends with the original people they are introduced to. I seriously prayed that I could stay friends with these people because I thought they seemed like good people, and not too far of a take off from my old friends... there were just heaps more of these guys.

So yeah, those are my earliest memories from Carlo. I feel like I really shared something here *tear* Now please reciprocate because you may have to rely on comments for a while. I'm not sure when I'm doing something exciting again.

Today's quote: "I value your friendship" *hand over piece of garbage*

Less than nine months to go :(



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aww liz thats soo cute!!!!! you actually remember who you sat next to in an assembly??? that amazing.... possibly cosu were like omg who's this freak next too me!?!! ahahah and btw i havent been able to reclaim my seat by mel in maths... its sorta there as a memory of our math days!!!

now onto my first memories of liz!!

this girl came... she was nice rather quiet stole my seat in maths so i had to sit closer to the front of the room!!! gave me a weird lolly called a jolyl rancher which tasted yucky.... and she talked funny (and still does!!) then i went to boston for 2 weeks came back and was like HOLY CRAP!! who is this person!! when i left she was just weird and quiet.... now she's a cross between sam/simon/ed and RLY RLY LOUD!!!! i like it :) hahaha prob no1 else noticied you change as much as i did!!! but i like this new liz.... shes much better then quiet liz!!!

and you canadians... were aussing her up too the max!!! yes she now owns a hat with corks!!! even i dont own of them!!! ahaha LUV U LONG TIME LIZ!!!

1:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

aww what a blog that i actually bothered to read and not just look at the pretty pictures...it was senni's birthday so i hope you didnt forget to send her a rotarian text message..
but like..you forgot some people :P

2:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why did the fact that you thought simon and i were going out get mentioned twice? are you rubbing it in our faces that simon is a man whore?(i have no respect for birthdays apparently)
ALSO- i felt so uuber bad that i said that to you on your first friday, but it was so funny, AND STILL IS, im laughing as i type this comment right now!haha
im a bad person

and thats for noting my aurora of awesome

now, lets talk some liz style
- she instantly found brainiac 5 as funny as i did, without me forcing her to read the wikipedia article on him
-she found 'elegance' on the front of my jersey as funny as i did
hahah, my own perfume, STILL FUNNY
- she knew how to play skip bow- and i didnt have to teach it to her
-she had seen romie adn michells high school reunion without me making her watch it (so uuber funny)
-she bought me so much chocolate in her first week here, and in fact, yesterday!
people say liz, that you and i are very much alike.
i personally dont see it, i mean, from reading the above list, its clear that we have nothing in common
therefore, i am forced to conlcude, in combination with you constantly feeling me up, that your just an ed, from canada, with emotions in place of my extra funny stores (i.e. in place of emotions i have funny)(its awesome)(this funny is usually only funny to me)(uuber entertaining and awesome)
i'm done

2:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that was really sweet. My favourite liz memories are in english playin the dvd game :) and proving ms burkhart wrong (naivet'ay').

Btw u forgot part of that legal lesson. as i recall it i was walking around the whole room on tables and chairs, and as a result getting wierd looks from navdeep(who by the way is getting TUBAN8TOR on the back of his jersey...i thought it was hilarious), and u called my hair clip a "baret". which i thought was wierd. but then we found out you're from 'regina' btw that presentation was excellent, we even got mrs owens to reference male genitalia somehow. for those who weren't there, don't ask.
any hoo
its been an excellent 3 months

3:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

blue.... green..... pink..... blue... red.... "king lear....."..... green!

ahh the dvd game :D hours of entertainment!! ......RED!

6:46 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

My favorite memory of Lize being in Australia is that because she went there, I now know my bestest friend, Simon. And cause I'm going to get a 4 month old Chicken burger handed to me as soon as I get off the plane from Ed.

And yes Elizabeth, I will arrange a three way call so you can be listening in when I tell mom.

2:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can hardly wait for your blog entry when you pay tribute to your wonderful mom. Imagine how many comments that will elicit.

4:31 PM  
Blogger jerky said...

Ah, shux! This is a truly memorious blog (yes i made up that word). And I think it's pretty darn funny that you thought that me and ed were dating, and just for the record, (ed) I am NO man-whore!
Rob, you rock. And I'm sure that ed will be waiting with that burger... my GOD it's starting to smell a little funky, but i'm sure it will be worth the wait!

Peace out.

6:59 PM  
Blogger jerky said...

O'h yeah, i almost forgot: It's awesome having Liz in Australia. Really. What will we do without exchangies???

7:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok onto worst memories of liz.... today.. we were all excited cos a fav program of ours E.R. is returning to tv!! this excitement was then followed by liz TELLING ME WHO DIES!!!! which we in aus HAVE NOT SEEN YET!!! bah!! totally ruined.... now ill be sititing there going damn... that person's gonna blow up and die with guts everywhere any minture now.... THANKS LIZ!!!..... i still luv you!!

12:21 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

woah woah woah, wait just a minute Elizabeth. You let Raeanne braid your hair??? I thought I was the only one who was allowed to braid your hair. I'm hurt.

And don't worry Simon, I've eaten stinky food before. You should have seen the balogna I pulled out of the fridge earlier today. Just covered in mold. Tasted not bad though.

1:01 AM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

Haha, it's pun 'cause Simon's last name is Mould... Ok actually it's not a pun. I'm just lame, but a very cool lame.
And Rae i demand that you integrate your Texan drawl into you so much that you will still have it when I get home. I want to hear you say y'all all texan-y.

1:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love puns
and simon is a man whore- ask all the chicks on route....kings cross
and, uhh, rob?
about that burger..it may not be a chicken burger ...maybe actually might ont be a burger at all...may just be one i drew cause i ate your burger and forget to get you a new one....my bad

3:13 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

I've never even been to Kings Cross- I just naturally am down with the hood. (can't believe I just said that)
And just because Ed works there full time...
Also, I'll pretend that I know what balogna is. Seriously Rob, what is balogna? Maybe you should bring us some when you come to the wonderful land of Oz?

Peace out.

6:59 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

I just realised how that comment about ed could be taken. I was implying that she works there, and I do not visit there at all. There's nothing going on there. (as explained by liz)


7:01 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

They don't have balogna in Australia??? Holy smokes. I know how I am going to make my millions in the future, bring Balogna to Australia.

Balogna is a type of meat.

10:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rob, can you seriously call bolonga (my that looks strange. However, it is apparently how you spell it. I checked) meat?
That's like calling hotdogs meat.
Though I do suppose horse hooves and pig snouts are technically meat.

My favourite memory from Elizabeth in Australia?
When she called me and I was cleaning up ketchup from Anna's floor.

And to add a different twist for upcoming comments:
My favourite memory from Elizabeth in Canada.
(Come on, the Aussie's have an unfair advantage about memories in Australia. I'm just making an unfair advantage to us hometown Canadians)
Hmm. Now that I think about it, that's a very hard question to answer.
I've had far too many absolutely amazing times with Elizabeth.
Maybe when Cuddles bit me in the ass?
How about the time we got Haruka to ask Mr. Glaspey what a dildo was.
I know.
Staying up all night at Candace's farm.
That was marvelous.

You're all 'three months :(' but I'm all 'three months :)!'
Because now it's just less time until I get to see you again.

Potato tattoo here we come!

Love and miss you lots.

4:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

pee ess(yes, i am aware that this is almost five hours later than my previous post, making it a stretch to call it a pee ess, but i just remembered this as i was on my way to work you see. that's what's with the super long time between. see, i have reasoning.):
i gave your mom(mum?) your yearbook.
you should be expecting it sometime, since she said that she'd send it out ASAP.
wow, i went crazy with pronouns in that last sentence.

okay, yes.
i still miss you.

9:39 PM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

See really I wanted Aussie memories from Aussies and Canadian memories from Canadians because really, how can Canadians have memories of me in Aus? Rob will eventually I guess.
YAY FOR YEARBOOKS!!!!! But I won't get it until after camp :( But on that note YAY FOR CAMP!!!!!
And Ed and Simon I might be apologizing (apologising?) to you soon. I'll see if you can figure out why.

11:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

need not to apologise liz, for upon scanning your blog whilst scrolling down, i noticed you used "wicked" as a descriptive word
and simon, just because my orphanarium for the poor and orphananed happens to be in kings cross, give you NO RIGHT to imply that i sell my body to the night
i simple feed, clothe, and use for cheap labour, children whose parents annoyed me, or owed me their lives
and MATHEW- only simon is enough of a loser to comment after his own comment- you gotta wait like, at elast one comment before doing again, otherwise you look desperate man, im sorry, but its true- also- stop not playing the game right, we are doing memories of liz in aussie

1:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ed- but elizabeth just stated that she wanted Canadian memories from Canadians. So really, I was playing by the rules quite earnestly.

And really, I am desperate. You guys get to see/talk to Elizabeth everyday.
We don't.
Thus, reason for posting after my original post.
That and it's quite important news, what with yearbooks and all.

That reminds me of something.
Do not take the matter of talking to Elizabeth for granted.
You'll sorely miss it when it's gone.

8:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

news from liz? well, she is pregnant, I MEAN, NOT SPILLING HER DEEPEST DARKEST SECRETS!!
my bad liz!

she also hearts boyz....boys with a 'z'

4 eva

6:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so apparently elizabeth is down with the boyz?
that obviously means black young men.

haha, elizabeth being pregnant reminds me of me getting sarah pregnant in the murder mystery.
which reminds me that we're finally going to play that tonight.

3:23 PM  
Blogger jerky said...

OK, so after a lengthy and involved discussion with liz, I now realise that 'balogna' is 'baloney' (that's kinda how you say it?)
I know what that is, i just had no idea that the spelling was so retarded. No offence, Canada.

8:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha- simon the balogna patrol are going to kill you
and mathew, OMG we were takling about playing how to host a murder, and the whole sarah being pregnant with mathews baby last night!!!
its ok sarah- we all know that the pregnancy was forced...by your friends...i dont know how that works

2:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay, weird much?
my legacy of getting sarah pregnant lives on i guess.
oh, and elizabeth, guess who shane was in the murder mystery.
my illegitimate son.
i had apparently knocked up the murder women before she had got married.
i always end up getting someone pregnant in that.

10:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i totally put my name in there.
jerk name place thing.

2:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh dear God...forced pregnancy. Stop making me look bad in front of the aussies...and rob! Thanks u the post card lize,I just got it today and I must say I find it funny that there is more snow there than there is here...crazy..ps Daylight savings time is gay!!

6:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sarah- i concur with most of what you're saying
how awesome are we
and mathew...its not at all cool to impregnant dead women
you fail life "geting people pregnant" school
fail hardcore

11:44 PM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

I refuse to update until there is peace in the middle-east... or Wednesday, whichever comes first. Haha, oh failing at life. So many people do it.

12:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm tooooooooootally late and tooooooootally out of the loop, as i have already informed Liz of BUT I feel extra special because I have a cupcake related to Liz's first memory of me in Australia!! (and liz when you go home you better show all your canadadians the lano and woodley dvd i gave you, *tear* best dvd EVER!!)

ANYWAYS after you told us Nesbitt gave you cupcakes we went up to Nesbitt's office and made a good 20 minute argument as to why we deserved cupcakes... sigh..we never did get one

AND i totally thought you were waaaay too cool for us when you came to our group, i was totally like omg she's gonna hate me! But that's just a reflection of the awesome self esteem that i hold :P However, i gotta say that since you've been here Liz my self esteem has dramatically gone up, i think you're literally "beating" the bad stuff out! Cheers to punch therapy!! BEST MEMORY OF CANADADIANS EVER...is Liz beating me up :D

And i hate to come in late but is bol..ogna..actually bologna... it feels so wrong *shudders*

Haha and liz i need a code name to do my hitting on a certain someone.. we discussed it today :D

3:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sarah- haha, forced? you were a go-go dancer.
you had it coming. :]
ed- i did not impregnant a dead woman. i had impregnanted her quite a quite years previous to her death.
and i like how you had to state dead women.
because impregnanting dead men is obviously cool.
please don't say it is.
and if it is.
PLEASE GOD don't ever let me die in australia.
having to take care of a child and being newly undead (i'd come back as a zombie or a ghost you see) is far too much to do at one time.

and there probably is more snow here now than there.
stupid snow.
the day before halloween?
officially quite upset.
good thing i have to go to class anyway.

3:29 PM  
Blogger jerky said...

OK wow, firstly, I totally talked to reanne too!
Also, i could not bring myself to read sam's comment... it was way too long. Sam needs to work on that.
Hope everyone is having a good time!

9:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sam needs to work on alot of things, see the whole crappy self confidence thing (glad i joined on the badnwagon this fine morning adn hit her when she was being self depricating (THATS MY WORD FOR THE DAY)), me?
i need to work on a being able to form proper sentances and pronouce words so that they can be understood and not just dimissed as a slur of words and sounds
mathew- of course impregnanting dead men is awesome- you are defying so many more laws of nature by impregnanting a dead man than you would if you were impregnanting a dead woman

and you are no man
you need to pass life before you can even consider calling yourself a man
i scoff in your general direction

9:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ed- paying for for my college life myself (save for room/board and food) grants me the title of being a man.
that and being and adult.
and being, you know, male.

10:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

can i just formally state that i'm all for liz using punch therapy on sam, but she has to stop doing it to me cuz she's missed my arm and hit my boob too many times now.
it hurts

We have to get it to at least 50 comments before she posts another

P.S. GET BETTER LIZ...for you canadians who aren't in the loop, liz went home sick today.

11:44 PM  
Blogger jerky said...

In response to Raeanne, I'm hoping to get to 50 comments.
And don't you worry, we will call you at any time (but on liz's phone... international calls are expensive!)
Peace out.

2:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey reanne i think i spoke too you! were you the one i mae say ABOOT? hahaha funniest thing ever....

happy halloween everyone! totally not impressed went to frisbee and my car got painted in oven cleaner!! NOT IMPRESSED! had to clean my car... bah!! so annoying!


4:36 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

No way any of you have a better costume that me on Halloween. (Do Aussies celebrate Halloween). I'll post a picture when I get one uploaded.

2:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My little girl went home sick and I'm not there to pamper her! Maybe she's pretending to be sick and she is really home figuring out what new stuff to put on her blog. Photos! We want photos!

3:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am comment number 50, therefore I rule and you all suck

3:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elizabeth and Rob, you will want to know that the very worst thing happened ... the very worst. Calgary has banned Gainer the Gopher from their stadium for the game on Sunday! It sounds too idiotic to be true but it is.

8:21 PM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

How do you ban Gainer? He's a proud and noble animal!!!! Does that mean that their mascot is banned as well? This makes no sense! DAMN YOU ALBERTA!!!!!!!

10:58 PM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

Side note: Gainer is the Roughriders mascot... for any aussies wanting to know
And Ed this totally doesn't count as a double post because I am the author of this blog

10:59 PM  
Blogger jerky said...

Congratualtions Raeanne for spelling "y'all" correctly!
And Rob, i heard about your costume from Liz... very impressed
;) (that's a non-suggestive wink)

Well done everyone for making over 50 comments!

11:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what did gainer do?
coz there's not a lot you can do in a gopher suit.

12:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what was robs costume?!?!
liz- totalyl counts as a double post
mathew- you'll eb a man when i say you are a man, until then, you are just a boy
>cue the "be a man" song from Mulan<
raeanne- we should give you our number, then you can call us....and pay for it.....not us pay for it
and mom- liz wasnt sick- she was just wicked tired and lazy
leo told me so

1:20 AM  

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