Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Blazer shots, alcohol preparedness, and KD...

So it's been a while, but look how many comments I racked up!!! And you know that that just means this post will be so amazing you'll wonder how I could possibly top it! Not to mention this one includes pictures and we all know how happy that makes mom.

Picture from the 80s movie day. And, yes, I can say 80s movie day because we (we being myself, Simon, Ellie, Ed, and Sam) watched "The Breakfast Club" (quintessential 80s movie), "Labrynth" (featuring a windswept David Bowie... and it's one of those movies that is so bad it's good, unless you're watching it with S'toon because he ruins it), and "Rent" (which takes place during 1989/1990 so it is, technically, an 80s movie) I gave these dear Aussies Kraft Dinner to mixed reviews. This would be Ellie and Simon with their KD. I am not posting the picture of Ed and Sam out of the goodness of my heart. Now I just need to expose them to perogies and poutine (though I find the latter gross)
I also now have a beer mug from Mt. Kosciuszko (from S'toon) to go with my Australia shot glass(from Ellie... and I think Nick and Steve) I feel the Aussies are pushing me to alcoholism. Mom's so not gonna appreciate that guys.

Chris and Helen took me into the city on Sunday. I must stop going into the city because I always end up at the Rocks and I always end up spending money. It was a good day though. We took the big, red bus around Sydney (even into *gasp* King's Cross) and I bought heaps of pins for my blazer.

Which brings me too... NEW BLAZER PICTURES!!!

The front of my blazer filling up nicely. The Koala clinging to my lapel and the bracelet on my right wrist have been Super Glued on and I sewed the Swanies bear on myself.

The back of my blazer. Thanks to Ed for the P plate (which, again, I sewed on myself) It might be a little too neat, but those patches are ironed on and not going anywhere.

I talked to Raeanne on Monday. A twenty-five minute international call on my mobile only cost me $7. She made my day by telling me I sound aussie when I say "really" and she made Ellie's day by saying "a-boot" Oh and a side note to Canadians, we really do say "a-boot".

I move to my second host family on Saturday. I'm excited, but I'm a little sad to be leaving Joy because she's been such an awesome host mom. I mean, c'mon, she let me have an 18th birthday party. That so could've gotten out of control (I'm actually lying, I'm a nerd and therefore there was no chance in hell of it being out of control, but she doesn't know that)

And we move out to camp on Monday. As far as I can figure it will kind of be like the band trips from the Comp but not. Then I have another camp in week 6 for Earth Enviro. Basically that camp is the 22nd-24th then I have an exchange student camp from the 24th to the 26th. How sleep deprived will I be?

I also don't know if I'll be able to keep up extension English. Getting up at 530 twice a week just takes it out of me too much, but I really love extension!! If I could just not go to my first period on Tuesday and Thursday I'd be golden, but alas, that is not a viable option.

Hmmm a week between posts makes for a long post. I HOPE YOU ALL ARE HAPPY ABOUT PRESSURING ME INTO POSTING!!!!! YOU HAD TO SIT THROUGH THIS!!!!

Today's quote comes from The Island (thanks Sam!!!!) "We're starving to death. Now is not the time for ridged adherance to theatrical conventions."

E(Liz)abeth :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

just dropped some love for me in your blog

love to see you soon



4:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry I made a mistake haha

I mean, FROM ME not FOR ME

take care

4:32 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

a) Calgary is afraid we are going to beat them, that's why they banned Gainer. The actual reason they gave is that Gainer gets our fans to riled up (which if you read between the lines is them saying our fans drink too much beer)

b) I was Blue Man Group for Halloween.

c) 80's movie night? Our class is having an 80's Night Pub Crawl on Friday (not that I am condoning alcohol consumtion kids). Me and Wes are going as 80's basketball players complete with the skin tight tops, tube socks, headbands, and short shorts.

d) give me the name of everyone who said Kraft Dinner was gross cause I am going to beat the crap out of them when I get to Australia. KD is the best food ever.

3:40 PM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...


3:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WE DoNT PRESSURE YOU THAT MUCH INTO POSTING BLOGS...if anyone should post it should be simon :P

take it easy

4:00 PM  
Blogger jerky said...

It's ok Rob, I ate Ed's share, aswell as mine. It was pretty good.

4:01 PM  
Blogger jerky said...

And maybe i will update my blog sometime... it's probably due for one...

Peace out.

4:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nerds say heck not hell.

6:22 PM  
Blogger jerky said...

Who said heck?
May they forever be known as 'nerd'... unless it was me.

11:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am liekw ay slow ill comment on mannythe blog :) ....liz ur are a way gorgeous perosn with a fab personality ....and ur first thoughts ....i aint cool ...:P ...U WERE FUN TO SHOW AROUND ..i was quite happy cos i thought u may not talk to em ..BUT I DID ..and im glad i didnt scare u ....kraft dinners look ..erm ...tasty ..hehe ...i c u at school any how ....and i drew on u yesterday ...KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK MAN ....UR AWESOME ..>DONT LET NE ONE TEELL U OTHER WISE :) ...hehe im too mooshy todya ....but i speak thy truth ;)

12:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol u went to the cross! ....i dont think its taht bad ..tho i did see liek massive platform boots in a shop window ..they scared me ..they wer eliek as tall as me ..!

12:03 AM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

I didn't say heck. I said hell and apparently, due to my self proclaimed nerd status, I should be saying heck.
S'toon, aren't you the one getting "geek" on the back on his jersey?
And mom, it's not my fault. Aussies swear too much, they are a bad influence. Many of them would even tell me that "hell" isn't a swear.
And Mel, you would know about those hours of night... I s'psoe you claim just to be looking at the giant neon Coca-Cola sign.

12:11 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

I'm still not sure what to get on my jersey!
And Firthy needs typing lessons.

2:04 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

hell isn't a swear. hell hell hell. HELL!!!!!!

9:20 AM  
Blogger Stampy said...

Wooooo yoohoo :D
hehe my first official comment as a "member" of blog spot.. booyah! haha
Well Liz the blazer looks awesomely awesome! Mom and Dad should be so proud, and i gotta say my junior girl uniform tie looks fabulous (ehehe "love you long time" sigh good times)

And thankyou for not putting the picture of Ed & I with the KD up... man i love you forever for that

Also, Simo I think you should announce the awesomeness that is what you finally decided your getting on your jersey with the people! haha dude, it's gold!

7:57 AM  
Blogger Stampy said...

i forgot to also tell you, Liz, that you are the bomb for putting in that Lano and Woodley quote... oh dear they're funny boys

"take that onto your pinky so it becomes a whitey and you get a cold burn!"

6:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehe, blue man group
i wanna see that picture of sam and me (send it to me discreetly), im pretty sure i was making a face
and i say heck, and hell
i alternate between being cool adn being a nerd
and simon is getting english muffin on the back of his jersey
and im getting (its been decided) "pirate'ed" on the back and "elegance" on teh front- knockie and i worked out it was the latest prefume on the block- the fresh smell of salty, sweaty pirate now in bottle form
SO ALL YOU BRANIAC 5 HATERS( not liz, she loved it as much as i did) TAKE THAT

8:31 PM  
Blogger jerky said...

Wow Rob, aren't you coming to the wonderful land of oz in like... a month and a half? Right on!
(hehe that's right, I said 'right on')

Peace out.

5:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why wouldnt you, its a classic

rob being here will be fun...lets creep him out now, save time when he does finally get here

5:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

blue man group... bad memories of them!

and comon simy you have to get english muffin!!! then we can call you muffin! :)

and kraft dinners are awesome!!! ive never had one before then... definatly topped off by awesome-nessed garlic bread!!!! mmm GB

omg i joined a new DIV 1 team (for frisbee) and they're called labrinth!!!!! ahahaha david bowie with socks down jocks.... good memories :D

8:37 PM  
Blogger Rob said...

41 more days till I get on the plane.

and by chance, I am on the same plane as a girl from my class from Vancouver to Hawaii. We booked the same flight without knowing it. So I will have some company for part of the flight which will be good.

11:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

note to self need typing lessons ..and kraft dinners arent cool..and im nto a bad influence ...tho leo does seem kinda corrupt now ...BUT WE ARE GOOD HONEST and mom u shoudl b careful ur son is having a ride on a palne WITH A GIRL

3:14 AM  

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