Sunday, February 11, 2007

2 Exchangie Days + 1 Carlo day = One hell of a weekend...

My God I had a fantastic weekend. I was really mad that I had to miss "On Stage" to go to this Rotary dinner but in my anger I forgot about the fact that all the exchangies would be there. We had a great time!!!!! My speech went excellent-ly. I also got an idea from a rebounder that went to Finland. Basically I need to make my friends so depressed about me leaving that they'll pack my bags for me.

Senni and Hilda

I know it's
blurry but
I can't do
about it...
and it's funny
'cause Moritz
tucked his
shirt in.

Host sis Jaq
Host dad Pete

Then after the dinner a bunch of us exchangies and rebounders hung out for a while. It was quite a bit of fun.

Then Saturday Lisel's BBQ part II. There were no baseball conversations this time but rather plans to go scrounging with Ed in G-wood at some point, failed card tricks, and many a games of 500.

A good pic
taken by
Nick I would
assume... or
maybe V herself

Ed and Erin

Today was our sailing day out in Newport. And guess who's boat won? That's right, the one that I happened to be on (along with Maggie and Ermo) I didn't take any pictures though because I was terrified my camera would go overboard. But atleast I got to sail. Kirk had a $70 cab ride from Wynyard, got there, didn't get to go on a sailboat and then on top of it all didn't get ice cream in a cone, but in a bowl. Poor Kirk had a tough day.

Today's quote if from "Mock the Week" which is the reason I'm becoming addicted to YouTube. Basically it's kinda "Whose Line?"-esque but British and current affairs. "Our only hope is that the enemy kills so many of us they become slightly depressed."

I was reading my old blog posts and my journal last night and I think I sounded really immature. Thus taking a page from Simon's book I am posing a question today: Have I changed since coming to Australia? Deep and philosophical... or shallow, whatever.



Blogger RF said...

i took that picture u are so denying me here ..hhaha ...that dinner looks peac out

3:27 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

Yes. You can now say atleast one word in "Australian". This is good.

My syamathies to Kirk... it sounds like a tough day...

Thanks for posting :D

Peace out.

3:43 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

Lize has definitly changed. I remember the first tow months when she was over there and this blog was tailored to us Canadians and us Canadians were the only ones who posted here. Now the entries are tailored to the Aussie and the comment setion is overrun by Aussies.

And Ed is totally being Asian in that last pic. I realize a week or two after I got back home that I didn't get any Asian squad pictures of me taken while down under.

9:56 AM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

Can I just take a moment to publically apologize to Firdy. I don't give her enough credit but I love her to death because seriously... without her I'd be hanging out with those other people, you know, the ones slightly to the left of the shelter... not the good 'uns but those other two. (How's that for catering to the Aussies?!?)

11:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

heck yeah im doing the asian pose- i also have a mouth full of food and and smiling to try and keep it in
liz, you have change- your ahi got longer, hence, you ahve become more superficial

11:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mum if u still read this thing ..u shoudl b gosh darn proud of liz ..hahah i just watched her lil dvd thing ..I LOIKE!!!!! *tear* ....veyr artsy lize!

12:17 AM  
Blogger jerky said...


I've done my bit for australia.

Peace out.

4:25 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

Canada!! Canada!! Canada!!
eh!! eh!! eh!!

I've done my bit for canada.

(Ya'll just wait, that cheer is going to become huge at Canadian sporting events)

9:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

too many sylables rob...maybe can-a-da eh! can-a-da eh!

also, since you left you have gone from pale to medium toast

8:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

rob, we are all very aware that your country NEEDS no more cheers i mean comon - BEAVER MOOSE! and Hey Canada, Hey what!?

8:43 PM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

Why are we doing our parts for our various countries? I think I missed something...
and you know those cheers rock, Ellie

2:29 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

Hey Raeanne, did you get braydon anything yet for valentines day?

And Rob, we've been through this: it's Y'ALL. But that's a pretty sweet cheer.

Peace out.

3:24 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

Happy Valentine's Day to all my special female Australia friends!!!!

9:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...classify 'special female aussie friend' special mental abilities, such as mine and my power to drool, or 'special lady friends' as in the unrespectable ladies of the night?

9:15 PM  
Blogger jerky said...

And Rob, do I not get a happy valentines day?

Not happy.

Peace out.

12:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish Australia would have made Elizabeth more shallow. Then she would do a blog entry and say, "It's all about me, ME, ME!" And then she would post lots of photos of herself - one in her new school jersey, one in her new dress (yes, Rob and Raeanne, apparently Elizabeth owns a dress now). She also might have one of herself at her card party.

Simon, thanks for the postcard. You are now the only Australian in our will. Of course, we had to bump one of own children from our will to accomodate that.

8:46 PM  
Blogger Rob said...

haha. Elizabeth got bumped from mom and dad's will. Trust me Simon, my paretns have some sweet swag that we're going to be able to split 50/50.

BTW, when is your guy's lunch break these days? I haven't talked to my sis once since I left Aussie. Should maybe call one of these days.

10:00 PM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

Waitaminute... why am I the one that got bumped from the will? Obviously I am the favourite child as I am in Australia right now. Mom and dad are missing me so bad that I'm surprised there is room for Simon in the will!
And yes I own a dress, leave me alone.

11:17 PM  
Blogger jerky said...

Haha Thanks, Mom!

Rob, this sounds like a sweet deal, but i still am short a happy valentines day message.

Lunch is about 1.30pm most days for us (except tuesday and thursday)

Peace out.

4:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey rob- since loz is being kicked from the will, does this mean our plans to do away with her whist she is here can go full steam ahead seeing as your aprents have lost material interest in her? cause then, not only can we split the money, and you lavish me with guilt presents, THE WILL CAN BE SPLIT- your half of course, i'll get simons by making him get drunk one night and sign a contract that he thinks will allow him to marry leo when in reality it is signing everything over to me
and raeanne- HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!- cause no one else was man enough to do it

4:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who said anything about which kid it was?

6:04 AM  

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