Sunday, February 04, 2007

Leo's goodbye...

So on Friday I moved to Oatlands. I have to say, I really love my new host family (not that I didn't love the others) I have 6 new siblings, only three of which live at home. Jacquie is 19, Colin is 17 and Dave is 21. It's good having people around my own age and Jaquie just got back from Denmark on her exchange so she understands what I'm doing. The public transport kinda sucks out here, but really it's only two months. And I guess I am near the Carlingford line can you say score?

Eugene's party on Saturday was fun. However I can say as a teenager that the music was a little loud. I mean, you could literally feel it in your soul (or stomach, which ever)

Then on Sunday Leo went home. Basically we got to the airport super early and hung around just saying goodbye. Once again the Carlos and the exchangies mixed. We gave Leo the best send-off. It included a conga line to Leo's gate that amused security and then we lined up on either side of the gate and screamed the loudest "Aussie, Aussie, Aussie! Oi, Oi, Oi!" that the airport's probably ever heard. And Rasmus was right, the accoustics were perfect for it. It was good way to send Leo off just because Leo was always smiling so if we'd all been falling apart it would've just felt wrong. I did cry because yes, it is true that Leo will be back and it is also true that I will be back but the chances are practically zero that we'll be back at the same time.

(Leo's goodbye party)

(Leo on the frog)

(Kirk and Stefan nevermind)

(Toblerone: bought by Simon. Eaten by the exchangies)

(Leo and I... isn't his shirt the best?)

And can I ask people to stop hitting on Braydon. It will just go to his head.

Today's quote is in honour of the amount of "Gilmore Girls" I've been watching lately: "Wow, aren't we hooked on Phonics?"

E(Liz)abeth :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what's the carlingford line?

2:10 PM  
Blogger Rob said...

It's the train line I'm guessing.

4:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah guys the carlingford line is our local train station, that although exists never has a train running on it..ive never seen a train there..ever

8:35 PM  
Blogger RF said...

the carlo line goes nowhere waste of monies!
liz i learnt today that.. carbon dioxide + ...dam no i forgot ..the equation for photsynthesis! ..haha ..well ttyl ..BYE ...oh and btw ..i am really cut ..cos i got cut outta ur other foto!

1:47 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

ha... yes raeanne, i'm laughing at you.
And yes. I don't think the carlingford line even has trains...
Mom, Dad and Rob, you guys should expect a postcard in the next while...

Peace out.

4:01 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

I miss leo :(

4:02 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

And for the record, teh carlingford is SO not my local line... I am way closer to Epping Station (northern line) that is pretty much the best. lots of trains.

Peace out.

4:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Simon, from you or from my dearest daughter?

5:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha, raeanne, you pass life! and thats saying something!!
carlingford does have trains no0bs, ive caught them before...they only go to clyde...which is a station of minimal attraction, compared to epping, which is maximum attraction, seeing as both ed and subway are there
...maximum attraction!

12:30 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

Raeanne: HAHAHAHAH haha... ha...

Mom: From me. It's Liz's 6 monthly report :)

Ed: Please don't use the word noob. ever.

11:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

passing at life does indeed open many oppurtunities for a young girl such as yourself raeanne
you will now succeed in professions such as eye candy, house bitch (excuse the temrinology), town mother and house cleaner
all occupations that will take you far in life
simon- only a no0b would tell me no tto say no0b

12:21 AM  
Blogger jerky said...


Peace out.

12:49 AM  
Blogger jerky said...


Peace out.

11:35 PM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

See I don't get why Raeanne gets to pass at life when she has done something that so does not let her pass at life... I believe I am deeply wounded... in my soul... my soul, Ed, my soul.

12:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I FAIL LIFE!! ... who wants to pass life anyway!?

6:50 PM  
Blogger jerky said...


I failed at "blog life" according to ed. But she fails at real life ("RL") and thrives in virtual life :P

Peace out.

1:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think recent events have shown that i pass rl and its just that you fail virtual life and are bitter about it
raeanne, yes, passing life means that you get to be a trophy wife, but ist the narrow minded people, like simon, that look down on that term and so we have to find ways to spice it up, like calling the weather man a professor of climatisation patterns---both sound boring, but the latter sounds impressively boring!
and simon- dont deny the no0b- you know you only hate me using it cause you didnt think of it first
proven by you using it today

3:39 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

I used the word "noob" only in an attempt to show you how devastatingly lame and pathetic it is, hoping you would be intelligent enough to realise this. Apparently you are not so intelligent.

And since when do you pass RL? You can't just say that you do when you don't. That's not even close to cool.

Peace out.

PS Liz, i think you should post again....please?

4:53 PM  

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