Friday, February 16, 2007

Happy Birthday Sode!!!...

I would first like to just say that I'm very glad I am still in the will. But that also might be more motivation for Rob and Ed to knock me off.

This week was the longest week in the history of weeks, between English-both Extension and otherwise- and... actually English was the only reason this week wasn't so awesome on the school front. But atleast it ended on a high note with extreme hyperness in drama yesterday. Ms. Mullen was a little bit scared of us.

Ellie and I discovered that we can actually be friends due to our mutual hate of Simon (it was mutual love but then he stuffed it up)

I got word from Candace. She is coming on May 5th. That means I'll finally get to go to Luna Park and Targona Zoo!!!!

We got our jerseys! Yay for wearing down the head teachers to stop caring if we actually wear them!

The real purpose of this post is the say Happy Birthday to Sode (today in Australia, tomorrow in Canadia)
So I found this picture of us from Grad. We've both changed some. Sarah's hair is no longer reddish, blackish, etc (well actually it might be again, but at Christmas it was blond-ish) and my hair has apparently grown quite a bit (well y'know, that plus the tattoos and various facial piercings) But this picture is just to honour our awesome-ness and Sarah's EXTREME awesome-ness because she is now officially legal to do anything in Saskatchewan.

So today there are several quotes all of which Sarah should understand:
"Diggering... crap, diggering... dammit- digging!"
"Man, those were funny." "Yeah, but there weren't any-" "What?" "Paintbrushes."
"Yeah, but you and I don't make-out on a regular basis." "Well we would if you weren't such a prude."

I'll leave it up to people to decide which sides of the conversation were me and which were Sode.
Cards night tonight :D

E(Liz)abeth :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy birthday from us too, Sarah. When Elizabeth comes home, don't lead her astray in bars and such. She still won't be old enough!

11:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol, thanks liz...I look forward to talking to you tonight...also...I can't rent a car yet *Cries*

1:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i know we have our differences, namely the war between australia and canaidia, but still, there is room for love, especially on ones birthday
so, i wish you the ability to steal cars so you dont have to rent- cause i mean, who wants to pay for cars?!??
that and timtams
may all of canaidia have timtams

4:29 PM  
Blogger jerky said...

Happy birthday Sode!! I saw your lovely video of weyburn etc. last night. Very nice.

Hey Canada! How's things, aye?

Peace out.

5:29 PM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

Simon Anthony, I surely hope you mean "Eh?" and not "aye"

6:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy birthday!!!

lize and i also have 3 other things in common!! so now we are allowed to be friends:

our mutual love (now hate) of simon
- OPORTO!(sorry rob me n liz had cravings n went on an oporto run!)
- mousse!
- and a similar taste in music (excluding my current emo-ness)

so yeah everyone who told us we shouldnt be friends.... WE DO HAVE SOMETHING IN COMMON!!!

- brenda and bob..... since when has underageness stopped people entering bars??? thats what fakeys or sweet talking bouncers is for :) (note to aussies who think im a slut - I HAVE NOT, sweet talked a bouncer.....)

8:26 PM  
Blogger jerky said...

Ok, liz...maybe i meant 'Eh'

Also, Ellie, it was you and liz that decided you shouldn't be friends, not anyone else! :p

All we have in common is mutual love of liz... that's it... is that enough?

P.S. Why is it now hatred for simon?

Peace out.

9:34 PM  
Blogger E-liza-beth said...

Man, with Rob at camp and my parents going to Minneapolis and my apparent abandonded-ness who will spam my blog so I feel good about my comment total?
And you very well know why it's hatred Simon

9:28 PM  
Blogger Rob said...

You guys went to OPorto without me !?!?! I told you that if you ever had an OPorto craving just give me a call and I would be on the next flight to Australia and I would go with you guys!!! You have no idea how hurt I am right now.

At camp right now. Nearly hacked off my hand with a chainsaw (cut some nasty cuts on my fingers) and spent one night puking my guts out. But other than that, good times.

12:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

- rob im so proud of you puking your guts! lopl

and me n lize are planning on having oporto cravings after week 6... (so thursday two weeks from now!) SO HEADS UP AND BOOK YOUR FLIGHT!

2:47 AM  
Blogger jerky said...

mm... oporto... the only bad thing about oporto is the moose.... so gross...

Peace out.

3:56 AM  

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