Wednesday, May 30, 2007


We'll get to the exciting stuff in a minute but first off...
This was taken before the Wallabies game. Do you know why I can post this on the internet? Because the woman holding up the rum and coke next to my Carlton is my host mom :P

And so to the Bridge Climb. This was just about the best birthday present ever. Score one for Rotary Club of Carlingford. Yesterday was just about perfect. Simon, Ylva, Hilda, Julie, Senni, Doriane, Theresa, and I along with four randoms did the night climb. We sang various songs (including the first two verses of the national anthem) at the top, renamed "Goat Island", and were creeped out by our guide's odd laugh and tendency to pause for too long. A ferry ride home just made it one of my favourite days just ever (like Australia and otherwise)

Sexy climbing suits that "flatter all body types"... oh way to sell it guys.
Far-off wonderment (Official bridge picture)
Just general happiness (also official bridge picture)

And now since Nick has complained that there are no pictures of him...

Today was most definitely not my favourite day with a difficult teacher and my water bottle leaking, ruining five decks of cards. But still... I climbed the bridge :D

Quote: "Just look for a Norwegian with a vague look on her face."

Six weeks and five days...

E(Liz)abeth :)

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Battle Therapy and V's B-day...


Sorry, one must be dramatic, musn't one? Anywho, busy, busy week (how many commas were in that sentence?) I missed a day or two of school thanks to a wicked bad cold/flu (it wasn't my idea, my host mom really wouldn't let me out) Luckily one of those days was a career expo so I didn't actually miss anything.

Wednesday night was Julz' movie premier at Fox Studios. It was actually a very cool affair. We screamed when we say Julz' name on the movie poster and in the credits and got to see Julz plus Hannah, Jess, and G all on screen. Nick and Erin were there as well, I just didn't spot them.

These pictures are all from before the movie when we were standing beside the red carpet.
The Ellies and me. Think back to a picture from my birthday party where Ed is laughing. We did the same thing in this picture to get her to laugh as we did in the other picture.
Ben looking very suave.
The person we were all there for.
Simon looking very Hollywood indeed... especially since we were inside.

And onto V's birthday party which happened Saturday night. Good times had by all including posing, chocolate fights, and crazy balloon games.
V, Smitty, Lisel, Sam, and Firty being divas/entourages/birthday girls
T and Erin looking really attractive eating cake.
me, Sam, and Firthy
Nasha, me, and Selva
Julz... we will not mention what she was doing.

So this week should be equally busy to last week as far as I can figure. Today is a dinner. Wednesday is an Entertainment thing (that is bound to be better than the last one we did... crappy SRC organizational skills), Friday is Jess's birthday party, and Saturday is a Wallabies game. My host family is actually having to book time with me I have so much stuff going on. Next Tuesday is Bridge Climb!!

Today's quote ('cause I've been reading "Looking for Alibrandi"): 'Nonna says it was me that brought the curse to the family. That was at the same time I found out Jesus died for my sins so I was feeling pretty guilty that year.'
E(Liz)abeth :)

Monday, May 14, 2007

Yay for computer not hating me so much....

So I finally got some pictures up. Candace has been taking most of the pictures so I might transfer her pictures onto this computer and do a massive picture post after she leaves... or I might not, you just can't tell with me. Candace left for Melbourne this morning and we're hoping she's actually found out where she should be going now. She doesn't have a mobile which is a big problem now.For the Canadians (mainly mom) length of my hair.
You guys never saw my second host family. This is Alicia (host sister) and Wan (host mom) Alicia is going on exchange in January.
Candace and I on the ferry last night. Candace was like "Hey, night time ferry would be fun!" and I was like *in total agreeance!!* IT WAS FREEZING!!!! I mean yeah, we're Canadian, but good Lord we were both so very, very cold. It was still fun, but so very, very cold (repetition gets the point across better, methinks)
First prize goes to the person who can tell me what this is a picture of.
Me and Julz today at school. 'Twas Athletic Carnival so practically no one was there. And by the way, Aussie Uno sucks. Canadian Uno is so much easier and makes so much more sense.

Tomorrow is Julz's movie premier. Thursday is dinner at Kareena's. Saturday is V's b-day party. Sunday is dinner at counsellor's friend's house (who is a theatre director). And on top of it all I'm getting a cold, though I started taking drugs at the first signs, so hopefully I cut it off at it's metaphorical knees.

Quote: The funniest reaction I've ever heard to a boomerang "Uh... your frisbee's broken..."

E(Liz)abeth :)

Friday, May 11, 2007

So much for relaxing...

My pictures hate me. And thus this shall be concise.

Candace went off to Moss Vale on Friday (not Marsfield, you can't get there by train after all) She's back Monday night to spend the night and then the Thursday after. We surely had a good time, especially Wednesday night at the Ranch.

I am so beyond tired at the moment. Last night I had planned on just kicking back, reading some US Weekly, maybe watching Calender Girls on channel 7, but then I got a phone call. I ended up at North Ryde RSL watching Epi's concert and then proceeded to get suckered into going out. I got exactly two hours of sleep before I had to get from Mosman to Hornsby for the Outbound interviews. Trust me, it was not a good thing to have to do. Now I'm going to pass out in front of "Corner Gas"

Quotes- 2 today, 2 of the cutest things I've heard in the past week:
"She turns my life lemons into lemonade."- Rove
"I'll be your plus one."- Nick

E(Liz)abeth :)

Monday, May 07, 2007


Um yeah, not much to explain because I did that all recently, but here are the pictures of day in the city. I don't have many pictures from Parramatta yesterday. However trust me when I say it was a good day. Candace and I totally found sales.
Harbour Bridge shot
Up the Harbour Bridge Pylon
Luna Park face
Candace's cankles
I like this picture. It was after "Cabaret" walking through the RSL
My fellow work experience chicks. Asquith girls; Em, Kat, and Kareena
Candace and me at the airport
Simon and Candace on the train back to Epping
The theatre goers
Candace and me in front of the Opera House
Tonight is Rotary and Vadim's farewell. Tomorrow is the city again and apparently Candace will come to school with me on Thursday again.
Hmmm, quote... something about licking your elbow.

Sunday, May 06, 2007


OK, so I'm trying to post pictures but it keeps not letting me. So I'll keep on working on that but until then you guys get verbal recounts.

Saturday Simon and I went to get Candace from the airport. We taught her how to queue properly and the wonders of city trains. Then I ditched her (because basically I'm a crap friend) and went to my last two "Cabaret" performances. Whilst I was in Hornsby Candace met my host brother. I haven't even met him yet!! Then Simon picked her up and they both (plus Sam and Wei... that's awkwardly phrased) came to the final performance of "Cabaret". It was the best one that was done, both performance and tech wise, so it was a good one to see.

Yesterday Candace and I went into the city. We caught a ferry from Neutral Bay to Circular Quay, walked around the Opera House, went to the Rocks markets, climbed one of the pylons on the Harbour bridge, walked across the Harbour Bridge, and went to Luna Park and rode the Ferris Wheel. Luna Park, not bad, but not there's not really a whole lot there.

Today we are going to Parramatta to go shopping and go to Max Brenner. Tomorrow Candace is coming to school. Wednesday we are going to The Ranch.

Quote today is my favourite one that no one laughs at in "Cabaret": "My right leg brothers me."

E(Liz)abeth :)

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Pre-Candace Post...

Well it's an appropriate title, since there was a nearly identical one when Rob was coming, but the week leading up to Rob's visit was very lax. My week leading up to Candace's visit is kind of wicked busy, as is the week when she's here.

Sunday Sam and I went to a play. God, I love Irish accents.

Yesterday Kirk came to school. I know Firthy really loved him being there. OPORTO!!! (That requires a sudden outburst) And also Go Fish, plus stories that Simon and Ed didn't understand... can I help it? Exchangies know too much.

This morning I was in a bad mood mainly because I'm not going to get to see Vadim again. Maybe ever. He goes home Wednesday but I have to be in Hornsby on the day of his good-bye dinner, so yeah, no seeing Vadim again. But by the afternoon I was slightly really hyper again, so that's good. Still sad about Vadim, but a slightly less depressed Liz is more pleasant for the Carlo people, I'm sure.

I get to be the follow spot operator for "Cabaret" at Hornsby RSL. Basically I haven't screwed up yet and I haven't even been robbed/bashed/mugged (the perfect combo of the former two) on the way home from the station at 1230 am. Shows are Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

Quote: "Well Jesus slash Christ..." (Oh, "Milo's Wake"... the line is funnier if you put it in an Irish accent)

E(Liz)abeth :)