Monday, July 31, 2006

Just random stuff....

Hey guys! Bascially completed an entire week on exchange and haven't wanted to come home yet. It's not that I don't miss everyone but more I'm feeling pretty comfortable here. Legal studies is a nightmare but ancient history is awesome and drama was a lot of fun today (think begging a queen to not be killed, yeah all improv, something JT would appreciate)
Anyways this weekend I'm going to (big build up) RENT!!!! That's right. My life long dream has come true! (OK that's an exageration but my dream of at least 4 months) My amazing host mom is taking me.
Anyways more later
PS I can't believe no one has commented on the uniform yet...

Friday, July 28, 2006

Yay I got some pictures up!

this is my gelato from the circular quay (that's right, it warranted its own picture and spot on my blog)

this is me in front of the opera house, i am in this shot to prove i'm actually there. and no i was not super imposed or anything.

this is my school uniform. the sweater isn't bad but the blouse underneath isn't so great. but remember on Thursdays I get to wear civies.

this is the aboriginal on the circular quay who was wearing a Canada hockey shirt. I though it also warranted a picture.

those are the pictures for right now. I'll probably have more enxt weekend.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

School and such....

Hey everybody
I'm trying to upload pictures of the Sydney Opera house and my school uniform but this computer isn't cooperating very much so I shall still work on it.
school is great. my teacher didn't show up for legal studies today and i get to wear civies on thursdays because apparently it's not worth it for me to buy a school uniform for sports days. So normal clothes for me on Thursdays!
i'm with a really good group of people right now, though i'm still trodding through names. The list right now: 2 rebeccas, 2 ellies, simon , ben, brayden, ellen, mel(issa), erin, nick, leisel, mat, veronica, anthony, julia, lochland and leo and that's as far as i am right now.
The sydeny opera house is beautiful and there's a good gelato stand near it (just in case anyone is coming over)
I'm going to be taking a bus and a train to school eventually.
I'll keep working on the pictures

Monday, July 24, 2006

I'm here......

Hey everybody. I made it in one piece. By the way customs and quarrentine are hard to pass in Australia. I was in the Sydney airport for about 2 hours. And at 630 in the morning the last this you want to do is be stuck in another airport.
I have now officially been to BC and Hawaii and of course Sydney. My host mom is amazingly nice and she has a really cute dog. I have my school uniform (australians are crazy, by the way) and I may be starting school tomorrow if not Wednesday. That's about it for now because i'm very jet lagged, some pictures of me in my uniform to follow (maybe)


Friday, July 21, 2006

A Piece of advice...

Before going overseas I don't recommend falling off of a bathtub and rolling an ankle... just trust me on this one.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Before getting there...

Hey everyone,
So I'm not there yet. I may be once you read this because I'm not sure when I'm sending the address out, however, that seems unimportant. I really am scared about leaving Weyburn. I know that all the teenagers talk about leaving Weyburn, getting out and never turning back, but I think I may have taken that a little too literally. Being scared doesn't stop me from being excited though. It's weird, how can I be so excited to walk through security at the airport but dread the ramp up to the plane. I'm a paradox, I know it but. But to everyone I know right now (and therefore are reading this blog) I love you guys. You've made my life great and I'll miss you guys so much you can't even imagine, not even I can imagine it right now. And remember, no matter how anti-social you guys become because of studying e-mailing takes 2 minutes tops so there's no excuse to not e-mail me. Trust me, I'll need you guys, especially in the first month.
Love you all
See you in person in a year...
but talk to you much sooner

Love, E(Liz)abeth (see mom, my entire name is there)