Sunday, December 31, 2006

New Year's Eve...

It was so amazing!!! I know that the fireworks will end up being one of my highlights of the year.

Ellie, Ed, Firthy, Anthony, Rob, and I got to Blue's Point at around 1030 in the morning. Blue's Point has a really amazing view of the harbour bridge. We got an excellent spot (because we were there so early you see) and then just played cards, listened to music, had two picnics, and wandered around until the fireworks. There were some at 9pm and then the ones at midnight. It was so awesome because we could see the ones at Darling Harbour, and then there were some off the buildings in the city, then there were three going off at various points in the harbour and then there was the harbour bridge itself. It was a really, really good day.

I didn't get home until 3 am between leaving the park, finding a train station, finding out that train station was closed, going to another train station, switching trains at Strathfield, then Ellie driving me home. So I got to sleep at around 330. But then I had two very badly timed phone calls at 615 and 845 so basically I have no sleep in me which equals a very unhappy me.

Rob goes home tomorrow.

I think I can start posting pictures on Friday/Saturday when I move to Baulkham Hills.

I have no quote today because I don't have the energy to find one.

E(Liz)abeth :)

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

The Gath...

So it was my five month anniversary on Christmas Eve. I celebrated by ticking another Aussie state off my list: Victoria. (Now to put this into numbers I've been to 4 countries [beating Rob], 45 American States [one less than Rob], 6 Canadian provinces [tied with Rob], and 3 Aussie states/territories [beating Rob] so obviously I am coming out ahead)

Anywho, Rob and I went down to Leongatha to visit Sarah for a couple of days (you Canadadians remember Sarah, don't you?) I was promised a nice, toasty Aussie Christmas. Instead it was 14 degrees and raining. I don't know why Aussies are whinging about water shortage. It was pissing down rain all day yesterday. I lived in my Carlo trackies and grad bunnyhug for three days as those were the only warm clothes I'd brought along.

We went to the pub on Christmas Eve but didn't stay very long. Christmas day we were invaded with Sarah's relatives who were all very nice. We had BBQed Christmas turkey and pavlova. The train ride back was twelve hours of uninteresting-ness. All of the aussie bush looks kinda the same. However, both Rob and I did get a couple of giggles out of "Wagga Wagga" (pronounced "Wogga Wogga" but you can just say "Wogga" and everyone will know what you mean... according to my slang book)

Now I'm back home and looking forward to sleeping. Beach on Thursday and Ellie has plans for the fireworks so YAY!!!!

Today's quote is from Sarah's brother because we had an awesome time making fun of Sarah and Jeff Moser "Jeff Moser? I thought he was delightful!" (Guess you had to be there...)

Elizabeth :)

Friday, December 22, 2006

The city and all...

Well with Rob here I can post more often, but still no pictures. However, after this post I won't post any more until this whole doppelganger thing is explained to me. I wanna know who, what, when, where, and how. A picture of this doppelganger would also be appreciated.

Anywho, Rob, Ellie, and I went into the city yesterday. We had such a good day! We got a picture with the "free hugs" guy, went up the Centre Point Tower, embarassed Rob with the "Baby Shark" song, ran through the train making the carriage numbers equal ten, and wore our antlers with pride. Rob and I are going into the city again tomorrow to go to The Rocks markets. Then tomorrow night we're off to Melbourne.

Tonight was the Rotary Christmas party. We had an excellent time creating a castle out of Christmas crackers and playing ten pin bowling with crayons and marbles. Our table was very creative! And my awesome, amazing, wonderful Rotary club got me an honest to God Aussie hat for Christmas (Driza-bone hat, Canadadians, think Crocodile Hunter without the croc teeth) Then we went to Leo's party, but I must teach my friends to be cooler. I got there at 1020 pm (because of the Rotary party, see) and nearly everyone had gone home. Come on people, let's work on that. But I still had a very excellent time!

Today's quote is from "Corner Gas" again: "Somebody stole my foot bag." "It's called a sock, you moron."

Shall post after Melbourne (unless the doppelganger thing hasn't been resolved)
E(Liz)abeth :)

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Rob's here...

Before anyone gets on my case about pictures... I just tried to install my picture program onto this computer. It won't work. Apparently I "don't have sufficient priviledges" and we can't figure it out. So it is entirely possible that there will be no pictures until I move to my next host family which happens January 5th.

Anywho, yes Rob is here. Joy took me to the airport to pick him up on Monday. He's already been corrupted by my dear ol' friends (mainly Ed and Simon) The events leading to him being corrupted involve an incident in front of the ATM and him buying *a few* chocolate bars. Plus I left him alone with Sam and Simon for an hour on Tuesday. God knows what happened to him then.

I've already forced him to watch "The Island", "Thank God You're Here", and "Spicks and Specks" Yesterday we sang some Sing Star in Earth Enviro, and went out to Olympic Park where I walked several kilometers in thongs (not a good idea) Tonight we did Christmas shopping and saw "Casino Royale" at Macquarie Centre. Tomorrow I'm sleeping in (because I'm on summer hols now, you see) and then I'm taking Rob into the city.

And he even got his chicken burger from Ed (granted it was drawn on a piece of paper... but he did get a bite of Simon's which Ed did steal from him [Simon], so that has to mean something)

Today's quote comes from an assembly video because Rob brought me "Assembapalooza" and I watched it all last night for the first time in months. I really love this video "Are you freakin' kidding me? The guy's wearing purple mitts!" Steve Schuck, you're my hero!

Elizabeth :)

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Pre-Rob weekend...

Just having a relaxing weekend before my dear ol' brother gets to Australia. I battled a really, really bad case of homesickness last week, but I'm feeling heaps better now thanks to Ed, Rae, and Maddie (so thanks guys!!!) And mom, yes I didn't tell you, but you only would've worried and now I'm over it so you aren't allowed to mention it. So yes, this weekend is just catching up on sleep, finishing up "Chapel Perilous" for drama, creating some Christmas cards, and reading. I went for a walk this morning and tomorrow I'll probably watch "A Very Specky Christmas". I was going to try to get to "Carols in the Domain" in the city last night but I had no way of getting there. My, what a life I lead!

Rob gets here on Monday. I have some definite plans and then I have some abstract ideas about what should happen whilst he's here. I know Joy's picking me up at 630 in the morning on Monday to take me to the airport to get him. We'll just work from there.

However, thank God for it almost being summer hols. I really, really, really need the break. There have been too many assessment tasks recently. Not to mention now I'm starting my application for U of S so that's just another thing to worry about. I do apparently have a job for next year though, so that is a big deal since Australia is taking all of my money.

And now for two boomerang inspired cartoons: The first is Cyanide and Happiness and the second one is White Ninja (who I think we figured is Canadian)

Today's quote comes from "The Sound of Music" via our Earth Enviro class "What is it you can't face?"... I hate that I was the only one to immediately get that.

Well, off to finish my exciting weekend.

E(Liz)abeth :)

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Third Pictures...

I have been seriously hurt at the lack of comments recently. Maybe my blog has become redunant and boring. Maybe the Aussies and the Canadians alike have stopped loving me. Yet I still must plough (plow?) on for mama's sake. Here are the last of the pictures I promised. These are from Naamaroo which happened two weeks ago.

Myself and Rasmus doing the nutbush with heaps of the outbounds.

The outbounds with their pretty green blazers.

Rasmus (or MC Razz-ma-tazz) trying to look gansta in Maggie's bunnyhug and my Carlo pants.

Team GermCan: clockwise starting with me, Moritz, Rebekka, Niklas, Kirk, and Julie. We do make one hell of an attractive team.

Kirk and I with Jodie who is outbound to the Rotary Club of Winnipeg (that's uncle Cam's club!!!)

And just the quick typed update to appease the readers. I had a very good weekend. I saw "Borat" on Friday again. It is still hilarious. Then on Saturday Maggie had about fifteen of us out to her house in Berowra for a sleepover. We just hung out, ate some puppy chow, watched "Finding Nemo" and "Castaway" (which had a very unsatisfying ending), and didn't get nearly enough sleep. I'd say one of the highlights would've been at 330 in the morning when leo and maggie started jumping on everyone and I kicked Leo in the neck (by accident of course...)
Rob gets here in one week. I guess that's kind of exciting.

*NOTE: Nick's quote has been removed because I thought it was his, but it is in fact, from Anchorman*
Hence new quote from White Ninja "Excuse me, stealth is always in fashion."

ok ok ok, I'll reput this up "I'm in a glass cage of emotion" 'cause it's still funny, and now it's even correct. (I may have caved too easily on this one)


Sunday, December 03, 2006

Second pictures...

So I was planning on posting more pictures tomorrow but then I realized that I will be getting to school at about quarter past 7 tomorrow morning and won't be getting home until round 'bout 1030 at night, so I better do this now.

These are pictures from the Earth and Enviro (and geography) excursion.

The international contingent of the class, Leo and I.

Our Earth and Enviro class. We are all very close and the funny thing about that is that we had just climbed the mountain and we are all quite sweaty and gross.

The bowling team. Good times. Again very international. First with myself and Leo. Then Nick is wearing Leo's brazil jersey and S'toon's wearing a shirt that endorses Jamaica.

Mr. Nesbitt and myself. Nesbitt is an English teacher (my extension English teacher) The reason he was on this trip? Because he's a man (no, that seriously was the only reason)

Me, Firthy, Mel, and Smitty.

And for the quick update, Dance and Drama night is tomorrow. Unfortunately I have a cold. I will still be performing, but I picked a real crap time to get sick. Therfore my advice is don't get caught in a hail/rain storm. It isn't good for your health. And I got my report back. Apparently I'm capable. However Ben brings up a good point, capable of what?

Quote from Corner Gas "How did you afford this? I thought we had to cut back on spending." "I saved money by buying bullet resistent vests."

Final pictures Friday/Saturday ish.