Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Rotary Club of Carlingford/SRC Dinner...

This will be my first post from my last host family and my last post before I leave for safari on Saturday. Safari's gonna be wicked, but it's also going to be a long time before I see any Carlo people again.

My fourth host family (minus Jaq, she'd already gone to work)

And now pictures from the Rotary Club of Carlingford/Carlingford High School masquarade dinner.

First one is of me and my principal, Mr. Clarke. Second is me and T. Third is my Rotary club all dressed up in our spiffy masks.

Yesterday was a busy day indeed. First was my Entertainment exam (that had far too much year 11 material on it) then I was at the school until 420 taking down the exam tables, walked home, was back at the school by 600 for the dinner and home at 10ish. I thought my powerpoint was heaps long, but I ended up talking for about 3 minutes longer than my powerpoint lasted. Though I have to admit, it was a pretty wicked powerpoint. T and I were looking at the last slide which was a group picture from my b-day party. We both agreed that that seems like it happened so long ago. Weird.

Today's quote comes from Frank Woodley of Lano and Woodley "You know, I reckon mandarins lose their peel too easily. I find it difficult to respect them."

Well, I'm off to the outback. I'll try updating if I can find an internet connection somewhere out there. But I wouldn't hold my breath.

'Cause then I'd die...

E(Liz)abeth :)

Friday, March 23, 2007

Kangaroos and Trivia...


This is my last post from Oatlands. Tomorrow morning I'm moving to my *last* host family in Epping. I'm excited because I won't be in the middle of nowhere anymore but let's face it, the Marriott's are extremely generous and cool and I'm really going to miss them. For a going away gift they even got me the DVDs of "Chaser's War on Everything"!!! But before I leave I decided to post some pictures because they have an excellent internet connection and posting pictures will never again be as easy as it is here in Oatland.

First some pictures from Sussex Inlet.

Spot the

Trivia Night Pictures!

Our team :)
It was so much fun. We were the youngest team there by decades and we made the team behind us really hate us because we were (in my opinion) just enjoying ourselves. They may have been taking it a little too seriously, but then again we were being quite loud. We really sucked at the trivia. However thanks to our wicked awesome Easter bonnet and skills at world flags and jumbled capital cities we actually finished quite close to the top of the heap. Nick came ever so close to winning Head and Tails, but stuffed up in the last round. And I'm still mad at Simon for buying ten tickets off Stephan and only three off me. Where's the sense of Carlo loyalty?
Today's quote isn't so much a quote as two fun facts: Julia Tan is the New Zealander responsible for global warming and Samantha Bates is the golf champion that died in 2002.
Better go finish packing :(
E(Liz)abeth :)

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Filler post...

Two more pics to add on. One from the Rotary dinner ages ago and one of me and Ellie for Muck up photo.

Ok this is just a filler post because I'm not uploading the few pictures I took down the South Coast until Saturday. But if I don't post until Saturday mom might have a minor heart attack, or else will just keep bugging me to post so I have created the perfect solution... a filler post!!! I'm pretty excited about it.

As you read we (Deb, Jaq, and I) went down the South Coast this past weekend to Sussex Inlet. It was cold and rainy so we didn't get to go to the beach, but we still had a pretty awesome time. I even saw wild kangaroos.

This Friday is Trivia Night, so that's pretty wicked.

Tomorrow's school pictures. Atleast I don't have to worry what I'm going to wear (though should it be jersey or no jersey? OK, maybe I do have a dilly of a pickle)

Now some random photos. These were from the day Simon, Ellie, and I went to the Aquarium during summer hols.

And now to give the Aussies a glimpse into my Canadadian life.... I asked mom to send me pictures of my room to make sure she hasn't done anything funky to it. She hasn't, though there was fabric on the floor which confirms my belief that she can't wait for me to truly move out so she can have ANOTHER sewing room.

Well now, wasn't that magical? I'll post new pictures on Saturday... but maybe not until Sunday because I move to my LAST *gulp* host family on Sunday (Yay for Epping!!!) so I might not bother uploading those last ones to this computer, but I know the internet connection at the Marriott's is heaps better than it will be at the Morgan's.

Today's quote is from "The Castle" which I watched again this weekend: "First one, then two, then eight. Who knows when they'll stop!?!?! Mum reckons eleven." It's totally my favourite line.

Elizabeth :)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Happy Birthday mom!...

Hey all you Aussies, mom's birthday is today (well, yesterday in Australia, but today in Canadia) so we should all play a game of Scarbble, quilt something, and then go to Red Lobster or Club Cafe. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!!!

Also happy birthday Rae (March 12th... I really hope) Remember no one likes to be on alcohol watch so take it easy.

And can I just say that I understood nearly everything in Ed's play. Aerial Pingpong and middy threw me for a loop. I still don't know what a slough is, unless it's something like a coolee, in which case I do but didn't realize it was spelt like that. Anywho, I reckon that play could get to the Opera House.

Oh and I'm wicked happy 'cause Ellie and I figured out something to do for muck up photo!

Four parting notes:

Dopey and the penguin... he he!

"Why did the chicken cross the road?" "Why?" "Because he can." (Cartoon needed to understand but not supplied)

"It's a fact, Rae's a quack" (Oh year 8 Croak-eoke)

And mom's greatest joke ever "Santa was coming until he saw the cost of food." (I guarantee Rob is cacking himself so hard right now)

South Coast this weekend :D

Elizabeth :)

Sunday, March 11, 2007

District Conference- Mudgee 2007

Yay for Mudgee!!!! Basically Mudgee seemed like the most hick place in the history of mankind ever (keep in mind how my sense of hick has been skewed now that I'm a city girl... Mudgee is equal in size to Weyburn) This was the best exchange weekend so far.

First explanations, then pictures, 'cause I'm too lazy to make the pictures go in order.

Friday day I got to Mudgee. We just had practice for the dinner and then there was the actual dinner. It was a full blazer affair and I, Elizabeth King, wore high heels (because I've been judged on my wearing of thongs) So thanks Sam for the heels! They only killed my feet a little bit. We had a lamb BBQ and watch the Brazil GSE team presentation. For our presentation Ylva and Hilda danced and then we did the Gum Tree Song. Then there was a mini-bush dance that wasn't as good as our Umina one, but not bad. After the dinner we went back to the hotel. The exchangies were scattered. I had Julie and Doriane in my room and Kirk was also in our hotel. So we all hung out in our room until about 330.

Then Saturday morning I was on panel for general discussion. It was hypothetical situation and we had to figure out if we would bribe the officials so we could get tents waterproofed with religious pig fat to the islanders hurt by the cyclone (yeah!!!) Then in the afternoon they took us exchangies an hour out of Mudgee and we went canoeing. Rebekka and I went in the opposite direction of everyone else and eventually Johnny and Niklas floated our way too. We connected out canoes and just relaxed. Good thing we were on our side of the river 'cause up the other end Kirk, Rasa, and Stephan were tipping everyone's canoes. That would've particularly sucked for me as I had my camera in my pocket. But we didn't get tipped, just a bit of sunburn.

Saturday night was the big banquet. It was Internationally themed so each club had to pick a country. Carlingford was Ghana because one of our members is from there and has heaps of traditional costumes. Senni's club won best costumes, and rightfully so. Another good night of entertainment by some group called Pot-Pourri and another dance. Can I just say the best kind of Rotarian is a moderately drunk Rotarian? The bus ride back was wicked amusing. Then Saturday night we had Julie, Doriane, Kirk, Jade, Stephan, and I hanging out in our room until 230.

This morning was just some speakers. Kirk, Doriane and I walked into Mudgee (instead of listening to one speaker) and bought Mudgee badges. Then home time.


club as

Senni's club
went as
Antarctica! :)


Ermo was

we were

Our club

Julie, me,
and Karina




So basically my favourite memories are Moritz giving Kirk a "wet wedgie", Jade jumping onto me, then Stephan jumping onto Jade, then basically my ankle breaking, chocolate muffins, making friends with the Macca's chick, "Ole, ole, ole ,ole", the slippery floor, "We like the party", and hitchhiking into town (Rotarians are good people)

Quote of the day is from Julie. Keep in mind we were talking about "Seinfeld": 'I like ice tea.' *blank stares*

Next exchangie thing is the safari :D :D :D

E(Liz)abeth :)

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Mardi Gras (not New Orlens Style)...

February, March, and April are very exchangie months indeed. This past weekend we got together in Hornsby to go over safari stuff and practice for district conference which is this weekend. We got our safari bags and our itinerary. Pretty exciting stuff.

Me and

Me and Jade

And introducing exchange students in a nutshell...




If you know these exchangies, you know why it's them in a nutshell... just joking with Maggie though, she's one awesome American.

hands (he he)

and Barry

Now we're not telling Rotarians this, but I went to Mardi Gras on the weekend. My pictures suck because we were inside and there was heaps of reflection on the windows, but believe you me, it was fantastic in the over-the-top way. (I wouldn't post the pics, but mom told me to, and I am obedient)

Mr. Suicide
man who we
thought would
fall, but he
let us down.

Basically it was really good.

And I think maybe Raeanne should be the one in Australia instead of me; she keeps hitting on everyone. I mean let's be honest here, I don't hit on anyone. I'm a good exchangie.

Quote of the day comes from Mardi Gras. Mom may not like it, but it was by far the cleanest thing that was said all night: "You don't deserve casual sex."

E(Liz)abeth ;)