Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I'm moving!!!...

Well it turns out that I am moving on Friday. This will be my last post from Baulkham Hills.

Two pictures from the Whitlams on Australia day.

This is from Leo's BBQ. Do you know what the sad thing is? The photographer of this picture cut Leo out. And I am slouching but only so the shorter can be seen.

Maggie, Moritz (now known as "Fritz"), and me.

And we are back at Carlo. So far there is nothing glaringly wrong with this year. Yesterday I was just dying though because the uniform isn't so great in really hot weather. But other than yesterday's heat the year is along the lines of "so far so good"

On Monday Simon, Ellie, and I went into the city. This makes two successful excursions to the city with Ellie. We went to the Aquarium and Oporto (totally worth mentioning since Simon couldn't finish his mousse) and caught a ferry back the Meadowbank. On the ferry ride back we really disturbed the peace and figured out that Ellie and I probably shouldn't be friends... but she's awesome so we'll ignore that.

And finally Leo goes home on Sunday. That sucks. There's no other way to say it. He's been the best Brazilian Carlo has ever seen. We'll be at the airport bright and early on Sunday morning to see him off. My favourite Leo memory? My second week here getting stuck in Wollstonecraft with him, Connie, and Jade (y'all remember that story) Leo called Gabba (since it was Gabba's fault we got on the wrong train) and asked in English "Can I yell at you in Portugeuse? I know more swear words." Leo, you rock!

(Please ignore Braydon)


Sunday, January 28, 2007

2 Days to School...

Well two days until we're back to the daily grind. Pushing our noses against the grindstone. Suffering at that which we call school. OK, I'm being dramatic, but what can I say? Theatre's in my blood. And apparently in celebration of going back to school I'm posting pictures! That are current! And show my face!

This is my host mom Lyn and I at their beach house on the Central Coast at Macmasters beach.
(And yes, that is the ocean behind us)

This is Ed, Erin, and me at the pancake party. I didn't do all the Canadian decorations. That was host mom.

This is Colin and Lyn's daughter's roomate's dog, Toby. He chose to sleep on my thongs whilst my feet were still in them at Umina.

Me with surfboard in tow after getting beaten up in the waves at Avoca. And this is probably the only time there will ever be a picture of me in a bathing suit posted on the internet.

Me at Homebush when Lyn and Colin took me to the Cricket.

The last few days have been AMAZING!!! "Sweeney Todd" at the Opera House was so great! The staging was so good and the singers were superb (I'm running out of synonyms) Much better than the production I saw in Regina (though I did miss Ken Spencer in this one)

Australia Day was fantastic. I got a pretty bad sunburn on the top of my head from not wearing a hat, but it's totally worth it. I was three people from the front for the Whitlams and right in front of Tim Friedman. It was a 75 minute set and just... totally a highlight of my year. And it was all free Free FREE!!!

Today was Leo's farewell BBQ which sucked because it was his farewell BBQ but rocked because it was exchangies and Carlo people. My two groups meshing as one. It was beautiful, it really was. One day I will learn to wear shoes though.

Today's quote is from a Whitlams song: "She was one in a million, so there's five more just in New South Wales." Optimistic, isn't it?


Wednesday, January 24, 2007

6 Month Mark...

Today is my six month anniversay of my arrival in this great country we call Australia. Three month anniversay was my first memories. This will be my favourite five pictures up to this date in time.

This picture Ed took herself. I love the shot of the frenge-a-pennies (that is how it is said, though surely not how it's spelled) with the harbour bridge in the background. This was from New Year's Eve.

I love how dense this shot it with just the wall of leaves and then the koalas. This was taken by me at the Koala Park in West Pennant Hills.

You've already seen this one but it is by far the best picture I've ever taken (I lightened this one a little bit since apparently it was too dark) I just love how happy they both look and (if I wanted to get all technical and smart) the levels created and how their bodies kind of mirror each other.. and yeah.

This is my favourite picture that has me in it. It's from my birthday party and it's Selva or Ellie holding the camera. I just like how happy all three of us look.

I like the angle and just the set up. Good on Nick for taking this picture whilst running up the mountain on the Earth Enviro excursion.

So yes, my favourite five pictures (and only one of which you've seen before) We now have a better computer so I'll try and do two or three more picture posts before I move to the Mariotts.

Now for a quick update: Had an excellent movie day at Ed's complete with lime green cupcakes, tomorrow I'm going to "Sweeney Todd" at the Opera House and Friday is the Whitlams for Australia day. I went surfing on the Central Coast on the weekend and then got trapped in Avoca by bush fires. School starts on Tuesday and I really don't mind getting back into the uniform. Leo goes home on the fourth and that really sucks because Leo is the only one who understands both Carlo life and exchangie life.

And can I just say that the Aussie/Canada fight has been really entertaining for me. I'm proud of Ed holding her against all the Canadians and proud of the Canadians for standing by Tim Hortons. And as a note to Raeanne I don't miss watching hockey because I never was a hockey person in the first place (that's probably why I'm in Australia, not by choice but I was actually kicked out)

And I got a package from mom this morning; CORNER GAS SEASON 3!!!! I didn't realize how amazing "Corner Gas" was until I came to Australia but now I am utterly addicted. Gotta love it.

My two lessons from last week: It actually is "texta" and not "texter" with an Aussie accent and Beecroft Station is a hell of a lot further from Baulkham Hills than I'd originally thought.

Quote of the day comes from an article out of an Aussie newspaper: "...It's not like Canada, which is an enchanted land of love, where everyone's honest and trusting and good-looking, with bitchin', pumped up pecs." Made me laugh for about 10 minutes.

Elizabeth :)

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Past half-way point :( ...

I officially have fewer days ahead of me then I do behind me in this exchange. Yesterday was my halfway point.

And I was going to post some pictures but guess what? I hate technology and technology hates me and when the pictures finally loaded last night the computer froze and then I just tried again and nothing's happening so I'm sorry, but I quit! (Atleast for a couple of days)

E(Liz)abeth :)

Saturday, January 13, 2007

New Year's Pictures (I'm almost caught up!)...

Here are pictures from New Year's Eve at Blue's Point. This means that I am almost caught up. I just need to post Central Coast ones and some from Olympic Park and then I am good! But these are the last from Rob's visit.

Ed, Firthy, Ellie, and me sitting at our spot at Blue's Point. That water is the harbour. Oh and the green does have a point, I swear!

Our view of the Harbour Bridge. See proximity to the Opera House and all that jazz.


The city. I just like all the lights on the water.

Firworks over the bridge.

Today was the BBQ in the park. Good times had by all, but my legs are so sore and I am never trying to take out Leo again as I scraped up my knees pretty bad.

I GOT INTO THE U OF S!!!!!! And not only that, I got a $1000 scholarship!!!!! Classes start September 5th. Now I just need to work out that whole living situation thing...

Today's quote is from "Happy Feet" which Sam, Firthy, and I went and saw On Wednesday: "I hear the people wanting something... ME!!!!"

Almost at my halfway point :(


Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Rotary Christmas Party plus Melbourne...

Some more pictures from Rob's visit to appease my dear mother. These are from the Rotary Christmas party and from Rob's and mine trip to Melbourne.

Me in my sweet new Driza-bone hat.

The kid's table at the party. We drew on our crowns from the crackers. Mine sported a maple leaf and said "Exchange Student" on it.

Sarah, her sister Kate, and her brother Michael after Christmas dinner in Leongatha. Apparently around five o'clock is when the food catches up to you.

Some impressive train station in Melbourne. Apparently it's quite famous.

Me, Sarah, and Rob. 'Twas a good Christmas.

I had my first Central Coast experience over the weekend. Colin and Lyn took me to their holiday house at Macmasters beach. I spent four days on the beach whilst Canadians back home froze. Sweet, sweet justice. And not only did I not get sunburned, I even gained a tan (an Elizabeth tan mind you, but a tan none the less)

Words I feel I over use: Apparently and quite.

Quote of the day (from Melbourne Comedy Gala): 'Every fight is a food fight when you're a cannibal.'

Thursday is pancake party! :)


Wednesday, January 03, 2007

In Baulkham Hills...

I have officially moved again! On Monday morning I thought I wasn't moving until Saturday but by 2 o'clock on Tuesday I was all moved into Baulkham Hills with the Booths. I will be with them until the first weekend in February (I think, however I'm pretty sure there's an exchangie day on the 3rd and I have to go to the airport for Leo on the 4th so we'll see when I actually move) This also means that my picture program has been installed and I can post pictures. For the next couple of weeks I will be posting pictures from Rob's visit as well as any new pictures from my stint in Baulko.

First picture of Rob in Australia taken at the airport. I felt like an idiot in my school uniform, but hey, atleast I kind of looked like a local.

His first Thursday Ellie and I took Rob to the city. So therefore Rob and I outside the Opera House (It was windy so my hair sucked)

Ellie and Rob outside the Opera House.

Ellie and I with the Free Hugs guy outside Sydney Centre Point Tower.

Rob and Ellie on the train wearing the antlers that Ellie forced Rob to buy all of us.

Rob went home yesterday morning. Once I got home from the airport and finished packing I called to book my ticket home. I am officially leaving Australia from Sydney Kingsford airport at 1000 am on July 15th (thus people keep that date free. It's the day before term 3 starts) I will be arriving at Regina International Airport at 435 pm on July 15th. Quite possibly the coolest thing is that I land in Vancouver at the exact same time I leave Sydney.

When I got to Baulkham Hills I already had mail waiting for me. Sarah and Candace sent me quite possibly the best Christmas gift I have ever gotten. They made me a video complete with a balloon double of myself. This video revealed (among other things) that my room is a mess (so mom, please work on that as I did not leave my room in that state) However I should atleast be glad that my bulliten boards are still intact and my room is still purple and blue. It hasn't been painted Cheltenham pink or anything like that.

I have two quotes, both from the video: '...but balloon Elizabeth is better at DDR.' and 'Balloon Elizabeth lacks your emotional depth.' There was also one that burned Simon, but I'll let him watch that for himself.

More pictures eventually,
E(Liz)abeth :)