Saturday, September 30, 2006

Footy and Firthy...


It was very depressing indeed. (By the way, the Swans are the Sydney AFL team and they lost the grand final (kinda like the Super Bowl of AFL) to the West Coast Eagles) Not for me because, come on, I just got introduced to this whole AFL thing a week ago, but trust me, there were some tears shed by people around me.
Also, a lesson learned by me observing the people around me, always learn what drinking game you are agreeing to BEFORE you agree to it.

Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY FIRTHY (tomorrow)!!!!!!!! I'll post again before the next birthdays so Firthy's lucky in that she gets her own post.

Todays quote comes from Spick and Specks "A BBC reporter called the family of Bob Marley to request a interview with the late singer 25 years after his death. The reporter has since left the BBC and is currently working on a concert to free Nelson Mandela in which all of the Beatles will be reunited and it will be played on top of the World Trade Centres." Oh Spicks and Specks :)

Heaps of love!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Lisel's BBQ...

Lisel's End of Exams BBQ!!!!! Many a good conversations involving baseball, hair removal, and canoes.

Lachlan's beautiful scribblings on my shoulder.

That would be left to right (body wise, not head wise) Ellie, Mel, and Lisel

Picture of my bloggers minus Ed, because she wasn't there :(
First would be me, the author of said blog. Then it goes Sam (Stampwise), Firthy (real name Rebecca, but haven't called her that since the first day. She was the one who showed me around and we love her forever for this), Mel (aka The Wind, not really, but it's a good story), and Simon (we love him because he's given me countless rides to the station (well like 3) and he finds Saskatoon, Saskatchewan funnier than Regina)

Me, Sam, Erin, Lisel, Tharini, Ellie, and Alyssa all looking pretty awesome if I do say so myself.

Lisel, our amazing host and BBQ-ist. Not to mention it's a really awesome hat.

And guess what my Weyburn people, I surely got a tan today. Granted my tan is other people's pasty but there are lines! How much closer to skin cancer am I?

Continue on for other pictures...

Footy/Bush Walk Photos...

First I'll give you some pictures of the Swans game. The funniest thing is that as the game goes on it gets more intense, and more alcohol is being consumed making for very entertaining situations. However I did get beer spilled on me after an unfortunate "The Wave" incident. And no it wasn't my beer....

Basically in Footy getting the ball between the two middle posts is 6 points and getting it between the furthest left two posts and the furthest right two posts is one point.

Swans colours are red and white so it was very patriotic. 62,000 people at this game. I'm pretty sure 61,950 of them were Swans fans. But they were playing Freemantle Dockers from Western Australia. A bit far for fans to come.

Me with my Swans flag that now resides on my blazer. (Please ignore the bad hair day)

Lisel, Erin, Sam, Ed and I went on a Bush Walk in Lane Cove Park. Basically we walked quite a distance and then discovered that the park wasn't really a loop.

Left to Right: Ed, Lisel, Erin, and Sam

Me and Ed on a waterfall. You should see the picture of Ed's pants after we got down from this waterfall dealy.

The quote of the day is from Rove Live. "They say Osama Bin Laden died from Typhoid. I say he died of footy fever."

That's all for now.
Love you guys heaps!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Chalking it up to exams....

It would appear I haven't posted in a while.
This post is dedicated to pictures of me, me, ME!!!! It's because I'm so vain... heh heh, I'm just kidding. In the words of Anne Shirley "How can I be vain when I know I'm homely." I'm just kidding, Sam (because I know she'll be appalled that I said that) And a curly wurly goes to the first Australian who can tell me who Anne Shirley is.

First picture is me in my awesome Rotary blazer. Did we know that every other countries blazer is a nice understated blue or black? The messy side is all my exchange student pins. The neat side is my Australian bought (and pilfered) side. Thanks Sam for the Carlo Ties (without toothpaste)

This is my first Ken Done shirt. It's a really awesome shirt, however I was wearing two tank tops under it so it looks a little funny in the picture. I do believe someone else has this same shirt in a brownish colour and red...

With no more pictures I shall turn my attention to other things. Exams... well exams sucked! There is a reason that I never took any maths finals at home. However considering I didn't study for, oh let's see, any of them I think I actually did fairly well. I big thank you to my dear mom for teaching me about Shakespeare being relevant to society today and Mr. Abel for teaching me about Canadian History so I could make up an answer worth 25 marks in modern. But now they are over and I am ecstatic! (no really...)

Turning 18 in two weeks. Is it strange that I always felt like I was so young compared to everyone in Weyburn group but I am suddenly the oldest in Carlo group by a solid couple of months? Nah... because I have the same maturity level as the rest of them... I'll leave it up to you to decide whether I'm actually mature or not.

Quote of the day comes from "Thank God You're Here" (and mom please remember that it's a direct quote so I can swear)
"I recongnize this car! It's the one that nearly hit me at the supermarket last weekend." "You were that bitch with the kid!"

Heh heh, good times


Thursday, September 14, 2006

Pictures 3 days later. How awesome am I...

This is the harbour bridge at night. The super-lit up thing in the corner is Luna Park. I know y'all are probably sick of Harbour Bridge pictures but I took this from outside the Playhouse theatre that is in Opera House where I saw the play "I am my own Wife" So really this harbour bridge picture is significant.

This is from the Carlingford Rotary Club/Macquarie Park Rotary Club sausage sizzle that was on Saturday. Far left is my host mom and next to her is my youth director Colin. The other two are from Macquarie Park Rotary. It was rainy, cold, gross, and heaps of fun (even though the rain wrecked my straight hair)

This is from the exchange student BBQ (2 BBQs in one weekend is excessive) Clockwise from top left is Leo (Brazil, and goes to Carlo high school as well), me looking very patriotic, Jade (Thailand), Lailla (Brazil), Stephan (Germany, and I really hope both of those facts are true), and Connie (Chile)

This is my awesome picture of Simon and Ed. Seriously how talented am I? They look all candid and stuff, well because they are, but seriously I am an awesome photographer, plus Ed didn't know I was taking the picture so she didn't have time to ruin it for me.

This is a picture of almost all of the exchange students (there's about 8 missing). Excellent time had by all at this BBQ. Exchange students are an insane group of people.

That's about all for now. I should be studying for Ancient but since I didn't study for English and did just fine I'm going with I am so smart that I will never need to study for anything ever again (This theory may work until 12:01 pm tomorrow when I actually read through the ancient test)
Love you all
E(Liz)abeth the Canadaussie

Monday, September 11, 2006

Happy Birthday...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!!!!!! *please note this is not the official happy birthday, that one is coming in the form of a card but I'm sure if it's there yet and i don't want to do a belated brithday thing, so yeah...*

Also I should mention that my awesome amazing wonderful brother called me today (because if I don't say it exactly like that, he will say it for me)

Pictures coming later, I will not say when because then you will only be disappointed.


Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Apparently I haven't posted in a while, though really Sunday isn't that long ago.

This is a picture of me to prove to mom that I haven't changed at all in the last month. No piercings, no tattoos, no differently dyed hair. That's all in good time...

And now a virtual tour of my route home from school.

This is the Epping Bus stop. That guy in the picture I do not know, but he sure has a spiffy hat on. This is the first stop after school (well sometimes Coles is the first stop for Curly Wurlies and Kinder, but you know, essentially the first stop)

This is the Normanhurst train station. The second stop.

There is also a park I have to walk through. However I just deleted that picture accidentally. Basically the walk to the train station is up hill both ways (though also technically down hill both ways) however I don't have to do it in 3 feet of snow.
I also have to cross Pennant Hills Road. Picture six lanes of traffic, 6 very angry drivers at any given time, and 20 seconds to dash across.

And this is my driveway. The house you see is not my house. There are two houses on the property and mine is down this steep driveway and then down a steeper sidewalk... like I said, Sydney is one giant hill.

And that is my route from school. Please read the post in reverse to see my route to school.

And one last thing. I would like to post a warning to all Aussies (that my cousin John sent me, he's seriously an awesome guy)
"Just remind any of the boys down there that might harass you, that yes I’m in the military and have contacts with Serbian rebels that have questionable morals and a willingness to hurt people for money. Heck, some of them would do it just for fun."
Heh heh, love you John

Sunday, September 03, 2006

This could depress some people...

This is a kangaroo.

This is kangaroo meat which I ate today (don't worry mine was cooked more thoroughly) It actually was not bad as long as I didn't think about the kangaroo that I pet at the Koala park two weeks ago...

Friday, September 01, 2006

I'm getting sick of thinking of titles...

And so ends another week at the fabulous Carlingford High School. Highlights this week include an impromptu water fight (and by water fight I mean me and Ed dumping our water bottles (and by ours I mean Ed had hers and I had S'toons) over each other), several games of Go Fish and *cough* Cheat, gaining a new pin for my blazer (who knew I supported war widows?) and the biggest thing WINNING A $500 SCHOLARSHIP FOR UNI!!!!!! I love Xerox! Don't what they've ever done for me before, but now I'm seriously a fan.
Oh right also found a kindred spirit in Sam because she happens to know everything about the LOTR appendecies from the Fellowship of the Ring (think "I watched him fall down three sets of stair" and "Tig") Weyburn people, seriously, we all remember that phase don't we? Tango and Candace are probably going "Right on" and I'm pretty sure Sarah just hit her head in frustration going "OMG not that stuff again"
Rob, rest easy. My year twelve jersey is saying "Canadadian" on the back and "Moose" on the front. I think you should know though that I now have a person calling me "Regina".
And one last thing for the weekend, I'm about to become a grade 12!... again. Exams start in 2 weeks and then I will officially be a grade 12er. With grade 12 comes some new classes. I got out of legal studies. I switched math for Earth and Enviro (because Math has been killing me on the inside. Ellie makes a good point when she says "You don't have to care!" but I can't make myself not care so it just seems smarter to drop) and I switched Modern History for *build-up* ENTERTAINMENT!!! That's right mom, I actually got into it. Uncle Doug would be so proud! I'll miss Modern History but since Entertainment is what I want to make a career out of it seems so smart!
That's all,